Friday, May 8, 2009

I have a 1year old yorkie who wont quit peeing in the house?!?

My yorkie just turned one and he knows when he pees he is going to get his but beat, but he wont quit! And worst of all he walks while he does it, so it is ALL over the place. I have tried everything from taking him to one spot in the yard, to giving him a treat right on the spot, keeping him in is cage for 14 days only out to go out, ignoring him, eveything i have tried and it doesnt work, no he is not fixed because i am going to bread him, but he is not spaying he is peeing. He only lifts his legs outside, not in the house, but he pees! HELP PLEASE!! oh yeah and i know it is not a bladder infection!
I old dog peed in our house about 5 years into his life. At least it's only a little puddle right,since it's a yorky. I
kneel down on the lawn one day with my old dog,( An Australian terrior, it looked a giant yorky) he just lifted his leg and peed all over me without looking first. Male puppy are harder to train, since they lift their legs. He either love me to death or hate me to death by marking me.
I don't know how to say this without being rude, but your dog doesn't like you. From what I can tell, you haven't been very nice to him. Neutering him would solve your problem because if he is already lifting his leg, you are going to have an even bigger problem as he gets older. So neutering him is the only advice I can give you.
I really think he is doing this to piss you off. I wouldn't leave him in the crate. I would start off by giving him small amounts of water and letting him out every two hours to pee. His b;atter is the size of an egg and he doesn't need any more water then that. I have seen this problem many times on tv and this is what the trainer does. Also get an anti-urine clean up spray and disinfect ALL of the areas where he started peeing. This will make it so he doesn't try to mark that spot again. The worst thing you could do is hit him. Dogs do very well with positive encouragement and not beating. Also, remember that they have forgotten what they have done 2 minutes later so you can't stay mad at them all day. They don't understand why you are yelling. I hope this helps, and please give treats everytime he does well.

I have a 10 wk. old chihuahua/weenie dog and he wont stop biting i know he is teething but how can i stop him?

from trying to bite my hand or other thing i dont want him to bite.
There is a thing called bite inhibition that dogs will naturally learn if they are in a pack at that age. You will have to supplement for the littermates since they aren't around. When he bites, make a really loud "Yippp, OOOOuch!!" even if it doesn't hurt at all. Even if his teeth just touch your skin. Immediately turn your back to the pup and ignore him completely for a few minutes. Don't even look at him. Keep up with that consistently and it will only take a few times. It really works well! Don't act angry when you come back. Just go back for more fun like a puppy would after the "pain" goes away.
Everytime he bites your hand say "NO!" and put something in his mouth he's allowed to bit on- maybe a nylabone?
Try positive reinforcement: as soon as you catch him chewing on something, sharply say "No" and remove him from the situation. Place a toy in his mouth that he is allowed to chew on, and praise praise praise praise praise. This must be done EVERY time that he is caught chewing on something that he isn't allowed to, and it takes time %26 patience to correct this behavior.
buy the dog toys a dummie could of thought of that
my dog teething was a problum but we bought her a chew toy
Positive reinforcement is the best training method for anything you want to teach your dog.
Give him items that he's allowed to chew on. Nylabones are good because they last a long time. Rope toys are also good because they last, and they help clean the teeth in the same process.
If he's biting your hand, you definitely want to take the advice of sharply saying "NO" and pulling your hand away. I have tried also yelping and following it by saying "No" and that works. They understand the yelping as that what he did hurts. But you need to give your hand back to him after a few moments. If he goes to bite, repeat the process. Eventually, he may only lick your hand and then you have to reward him with lots and lots of praise.
Try rewarding with praise and affection. Lots of "Good Boy!" and things like that. Be very careful with Doxie mix breeds as they tend to gain weight very easily. Instead of using buiscuits or milk bones, you can try giving him a couple Cheerios instead. The idea is the same, good behavior = treat. But you'll also help maintain his weight. Mix it up between treat and affection/praise. Don't let him get used to thinking if he does something good, he'll get a treat. You'll end up with a chunky, overweight dog that way.
Good luck!! Oh and Patience is #1 rule in any training.
tap or flick him on the nose
you might want to try some chew toys. My baby Dachshund is 8 months old and is still teething. I give her Pigs ears they tend to keep her from chewing on things like my daughters bed or expensive cedar chest that she started with.

I have a 10 week old puppy that is obsessed with chewing my feet and toes. How do I disciplin a 10 week old?

