Sunday, August 2, 2009

I just bought a new puppy from a breeder and found out more than 1 puppy has toxidia. Should I return the pup?

Is it a sign of bad breeding? Will it effect my kids?
The puppy I just bought has toxidia as well. Just take the puppy to the vet and they'll give you some antibiotics to give her.
Based on what my vet said, toxidia and giardia are the two most common parasites found in puppies. If I remember correctly, giardia is the one that you or your kids can catch, not toxidia. Just to be safe, make sure you clean up immediately after your dogs eliminates, and wash your hands every time you pick up after her.
I would suggest getting the puppy to a vet immediately. The vet can answer your questions.
Toxidia or coccidia? If coccodia,its fairly common in pups and can be treated fairly easily. Not a sign of bad breeding..
I think you mean Coccidia. It's common and puppies can spread it to each other easily - not a sign of bad breeding. Not a problem for your kids. I might ask the breeder to pay for the treatment.
Number 1, never ever buy a puppy from a breeder or pet shop! You just bought a "puppy mill" puppy! If you don't know what a puppy mill is, visit my 360 page:
Read my blog dated yesterday, 8/6/07, and then click on the link at the bottom, below the "stop puppy mills" ribbon!
Number 2, if the puppy is sick, DO NOT return it to the breeder, because they do not care about the health of their dogs, this is OBVIOUS!! Take the puppy to your local humane society or ASPCA , IMMEDIATELY!!
DEMAND your money back, and then report the breeder to your local humane society ASAP for running a puppy mill!
PLEASE visit my 360 page and read about puppy mills, and the absolute TORTURE these animals go through!!
I think you might mean coccidia? You can treat that easily. Many puppies get it. It has nothing to do with genetics. You just need a sulpha based drug such as Albon. It is a common problem in puppies, especially those who are kept outside.
And contrary to the crap the last poster is flinging, it is not a sign of abuse, neglect or anything else. Lots of puppies have it. Shelters have huge problems with coccidia and giardia.
Hello; This is a commonality in puppies, and poses no danger to you or your children. Dogs "germs %26 bacteria" are non-transferable to humans. One reason for the myth "dogs have clean-antiseptic mouths" they don't, it's just that their bacteria is not transferable to humans, as ours isn't transferable to them. That's not to say the bacteria in their waste doesn't pose potential health problems; always wash after cleaning up after them!
Get the pups to a vet, and get them the good start on life, that they deserve. Whenever I have taken a dog, I have made a mental commitment to myself to give them the best life possible, I only hope more people do the same! The fact that you've come here to ask about things you're unfamiliar with, shows you care, and that's a great start! I wish dogs %26 kids both came with manuals, but they don't. I would urge you, and anyone else you know to keep coming back here, and learning as much as possible.
I hope this has helped!;
I think you mean coccidia. It's not caused by bad breeding and your children cannot catch it from your dog. Coccidia is common and easily treated with Albon or Tribrissen. Take your dog to the vet so the necessary meds can be given.
I'm not certain what "toxidia" is.. never heard of it.
Talk to your vet.
Coccidia are a single cell organism that can cause diarrhea. Some dog's fecal samples test positive for it even without the diarrhea.
There are mixed opinions about whether to treat a dog that is asymptomatic (without symptoms). Its often treated with sulfa drugs (to which some breeds such as Samoyeds have shown a sensitivity) which inhibits the growth of the coccidia while the dog's immune system deals with the problem.
The drugs slow the coccidia down.. they do not "cure" it. The dog's immune system is what finally handles the issue.
Many people approach the issue a bit more holistically and decrease food intake or change to an easy to digest mixture of boiled hamburger with rice as well as give live culture yoghurt mixed with acidophilus to support a more normal intestinal flora.
Strangely enough, while people who I show dogs with have had their dogs pick up coccidia while at a dogshow. I have been lucky and never had my dogs catch it (or at least show symptoms) since I started raw feeding. I wonder if its a result of a stronger intestinal flora or just dumb luck? (I'll knock on wood now.. since we're headed for a show this weekend).
if you're talking about coccidia, its so common in the soil that virtually every pup gets it then developes the antibodies against it -- except maybe the pupymill pups raised on wire and they'll get it as soon as they touch the ground at your house.
the kids are already exposed if they touch the ground..
If you feel you must return the pup - the next one should be stuffed..

