Monday, May 24, 2010

I love both breeds but....?

i can only get one dog. which should i get pomeranian or shih tzu?
Oh, that's a tough one. My opinion is that everyone should have at least a six-pack of Pomeranians. But I've gotten to know shih tzus though friends who own them, and they are all sweet, clever, wonderful little dogs.
I guess it comes down to how much you exercise every day. Shih tzu puppies are very active, but they tend to slow down quite a bit as they mature. Poms, on the other hand, are always ready to go. My eleven year old Pom is still up for a four hour hike. I can't imagine an older shih tzu making that trek. Another difference is that Poms will be yappy if you let them. Since I can't stand the yip-yap, I've trained my dogs not to do it, but I still have to remind them every now and then. Oh and grooming: I find Pom's coats easier to keep in shape than shih tzu's.
Personally, I like Pomeranians.
Good Luck!
they both are very cute. i would get a pomeranian.
Pomeranians I have found have a nice personality.
shih tzu are much more calm and nice in general
poms tend to have a huge attitude and are barky and can be mean
u should google both breeds' personalities and see which one u like more. i dont know too much about the breeds, but my friend has one of each. shih tzu's tend to be a bit more friendly and playful but annoying, while pomeranian's are less hyper active, and cuddly once use to u, but at first they're shy. BOTH are naturally barky. which ever u get may need a bit of training.
Most of my friends decided to get shih tzu dogs. I hope you are getting a healthy dog, from a reputable breeder. Don't buy from pet stores, because you don't know what you are getting. A good breeder will want to ensure that your pet is healthy and mentally stable. And keep in mind that a good breeder will always be available to answer your questions when you call!
Personally, I think poms are better. Defenatlly.
Personally, I think not asking the same question twice in a 20 minute period is my favorite.
If you've researched both and both breeds are appropriate to your life and situation, why don't you let "circumstances" decide.
That is, do you want to get a rescue dog? Call up local Pomeranian and Shih Tzu rescue and see what they have available. If they both have dogs available visit both. If you can't visit both or still can't decide, talk it over with the rescuers. They generally know their breed very well and can advise you on if the breed, and specifically the rescued dog in question, is right for you.
To find good rescues, visit,
If you want to get a dog from a breeder, contact some good, responsible breeders. (The best way to do that is through the national breed club.) Talk to them and they will help you decide if their breed is right for you. You can also figure out when their next litter is. If you want a dog sooner, that might help decide the breed.
To find a good breeder, visit: and
my choice is Gr. Shpe or Beagle.
Se we have a debat ehee.
You must be in a small house.
I still like a dog that has some wildness and spirit.
Like a larger pet .
I would get a Shih Tzu.
Get a cross!
It might work you never know im sure you could find one somewhere!
= D
Shih tzus are a little ugly...and they smell pomeranians are loyal,cute and huggable!!
I have a shih tzu and they are loving, caring, and I say they're the best type of breed you can get. Shih tzu's also don't bite often. They love people and are VERY kind. I highly think you should get a shih tzu. You can also get which ever one you're most comfortable with.
get a shih tzu! Two friends of mine each have one, and they are the most adorable dogs in the world. They are easily trained and are active and cuddly lapdogs.
I think they are WAY better than pomeranians, because poms shed unnatural amounts of fluffy hair all over everything, and are much yappier than shih tzus.
The grooming requirements for a shih tzu are much easier than those of a pomeranian, and so you are left with just playing with and enjoying your dog instead of constantly grooming and cleaning up after him.
shih tzu later pomeranian begin to stink...
Do not pay a big price for a dog. Please go to There are so many that need good homes. You could get a mix. They are the best dogs. So grateful to have a loving home.
cant realy say i not a fan of small dogs in general, but I would go with the shih tzu.
i like shih tzus. my moms freind had one that was so cute. his name was bubles.

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