Monday, May 24, 2010

I love my dog and I am not selfish for the likes of stopthe killing!Are the animal dogooders going over thetop

They are not animal do gooders, they are common sense people who look at the reasons people want to breed as ridiculous and idiotic because most times the reasons are. These BYBs are not breeding responsibly and they certainly are not doing it for the betterment of the breed because if they were they would ONLY use dogs that have excellent temperaments and only dogs that prove they can do the job that they were created for.
I also tell people who come here looking to stud their dog and ask where or people who have females that got pregnant and come here asking questions about every aspect of pregnancy to get their pet spayed or neutered. My reasons for this is because too many AR groups are trying to push mandatory spay and neuter laws and people such as yourself are the reasons why. You breed without any thought to the puppies you create, you only look at it as extra money or that your dogs is so great he should be bred. Don't think I am saying he is not great because he is great, in your eyesight but that does not make him breed worthy.
There are many dogs in need of homes so unless you have the absolute best dog ( and not because you think it is) for breeding, that has been tested for health and genetic issues prevalent in the breed and has proved it has great temperament than you should not be breeding.
To Diane, do not apologize for being honest.
Every zealot I have ever met is over the top. Just be a responsible pet owner, and ignore the critics.
And your question is??
FYI - Trying to find out how to "stud" your dog and create more when we already have too many is HARDLY "repsonsible pet ownership"
No backyard breeders are going over the top and ruining dogs and this world for the rest of us. For each puppy your dog produces another will die in a shelter- enjoy that.
Animal dogooders are just that - do-GOODers. You would be better off to convert to a do-GOODer than a 'create more dogs with no health guarentee to stop people from adopting the great shelter dogs who need home thus having them euthanized'-er
So many people that love there dog want another one just like it and want to share their experience with others. I understand this ,I want everyone to see how wonderful my dogs are and I hope they will get just as much joy from there pet. When you look at your local shelters and rescues and the statistics of the countless dogs negllected and put down every day b/c no one can find a decent homeit is frustrating to consider how many people breed without researching the commitment they are entering. Or promote this type of breeding by buying with there eyes closed. So many of these litters end up becoming tempermental, unhealthy adults because someone didnt do there homework. It is also a HUGE misconception that you will make $$ in breeding. I personally have a dog rescued from a neglect case bought from a irresponsible person and living in diapers as a result of spina bifida. Because someone didt do there homework! I have 3 other fullbreed rescues with no health or temporment issues that ended up homeless b/c of no fault of there own. These are just 1 in a million cases. Your average person thinks no fullbreed expensive dog would end up homeless or mistreated. They are sadly wrong. I think it's something like 80% of puppies born will not live out their lives in a wonderful home. Whenever there are people trying to get a message across or do good there will be some that go over the top but it is because you have to make a harsh point, bring it home so that person thinks about and looks into what you are saying.Anyone that truly loves there dog and it's breed will hopefully end up doing some research and truly doing what is best for the future of the breed. Your answers may have been harsh and some over the top but understand that comes from a true passion and love for dogs.
You may not like the answer you got from "stopthekilling", but he was honest with you. If you can't handle honesty about yourself and your actions, then you have no business bringing helpless lives into the world. Just the way it is. Live with it and move on.
I really do hope you will take a moment to read this. I'm not asking you even to agree, but I am asking that you do just think for a few moments about what I am going to say. Thank you in advance for your time.
I'm so sorry if sometimes I go a little over the top about the animals that I love dearly being killed in their thousands because of irresponsible breeding and irresponsible owners. I feel that seeing I have given a good chunk of the last 30 years trying to save these animals lives by fostering and volunteering in shelters I'm allowed to go a little over the top just sometimes.
See it kinda hurts when say you have an 8 month old kitten/puppy who has just came close to death giving birth to 6 or 8 kittens/pups. Probably so many from multiple breedings with multiple males in the case of a cat. She's terrified about what she has just been through. See she's too young to know about being a momma, but this tiny things are pawing at her and chewing on her. She does not know why. It's been so long since she was a baby and nursing, but she's too young to do the mommy things because in many ways she's just a baby.
Or maybe it's the tiny 5lb toy dog that has been bred to the neighbours oh so cute male. It really didn't matter that the male was 15lbs right... surely not. It's only when the dam is fighting for her very lifes breath they realize that maybe they screwed up. So seeing it's going to cost money we will take it to the shelter and let them deal with your mistake. You can always get another dog and try again.
That's when people like myself and many others step in.
We take the mother and all of those kittens/puppies. We feed them every 2 hours day and night to keep them alive. Some make it some don't. You cry for the ones who don't, but you still keep fighting for the rest. You help them to pee and poop as babies can;t do that on their own. You rush them to the vets if they get sick and in between try and catch half an hours sleep here and there. You don;t actually get to go to bed for several weeks until they are weaned, but that's okay because you are saving a life.
After about 8-10 weeks they go to new hopefully forever homes. You're proud of what you have done, but totally exhausted. You grab a few decent nights sleep until the phone rings again. Another litter abandoned by mother or sometimes even breeder so you do it all again.
Then there are the times when you go to the shelter to pick up food/bottles/formula etc. You see row after row of little faces looking at you. Begging you to set them free before it's their time to be put to sleep. Their only crime was being born or the breeder selling them to the wrong person.
You go back a few days later. Many are gone. You pray they have all been adopted, but you know in your heart most have probably been put to sleep.
So please excuse me if I sometimes go a little over the top. See I have a heart so full love love... but also full of pain... for those we just can;t save.
Now please excuse me while I get the Kleenex to dry the tears streaming down my face.
Peach thank you. I really needed your hug. You know me so well. You know I really am sobbing my heart out right now. I don;t want any thanks... just understanding. If just one person listens then then that maybe several lives saved... if one more person choses that maybe it's best not to breed.
No way. Animals are not allowed to speak for themselves. Someone has to speak for them. Anyone who hurts animals in my books is a monster. A monster is not enough of a word for them. Call me a zealot or whatever, but animals need our help to continue their way of life. It is sad you can't see that. Then again you probably don't care.

(((Diane S))) Yes maam! You go girl! Love you baby!
I would also like to say I am the proud parent of a badly bred dog. I love him with all my heart, but someone who knew nothing decided it would be good to do what they did. In a way I am thankful for that because I have my baby, but too he is suffering because of it. I will do what I have to do to make sure his life is wonderful and special.
It is because of people like Diane that animals have a great and wonderful life. What she does is nothing less than a miracle. We should all be at her feet thanking her.

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