I just bought a femle maltese!?

She has a lot of brown around her eyes and her nose what can i use to get it out. I heard just bathing her in filtered water helps? Also how old does she have to be till she can breed?
Hi there! I can help you with this. I use Eye Envy. It is all natural and works great. I buy from this site and they have a question and answer section that is a great help. They also are wonderful about answering any questions you have.
PLEASE, don't breed your dog. If you don't know enough about dogs to know the age of breeding, DON'T do it! There are to many unwanted pets in the world. Don't add to them just because you want to. If your dog is not AKC or UCK registered and proven, than it will do you no good to breed her anyway. Please have your dog spayed and don't even think about breeding her.
As for the brown around her face, use a warm washcloth. Just keep wiping till it is gone.
i love maltese.try giving her more water to drink and take her to the vet.are u an experienced breeder?if not i would not recomend breeding her because newborn pups are very fragile and you have to rush them to the vet and pay $300 for a shot or theyll die and whelping is a very hard and long process.they take around 24 hours of labor.also some can die when in labor or die at a younger age than spayed dogs.also when she has her period shell get stains all over the carpet.i highly recomend when shes 6 months get her spayed

I just bought a chihuahua and she is about 4 months old..?

i need to know what to do because she wont eat or drink or play or nothing she just wants to go hide somewhere where no one can get to her...i am worried about the not eating and drinking...what should i do any suggestions on how to make her feel more comfortable? and how to get her to eat and drink...
She is very frightened with her new surroundings. She will become comfortable in a couple of days. You can leave food and water out. She will probably come out when she thinks you aren't looking. You can also sit on the floor and try coaxing her out, but I'm sure she just wants to stay hidden until she feels there is no threat around.
You could try socializing her with other dogs. Get her to meet other dogs, maybe take her to a dog-daycare for a day. You need her to trust you, so don't be negative, use positive reinforcement. You should also take her to obedience school, and a teacher there will probably be able to help
if u can get a hold of her . hold her in yur arms. make sure she feels safe. if u can take her to a park with lots of kids and see how she depends where u got her .from a puppy mill, if so she should be skidish.
fry some little pieces of meat and and get her use to you first then she eats and bonds. it really works you can also get her a wire crate(i love them) they become a safe place for the dog. then it makes it really easy to crate train. also then put some of the meat in wet dog food.(not iams dogs seem to not like it) then sooner you can mix dry food with the wet . and then just dry. if she doesn't eat or drink more than 3 days take her in to the vet.
A 4 month old Chi is a really small dog in a big world. Make sure she has a crate she can use for hiding and security. Give her time to adjust to new sights, sounds and smells. It can be very frightening for a little pup. Are you feeding her the same food she had before? Don't change her diet - upset stomach usually results. Just make sure she has clean water at all times, and try to put her food %26 water in a quiet place 'till she gets used to everything. Good luck.
obviously since she just moved to a new home she's scared so i would put her food and water in a quiet place where she might hide and she might feel more comfortable to eat there.
Why would you "buy" a Chihauhua when there are so many out there looking for homes? I imagine you "bought" her from some backyard breeder that treated her horribly and now your wondering why she isn't friendly? What is she supposed to think? You are the same as they were in her mind. I would be depressed too, wouldn't you? If you are serious about folding her into your family or whatever, just be kind and patient. If you are not in it for the long haul let her go before you do real damage.
Heather, I too just purchased a chihuahua who just turned 5 mo. on August 5th. ( yesterday) from a friend of mine in Texas. I live in Ohio. I was visiting her and I fell in love for this puppy. She's so sweet. She wouldn't come to me either at first, but after a few days, she did. I started calling her Martini, Tini for short. She weighs 3 lbs. I went to my friends house on July 22. Got a quainted with Martini, and returned home on the 31st. She is doing fine now. I'm trying to housebreak her. She's not doing to bad with this.
Chihuahua's are very highly trainable. How big is your chihuahua? Hope this helped some. Have you got her checked out by a vet to see if there is anything wrong with her. My pup ate right right away. She just loves Flint River Ranch dog food. It is for both puppies and adult dogs. All natural and no preservatives. Made fresh within 6 months or less of delivery. She gobbles it down.