She is very smart and very fast. She will run over bite really hard and then run away. As if she knows she will get in trouble. I havent really started disciplining her because she's so tiny and I wasnt sure if she was old enough to understand.
First of all, do NOT kick your puppy in the face as one person here suggested. Apparently, showing dogs does not equal understanding dog training or behavior. Yikes!
This is normal puppy behavior, although it's painful for us. You can teach your puppy that there is a consequence for her behavior without using pain. One of the problems with the suggestions to tell her "No!" or other verbal reprimands is that she gets attention for her behavior. Puppies who want attention will take bad attention over no attention. So even though you may think you are punishing her, you are, in fact, rewarding her for her behavior.
First, do wear shoes when you have your puppy out, so that you can react appropriately and not out of pain.
1. Have her drag a leash (buy a cheap one at the local Dollar Store, so it doesn't matter if she chews it) whenever she is inside with you. When she bites at your feet, grab the leash and silently and matter-of-factly walk her to the nearest door, walk her through the door then close the door on the leash so that it acts as a tether with her on one side and you on the other. Silently count to 10, then let her out. If she repeats the behavior, you repeat the consequence. She will soon learn (10-12 repetitions) that biting your feet equals total isolation. The tether prevents her from getting into more trouble on the other side of the door.
This is called the "Stupid Mommy" technique by Trish King, director of training at the Marin Humane Society. Link to the many great handouts below (registration is free and worth the time)
u dont
dont even discipline a 5 year old dog say "no" in a harsh tone
The first thing is to discipline. Tell her firmly "NO" and redirect her attention to a toy instead of your feet. You can also try putting Bitter Apple on your feet.
I want to add the she is old enough to start learning. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to break her of the habit.
Spray your socks with Bitter Apple Spray..
Wear your shoes so she has nothing soft to bite, and make you squeal.
Don't wiggle your toes and encourage her to come after you.. Don't squeal when she does bite them.
Don't give a reaction, cause that's what she is going for, she knows it makes you jump.
start training you dog as soon as she's comfortable and settled into your house... she's not too young.
i found a couple of websites for help. you can find more by doing a search on Yahoo for TRAINING A PUPPY.
take care.
ok, its never to young to start training. I show dogs. I started my newest puppy when i got her when she was 7 weeks. The younger the better.
If you wait to train cause they are young and cute then when they grow up they will be monsters.
When she or he bites you kick it in the face. not hard and not to hurt it, but a quick snap under its jaw to close its mouth. not to hurt!. and yell.
make sure they understand your mad. even if your not, and dont stop because they look cute and sad. if your foot hits them instead of them getting the chance to bit it, then it should not be as fun anymore for them and sooner or later they will stop. Like i said you want to sort of knock em with your foot, not a big kick in the face like i said. ok
A spray bottle with clean, clear water needs to be with you at all times. When the puppy bites, say NO and spray in mouth area. She will learn very quickly this is not a fun game. Soon you don't even need the spray bottle - sight of any bottle and then just the word No. Puppies don't realize they hurt as those teeth are like needles. Lots of praise and tiny rewards for good behavior. Start now or forever pay the price. She needs to have lots of toys she does enjoy - nice soft fuzzy ones. Dogs are usually smarter than people so don't let her fool you. When she is older, you can use an empty Coke can with 10 pennies in it to shake to distract her attention.

I have a 10 week old German Shepherd/Blue Heeler mix. House training is what I need the most help with. Thanks

