Monday, May 24, 2010

I love dogs, but..?

My boyfriends dog is a 7 year old German shepard mutt (not purebred) Cute. He has no good qualities. He pee's on everything in the house, he attacks anything that comes on or near the property, killed the neighbors kitten, he sheads unmercilessly, is completely neurotic. We cleaned the carpet (again) because of his pissy episodes and what does he do.the very next day he's pissing on the couch (lifting his leg on it. The house SMELLS! The owner?.well the problem starts there. The dog was never socialized, trained, taught to obey, or diciplined. Can anything be done now that he's 7 yrs?? Farking huge hairballs EVERYWHERE! a-RRg-g-g!
That is disgusting. Your boyfriend is an irresponsible and bad pet owner. He should not be allowed to have a dog.
The dog can be trained, but it will not happen through E.S.P.
You are going to have to take charge if you want anything to change. The dog is doing what he has always done. If you had a child and never taught it anything, it would behave in a similar fashion.
Train the dog. You are going to need more help than can be given here, but it can be done. Contact a professional dog trainer to help you. The dog is out of control (through no fault of his own). Even Petco and PetSmart have inexpensive training classes.
If you can't handle it, contact a local Shepherd rescue group. do not take him to a shelter, as he will be automatically put down for his aggression.
Oh, that growling the dog does at you? It's called aggression! Your BF is rewarding this behavior when he coddles her.
Seriously, she could be dangerous. Buy your boyfriend a dog behavior book.
look into obedience school and you need patience i know its hard but its not his fault its your bfs fault just work with him just like a puppy its possable and it may help a little
With the poor excuse for an owner this dog has, it's a wonder he hasn't ended up in a shelter yet labeled unmanageable. There's unfortunately not a whole lot you can do except educate the total ignoramous who calls himself this dog's owner.
Get a new boyfriend.
You can't do it alone- you need him to buy into a rehabilitation program- which from your note- seems unlikely...
I am not an expert on dogs but it sounds to me that the owner should be netured.
I'm usually not a smart aleck but that sucks! If it was me, I'd tell my bf to leave the dog at his house, or break up with him. (Can you imagine how he'll be if you have kids? If he raises them like he did the dog they'll be in JDC by the time they're 6 yrs old!)
I love dogs.
I don't love every dog I ever met.
PROFESSIONAL TRAINER!!! This should help. i hope you and that dog start to get along. Maybe he is really bored and thinks that nobody is paying attention to him. You should try walking and give a lot of chew toys to distract him. GOOD LUCK!!
Retraining him can be done. You both have to be consistent. If he wasnt neutered ,he should be. You can try using a belly band while your trying to correct the marking problem. When you clean anything he has marked you should use a product that is enzyme based. These are the only products that truly remove the odor not just mask it. He sounds very bored, Walking him will not only relieve some of that pent up energy but done correctly it will help establish you as the leader which is the start of promoting any good behavior in him. As for the hair, Gsd have a thick undercoat, regular grooming and use of a deshedding tool will GREATLY help with the hair in the house. If you can afford a groomer look for someone that will use a force dryer to completely blow this undercoat out. as brushing will take hours and may not get it all. He can change but it has to be a commitment on all parts. Good luck!
take him to a trainer or break up with your boy friend
Try to get him in obedience classes thats not fairi yo have to live with your boyfriends dog. tell him to either do something with the dog or get rid of teh dog or break up with ur boyfriend
you need to start with getting the boyfriend to commit to changing the dog's behavior. you also need to understand that the dog actually doesn't know better and if you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at the owner. the dog's in charge and probably has always been in charge, that's whay he pisses everywhere to mark his territory. you have to try to discipline him by taking charge of him. feed him and make him wait for his food. walk him properly on a leash, even if you have to start by walking inside the house. teach him 'tricks' using treats, maybe even some boiled chicken meat and you might be surprised how he responds to you. never, ever try to discipline him by hitting, it'll only make things worse. If you do as much as you can by yourself and it's not enough, work with a professional so you can get the extra help. good luck! remember the dog is only as good as the owner!
There are no bad dogs.. just badly trained dogs.

First, for the peeing, take him to the vet to rule out urinary tract problems. If he's not neutered, schedule that to be done while you are there. Start housebreaking again as if he was a puppy.. he needs crated or contained somehow when he cannot be supervised. You may also want to look into belly bands.

For the shedding. What is he eating? A good quality kibble makes a HUGE difference in the amount of hair. He should also be brushed daily. This is shedding season too.
You need to sign up for obedience classes. I also reccommend you google NILIF and start practicing that. Your boyfriend needs to get invovled in the training too.
If the owner has raised the dog that way and is treating the dog like a big suck, you aren't going to teach him anything.. Everyone has to be on board in teaching the dog to be a normal dog.. That out of control spoiled crap.. He's not going to want to give up that behaviour easily.. You'll need the help of everyone there..
This dog sounds to me that his spoilt and his allowed to do what he does. Its your fault that you have allowed him to continue thus far with out any training or socializing, and this what happens when you dont take full responsibility for an animal, it becomes a huge problem.
You should get this dog socialized and trained as soon as possible before you all decide to send him away, and its not his fault, its yours!

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