I just ate half a block of cheese. How bad is this?

I'm a 30kg mastiff cross and i just stole half a block of mum's swiss cheese of the coffee table while she wasn't looking? How dangerous it this? Should I see a vet?
Keep the dog off its food for today and watch for straining to have BM. Might get blocked up. Make sure has plenty of water.
Probably constipate you but I think you will be ok. You can have your Mum call the vet to check.
No cheese is not bad for dogs, but can cause constipation which you will have to give your dog some fruits to loosen his bowls. Cheese also helps put on the kg's, but its nothing too serious.
If you are still worried, take him to your local vet and have him checked out and see what your vets says. All the best.
lol,,,, nah, should be fine, might bind you up a bit but other than that you will be ok.t

I just adopted a dog who is registered under a name that I don't like. How do I legally change it?

I don't call many of my dogs by their registered name. A dog's registered name is forever, and can't be changed with either AKC, UKC , Canadian Kennel Club, or KC..
Once it is registered as a name, the name sticks.
However, you can call your dog any name you want.
( I can't even pronounce the registered names of 3 of mine)
Quote from AKC>"Once a dog has been registered with the AKC, its name can never be changed," said Delores Alonso, the assistant vice-president of AKC Registration.
You can call him whatever you want to.
You will need to get forms from the Kennel Club with whom the dog is registered.
Come on now.
It a dog... It's your dog now.
If your dog is registered with AKC or whomever and you actually have the physical papers then there should be some contact information on the documents. Call them and they should be able to help you out.
If you were to breed the dog to make money it would not matter what the dogs name is. It's not like you should care if your dogs great great grand children come looking for him.
WHY change the registered name? The registered name is simply a trademark or an identifying indicator ... you can give the dog any "call name" you choose!
Honestly, no one expects you to stand at the back door and call out "Heeeeere, SuperKennel's ChampionSpawn"
If the registered name is truly offensive, you could contact the AKC (if it's an AKC breed) and ask to have the dog's name changed, if you really feel you need to. I'm not sure what the protocol is, and if the breeder has already registered the litter, you may be stuck.
Just call your dog whatever you want his or her name to be ... he or she certainly doesn't know or care what the registered name is.
Quite honestly I don't know why you would waste your time or money. Call her what you want, she will never know the difference. I bought two Imported German Shepherds...they have their registered name and they have the name I call them. Even though they both can answer simple yes and no questions by giving the correct paw I don't expect they will ever advance to the reading level and besides they are trained in English and their registrations are in German.
Is this canine a purebred? And do you plan to register him/her with the AKC? ( I wasn't aware that valuable purebred dogs were up for adoption a shelters - (but I suppose no animal is immune from the need for rescue). Anyway, I can see the need if he/she is papered, and you want to continue his/her bloodline registration; however - I do not know anything about Canine bloodlines and registration, but I do know a little about Equestrian bloodlines and registrations - especially for stud and for racing due to my uncles involvement in his horse farms. There the naming of sires and dams and new foals is very structured and rigidly controlled. The names have to contain just so many letters, and the name must have a pre-determined sir-name based on the breeding mare and stud,so that the blood lines can be traced very clearly - he has Morgan and several Arabian lines that can be traced back hundreds and hundreds of years.
On the other hand, if you just happen to have a beautiful, or very handsome "mix" , and have no intention of going show dog, or stud / ***** puppy sales route, (In other words you have found a great companion that is going to be your dog, then why bother with legal mumbo-jumbo. If his registered moniker is Lord Fauntleroy, and you like Jake better - then start calling him Jake and get on with life - dog-gone it!
Well when i went to petco to get my puppy i asked if that i can change his name right there.his name was snowman and they changed it for free.and now his name is jansy

I just adopted a 6 y.o staffy, but he keeps running away when left alone?

