Monday, May 24, 2010

I love my puppy?

i have this puppy and its a bulldog
my brother and his girlfriend bought him around 2 months ago
we love him so much
but hes a big trouble maker
he rips my mom and dads plants out
and just makes trouble around the house
hes driving my mom crazy everyday
what should i do
any tips you guys have that will help me out
spare the rod, spoil the dog...correct him when you see him messing up...
take your puppy to obdiance class for puppies that will help you and him to learn training, you need to stop the bad behavior when he is young or it will only get worse, also take your pup for a couple of good long walks every day to burn energy, even if he has a yard to run in walks are very important , puppies get bored and the walks may also give him some variety, give him lots of chew toys and when he gets into something he is not supposed to firmly tell him no and distact him with something he is allowed to chew on
obedience classes... sound kinda like a "DUH" answer but it really will help, they will teach not only the dog but also YOU how to handle him when he's being a turd. Do it now before your parents get fed up and you have to rehome him. That wouldnt be fair to the dog or you. Also, get a crate, when your not home or cant watch him. Put him away. Lots of people think it's mean or whatever but its not and lots of times dogs will go in there to sleep or if they want to be left alone. Dont put him in there to punish him, it is supposed to be a good place and by the time you get him over there and inside after he's done something bad he wont connect the dots and understand that hes been bad so it wont do any good. Go and buy him some good toys, rubber kongs you can fill with stuff, natural bones are good, they crumble not splinter and have natural goodness inside that the dogs love, plus it cleans their teeth which is a good thing for bulldogs. Also you can buy Nylabone Gallileo bones at target and petsmart, they are amazing, almost indestructible and it would have to be a SERIOUS chewer to dent it.
I think if you get him plenty of DURABLE toys, (NO PLUSH or thin rubber and NEVER EVER give rawhides... they will get swallowed and can cause blockages.) especially treat toys he will be too busy to get into trouble!
Also, exercise is good, but since he's a bullie be careful, take him either early in the morning or after dark. Bulldogs DO NOT tolerate heat or cold well so short walks (20 mins) will do him in. I cannot stress enough how important it is NOT to walk in the heat of the day. One of our puppies from our female died at only a year old from walking in the middle of the day last summer. Please be careful with exercise!
Good luck, email me if you have any questions
dont spoil him so much especially when he does something wrong. simply correct him and move on. otherwise i would take him to and obedience class. (have you ever seen the show the dog whisperer? its on the national geografic channel and it is really good. it might help you. some of the things on there has helped my dog.)
Has this puppy nipped anybody in play or anything like that? If so, then yes you need to teach bite inhibition.
You do this by saying no firmly, stopping play altogether and turning your back until the puppy calms down. (I dont advise yelping with bully dogs because they can get so aroused in play).
When a puppy jumps on you, turn your back. It communicates 'no, calm down'.
If the dog doesnt nip or mouth you, but just tears his toys apart, I wouldn't be too worried. Many dogs play rough with their toys, and puppies are teething.
However, if he stalks, pounces, and shakes his toys, he IS showing that he has a high energy level and prey drive.
That means the dog needs to be socialized extensively around other people and children and other dogs as a puppy and shown appropriate behavior and manners.
With good training and bite inhibition, this dog may never be any problem to anybody. However, if this dog does not get socialization it is possible the dog will decide to play too rough or be fearful of people with bad consequences.
Your brother's attitude about training is not very good. Show him this:
Because your brother is young he may not realize that he could run into money problems and have to move into a new place that doesn't allow dogs... or just not pit bulls. Then, he would have to give his dog up.
It is his responsibility to be sure his dog is well behaved in case that happens, cause it sounds like your parents wouldn't want the dog to keep if he continues to behave this way.
Also, insurance will be more willing to cover his dog if the dog is a tested canine good citizen.
He may not realize that his dog just jumping on somebody can be counted as an attack and the dog registered (or destroyed) as an dangerous dog, if the person falls down and is hurt by it. If it was a lab, maybe not big deal, but bully breeds, they will be sentenced to death.
I assume when you say this is a big bulldog you mean an american bulldog (which looks like a "big pit bull" to most people who don't know breeds), not the smaller English bulldog with the squashed face?
My own dog who is a service dog was given up when he was 6 months old because he was 3/4 of adult size and had never been trained. He was in a shelter for 2 months and got basic training and passed a CGC.
I took him and I continued his socialization and CGC training. I got a real treasure of a dog, but if his owner had thought to try and train and take care of a dog properly, he wouldn't have been in a shelter 2 months and risked death row just for being a nice friendly puppy with lots of energy and nobody to train him.
You might want to talk to your parents about finding obedience classes near your house, (check online-- dog training clubs), and give your brother and his girlfriend an ultimanium-- train the dog, your parents will help pay for it, or they can start looking right now for a new place to live that will take their dog. It'll be an eyeopener how hard that is.

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