Monday, May 24, 2010

I need a funny dog name for my 8 week old female puppy.?

She will be around 15-20lbs full grown, and is a coffee brown color. I would love some ideas...
Call her Costa. Because she 'Costa lot' and she is the colour of 'Costa Coffee'
shame shes not a dalmation because you could have called her stripey!
Imagine shouting the last name at the park! Here Skidmark!
I would name her Toast
Miss Fudge
Cillit Bang...
Dog chops...
i would name her yellow
coaco ,issabella,isabell or go to google and type in dog names and it will have like 5,000 names!!
Smidge. Or Gladys, Doris, Enid...or Madge.
Snow, jalopie, anything that does not define her at
Poo poo. :)
Call her sweenie (like sweety).
Cappucinno (sp?) or how about Reeses? Or Coco...
choclate or coacoa, brownie,tiny, victoria
Coffee, brownie, or toast
muffin is that good...haha
Horlicks, Caramac or a normal girlie name, maybe Megan or Mandy.Hope she brings you lots of good fun and friendship for many years.
name her chocolate
my dog is all-black
but i named her buttercup because
i thought she just fit the name
if she was all-brown i would def
name her chocolate :D
i kinda want to call her that now,
but i've been calling her buttercup
for like 3 weeks now ;[
oh AND please feed her healthy food-
not iams, science, etc
one off of here
or eaglepack is good and not listed there but dosen't test on animals too
PLEASE don't feed her crappy food if you care about her
how about like "spot" ? if she has no spots, its funny b/c ppl will always be like... wheres her spot?
Scrappy =)
From Scooby Doo!
Lady Muck
Short for little bear. Sooo cute.
Kopi Luwak
It's a really super expensive coffee made from the collected droppings of the civet, a southeast Asian racoon-like mammal. Apparently the civet eats coffee beans and its digestive tract strips out all the more bitter tannins. When the beans pop out the other end, their supposed to make a really smooth coffee. People go around collecting the poop and selling it for megabucks. Go figure.
roxy cuz she is foxy

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