Even for short periods of time. How can i get him to stay and be happy in his new home?
It's not about being "happy".
Some dogs have a strong urge to roam.
Bored dogs roam
Fenced yard.. Crated in the house when you go out, and put a leash on him when you walk him.
did you just adopt him from the pound?? i hope he wasnt a pitbull fighting dog, you can just add onto your gate. if he is home alone for over 6 hours then he will run away because he is lonely . you need to spend time with him then he will understand that you are his new owner and that you love him. please spend time with him
Is he jumping a fence? If he is running away it means he is getting out somehow and that puts him at great risk. Puts you at risk, too. I have a Pit and I can tell you she loves her people! They are people loving dogs and I understand that sometimes ya have to leave without the dog. But it is very serious with the breed and all the current efforts to ban it, that your dog is responsibly kept. That means until you can secure your yard or wherever he is escaping from, he needs to be in a doggie day care or build a kennel or something that will keep him secure. While that is happening, make sure you take him for at least two long walks a day because he needs time with you outside the perimeter of his home.
He may be missing his home even if his previous owner was a bad owner. Just like with kids, they can feel out of place for awhile until adjusted to a new environment.
I had a German Shepherd dog that jumped the fence. I built a bigger fence and she jumped that. She got walks, romps in the park, and was indoors a lot and was well behaved, but out in a yard alone she just wanted to scheme how to get out of the yard. That was just in her nature. So she had a large kennel outside, her freedom to roam the house inside, could be outside in the yard loose when supervised closely.
Sounds like a habit and you probably can't break it but have to work around it so your dog is secured when you are not there.
staffies are a very social breed they desire human companionship almost always. When you are not at home crate him. This is not just to keep him at home but also to keep him from being stolen or getting into trouble. If you just adopted him the rescue group will be able to help you more with this because they know more about the dogs personality.

I hv a big breed dog who is very prone to magets especially in do i take care of him?

he is difficult 2 handle doesnt take take any medicies n when he is to be treated for magets, shots of anasthesia has to be given.i face this prob for him especially in summers. he is not a homely dog rather a watch guard. his skin is usually clean but still a lot of smell frm his mouth.
If your dog " is very prone to magets especially in ears" he is not being taken care of. Guard dog or not he deserves to be cared for. You know, feed properly, kept clean, vet care, attention, loved. Please give the dog up so he will have a chance at a responsible owner...
I have never heard of a dog with Maggots in his ears. It sounds like he may need to be on some sort of medication. I would call your vet and see what he recommends.
Should you really have a dog?
A dog who's getting maggots in his ears is being neglected.
There's likely either open wounds from scratching or a bad infection and he needs vet care and ideally, a better living situation. The foul breath could also be a sign of an infection.
Just because he's a guard dog doesn't mean it's okay to neglect him.
He needs to have his teeth cleaned for the mouth odor and possibly a round of antibiotics for dental infections.
You said your dog doesn't like to be handled. Is he partially feral? That happens when dogs are left out with little contact especially among the more dominant guard breeds. They need contact. Shaving him will help to prevent mats and maggots if you can catch him and touch him.
he needs to see his vet.the ears need to be cleaned and then kept clean by you at home. he also needs to have fly repellent applied daily. this can be in the form of a spray or salve(the ointment would probably be better)
I am assuming your dog is an outside dog? Well, what you need to do is take the dog to a vet for ear and teeth cleaning. Then keep them clean and get a good fly spray for the dogs area. Non toxic please. If you clean the kennel area often you will also limit the amount of flies. I would also suggest the dog be checked for heart worms. If flies are getting to it so are mosquitoes. Really you need to step up your game here! Keeping a dog outside isn't cruel in my opinion but leaving to suffer the elements is. You need to either care for the dog properly or get rid of it for its own good. You go live with it in those conditions for a few days.
NEVER SHAVE AN OUTSIDE DOG!! If you do you might as well hang a come and get it sign for the flies and mosquitoes. Also, a dogs coat protects it from the elements both hot and cold. It is an insulator.
you have to use a regular doggie ear wash and he must have a bad dental problem that needs to be cleaned.. maby change his diet that could be attracting these bugs.
Maggots in the ears?? You have had him to the vet to get him checked out??... Maggots don't just develop for no reason at all... You should take this poor dog to the vet.. There is something terribly wrong here..

