Friday, May 21, 2010

I just washed my puppy and now she is shakin. What do I do, why is she shaking. How do I bathe a dog. Help I'm

This was her first bathe and Now I'm afraid I did somthing wrong. Even her voice is like... muffled.
Most all dogs shiver and shake after they have a bath. It's completely normal. Especially it being her first time. Just keep rubbing warm towels all over her. If she's already dry she could be shaking because she traumatized by getting the bath. She should calm down eventually and will back to normal in no time. As long as you didn't get water up her nose. You can tell that by is she were wheezing and doing a reverse sneezing sound. Otherwise your dog will be fine soon.
If dogs are cold they will shake or shiver. Relax and dry off the dog. She will be fine.
She's fine. Dry her off and she will stop shaking.
she is probably just cold.
dry her off and she should be fine. =]
She is probably cold.. Did you dry her well? Keep her out of the draft and keep her warm until she is totally dry.. You shouldn't bath a dog unless they need it.. Strips the necessary oils from their skin and coat.
She is probley just scared since its her first bath just give her some warm towels and make sure she rests.
She probley got some water up her nose.
If it doesnt go away by the morning its time to call a vet.
She's cold! Dry her off really good and she'll stop shaking!
First of all, don't panic! Bathing a dog really isn't too complicated...if it was her first bath she is probably just nervous or if you used the hose, cold. Try giving her a treat and drying her off / warming her with a towel and petting her so she knows everything is okay. If the shaking persists, call a doctor. But dogs smell when something is wrong, so try not to give her any negative vibes! Hope everything works out!
First time dog owner? Bathing a dog isn't hard, keep the soap out of it's eyes (and ears), rinse it throughly. She's shaking because she's cold, dry her off, keep her warm, wrap her in a blanket and cuddle her if you need to.
Shes probably cold get a towel and warm her up.
That usually happens to puppys during their first bath. It is normal. Keep her very warm in dry towels until she stops. Gently rub her with them and dry her off. It might also be a good thing to get her used to the blowdryer if you wish. I started that with my dog at a young age and now he isn't scared of it and his hair is really fluffy and soft and I like it better than air drying. Also that way he isn't cold and I can bring him to the bath room right away afterwards.
she is probably cold. Wrap her in a towel and dry her off. If she isnt too afraid, you can use a blow dryer on a low setting to help dry her. Dont use the highest setting because its too hot.
you bathe your doggy twice a week only and after bathing be sure to blow dry your pal to avoid shaking and feeling cold--okay?
Mine did it for the first couple of baths. It's a new experience for them. Dry her off she will be fine, get her to run around and play with her so she relaxes as well. Make sure when you are bathing a puppy especially in the winter months you are taking the chill off the water. It helped mine get used to the baths and make them just a little bit more relaxed. As they get older they adjust.
bathe her like you bathe a baby avoid soap and water in the eyes, ears, nose and nmouth!! dry her off you can even use a blow dryer, on a VERY low heat if you keep your hand where teh air is blowing to be certain it's not too hot! she's probably just scared my dog has had 3 or 4 baths and she still gets a little shaken up about it! don't worry and enjoy your puppy
How old and how big is your puppy?
Use lukewarm water. Wipe off excessive water with towel then blow dry, not too close though, it will be too hot for her.
Good luck!
you know...everyone seems to think this is all about being cold. The truth is that getting it's first bath...and it may happen with every bath...causes anxiety. Now think about this...anxiety is get nervous and you get twitchy. SO does your dog. Chemicals are actually repeased into your body when you get real anxious that PRODUCE energy. Most mental health professionals will tell you to do something physical after worryin or a trauma to help burn off those chemicals. Your dog shakes. And the shaking eventually burns them off. Some dogs get out of the bath and get all around and rub all over stuff. Others shake. It's normal, you did nothing wrong, and it'll be over soon.
this is normal try blow drying the dog that is what the groomer told me to do with my to poodle just make sure yo move the blow dryer around a lot and keep one hand on the dog so you can feel if the dryer is getting to hot
Some dogs hate baths, and get nervous, so they shake.
They also shake because they are cold after being wet.
Towel dry her really well after the bath.
You can use a hair dryer if she allows it--on COOL only---NO HEAT!!
If your dog gets cold easily, you don't need to bathe with cold water-it can be room temperature or a little on the warm side.
she probably have a cold you should take her to the vet to make sure she is alright I don't think you did anything wrong with the bathing part.

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