First off, he's 10 weeks old.
He doesn't have the ability to "hold it" yet. 10 weeks is (almost) like a 8 month old human baby. Not even close to potty training age, with no ability to understand the concept of "potty training".
Don't look for any real training until about 4 months.
Yeah! You have a long road ahead.
The best thing you can do is get him on a strict eating and bathrooming schedule.
Crate train
Go out frequently
Either keep a leash on him and tied to you all the time, or use baby gates to contain him. He shouldn't have free run of the house yet. You need to watch him and take him out when he starts to potty.
House Training:
Don't use ammonia to clean up any messes, because it smells like urine to the dog. Use vinegar or the special pet stain cleaners, instead.
1. Watch her very carefully when you are home and take her outside after she drinks, eats, or sniffs around. Keep her outside for 5 minutes, then come back in. but keep careful watch. Always take her to the exact same spot outside for her toilet, and clean up solid waste every few days.
2. When you can't watch her, put her in a crate. You want to try to let her out about every four hours, but she is old enough that she can handle 8 hours, if you are diligent in walking her before and after meals, and before and after leaving for work/school.
3. If you don't use a crate, then confine her in a room, like the bathroom or kitchen that you can cover with newspaper.
4. Put food, water, toys, and bedding in one corner. When you come back after a few hours, take her outside for a walk. Then clean up soiled newspaper, clean the floor underneath with vinegar, and save a small piece for the smell. Place some clean newspaper in another corner of the room, away from her food, and place the smelly piece of newspaper in the corner. Keep newspaper on the rest of the floor.
5. The next day she should have tried to go to the bathroom close to the smelly corner. Repeat the process from above, clean the floor, use new paper, place a new smelly piece of paper in the corner opposite her food.
You are trying to teach her where her toilet is by placing a large blinking sign that says bathroom. Since your dog can't read, you are using a small piece of paper for the same purpose. Your dog has a good sense of smell, so the smelly paper doesn't have to be very large or disgusting. Just a few inches.
6. Keep doing this for a few days, until your dog goes to the bathroom consistently in the same 5' x 5' area. If you are patient and loving, then she may learn to go in an area less than 2' x 2' in less than 4 days, but don't push it.
7. If things are on track after 5 or 6 days, then remove all of the paper, except a 5' x 5' area in the corner, with a small smelly piece of paper.
8. Advanced: If she is a small dog, then you might slowly reduce the area to about 1' x 1', then you can train her to use a kitty litter box inside... but that may be pushing things.
9. When she is consistent, then remove all the paper, and move the smelly piece of paper to the outside to show her where her bathroom is. She may have a few accidents, so try to understand what happened and why she had the accident.
But this method should work for most puppies and dogs.
10. Things to remember:
A. You can remove the paper when you are home and watching her. You only need the paper during the training period of about two weeks, and only when no one is home to watch her, while she is confined in the kitchen/bathroom.
B. Always clean up the floor under any mess or mistake with lots of vinegar to remove the smell.
C. Remember that the smell to a dog is like a large, red, blinking sign to people.
D. Always get rid of soiled newspaper, except for a tiny piece with smell. Replace the soiled newspaper with clean newspaper for the first few days.
Also, walk her, pet her, and talk to her softly... so that she will learn that she has a loving home.
more info would be whats the problem..?
first i guess pups need a routine. time set even. first thing in the morning right after every feeding, after playing, after a training lesson, right before u leave the house, and last thing at night.
puppy needs to be caught doing the deed..and stoped even if in the middle of it pick pup up by the scruff of the neck(mom does this) light shake and a low firm growl of NO place out side and wait...once he goes LOTS OF PRASIE. and maybe a small treat for every time he goes out side.(baby gates are great to keep the pup with u at all times)
pick up poop that happened inside and place outside point it out to puppy..
and i would say a puppy training book.that goes with behavoir of dogs.

I have a 10 month old female dog...?

Just yesterday I noticed that she had blood down by her private area, my husband said that she has started her period and is in heat. If that is true how long will this last and how long will she bleed?
A female's season lasts for 21 days. They usually bleed for 10 days but don't be fooled into thinking that's the end of her season. She can still become pregnant right up to her 18th day. Just because the blood dries up doesn't mean to say that it's all over. Females normally ovulate between the 10th and 14th days. This is the time when they will readily accept a male.
I personally don't agree with putting diapers on dogs. The female will lick this area to keep herself clean and by putting diapers on her you are preventing her from doing what comes naturally. Just keep her confined to an area with a washable floor while she is on heat. They usually only 'spot' and it is easily mopped up. Most females will clean up after themselves anyway but you don't want her staining your carpets.
You can buy an Anti-Mate Spray which will help to deter any visiting males but be very vigilant with her because she will be just as eager to get out to find a mate herself when it gets to her mating days. If you take her outside always make sure she is on a lead. Try walking her in a place where you know there will not be any dogs or you could end up fighting off a line of male suitors. Once a male gets the scent of a female on heat believe me there is no stopping them.
Once she has had her season maybe you could consider having her sprayed. This will save you any future worries.
Good luck.
I would say you need to get your dog fixed.
She has as you can see her private are is swollen too that is a sing of the dog being in heat . She will bleed for about 21 days twice a year . It don't bleed too much but you can end up with stains on the carpet too . There are diapers for female dogs that they can wear when it the house while in heat .
I would recommend getting your dog spayed so you won't heave to deal with that and unwanted puppies .
3 to 4 weeks is the normal amount of time. just keep her away from any male dogs.
They don't bleed that much. Usually little drops here and there, but they can stain a carpet. They bleed usually around a week to 10 days once every six months. Some go earlier some later but its usually around every 6 months. Unless you get her spayed unlike humans dogs never go into menapause.