Friday, May 21, 2010

I like pearls but my dog faints whenever he sees me wearing them what should i do?

he collaspes.
Baby steps here. Your dog needs to know that the pearls won't harm him. Start by having some casual conversations about oysters. Whenever you see him, mention that thing you saw online about shellfish, and hey--aren't oysters cool (or something like that). When you see you dog shrug his shoulders and look kind of bored, then you're ready for the next step. Talk about famous people named Pearl, like Pearl Bailey or Pearl S. Buck. Then watch the movie "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" with your dog. Smile really big when the girl in the movie wears the pearl earring. Give your dog a biscuit at that point. Use lots of words that rhyme with "pearl" in your everyday conversation--you might even want to change your dog's name to "Pearl." These are all good steps. If none of it works, just look at your dog and say "dude" in a sarcastic tone.
Put peanut butter on the pearls and have him lick it while it is around your neck and once he eats the peanut butter he will see the pearls and know they are not scary at all.
I think you should tell the vet
sry 4 a bad answer !
That's insane. I don't know that there is precedence for such a thing. lol. However, does your dog exhibit any other odd "fainting" or erratic behavior?

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