I heard that dogs love a treat called Paddy Whack so i bought some but not sure how much to give him?

It looks like a big piece of brittle flat bone about a 12" long with bits of fat on it,my dog is a 1 year parson jack russell and i dont know if i should break bits off (dont know how coz its rock hard) or give him the whole piece to chew at will? any help would be great cheers
Just give hi the whole piece, he should chew on it for ages but knowing Jack Russell will probably last 10 mins, you can give him a paddy whack once a day, also they love pigs eyes (you can get them from pets shops) and raw hide chews.
give the whole thing to chew, breaking bits is a chocking hazzard..
you can give it to him when he's restless or bored
either give him it all or use a saw to cut it up .a bit of trivia the name comes from a rhyme----nick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone .this old man came rolling home -----
It is an emina.
Shove it up the mutts ****.
I have seen paddy whack and it looked like there is nothing much to eat...I think it's only to clean dogs teeth and exercise the jaws. I would just give the whole bone.
Both my dogs love Paddywack but if they have too much it gives them a funny tummy and loose stools as it's quite greasy. Don't give your dog more than one strip a day.
Give him the whole piece and he'll take what he wants off it. My dogs love it but have a chew then leave it lying about for weeks! the bit mine love the best is the oily fat on it! It probably loses its taste after a while but if you smell it when he's been chewing it, it smells of pork scratchings! Another treat mine love and is in some pet shops is bulls willys! They stink but must be nice coz they eat the whole thing. Oh and tripe sticks, don't let him take this one on your sofa ha ha ha.

I heard of dog rally but i don't really know exactly what it is. could someone tell me?

I also want to know if me and my dog could participate, because i'm only twelve and my dog is only aca. Not akc?
Rally is a lot of fun for people of all ages and dogs of all breeds. Rally is like an obstacle course with obedience. You must get your dog to go through a series of activities such as walk around in a circle, jog in a zig zag or lie down then sit up then heel again. The great thing about rally is you can talk to the dog the entire time to help him comlete the tasks in the quickest amount of time. You can talk to him, sing, clap whistle or whatever to get your dog to do the commands. In rally you start off in novice classes onleash then you move up to advance which is offleash and finally excellent which is offleash but focuses on precsion. First you will need to get your dog an ILP number this is the same as an AKC registration and allows you to compete in any event except conformation, but you can still do junior handling. I will include a link to apply for the ILP. After you do that you will need to get a Junior Handler number. This number allows you to participate in any AKC event including rally. You can even earn a title in rally as a junior. Here is a link on how to get started in rally and some background info on it
Here is a link to apply for a Junior Handler number to compete in AKC events
Here is a link to get an ILP number so your dog can compete
Thats really cool that you are interested in the dog fancy, it is so nice to see younger members out in the show ring competing in dog events. I started out in Juniors and did obedience, Junior Showmanship, Conformation and Tracking, I just recently started doing rally after I aged out of Juniors.
dont know what that is
Per the AKC website:
"AKC Rally is the new dog sport that is taking the nation by storm, a successful stepping stone from the AKC Canine Good Citizen庐 program to the world of obedience or agility. Rally offers both the dogs and handlers an experience that is fun and energizing. The canine team moves at their own pace, very similar to rally-style auto racing. Rally was designed with the traditional pet owner in mind, but it can still be very challenging for those who enjoy higher levels of competition.
Here are three links that may give you the info you need. If you're in Canada you are golden any dog can participate according to their website.
Good luck!!

I heard of black long haird chiwawas, can i see som pics of these chiwawas?

i just wanna see some pics of them... cus i serchd it on google/.. n nothing came up.. help me plese?
these are the best pics i could find
you spelled it wrong. copy this into the google pic search and you'll get the pics.
black long haired chihuahua
so google it
that's because you spelled it wrong try using chihuahua.
Perhaps you should instead do your homework and learn how to spell - yikes!
Well if you allowed email I would have sent you a picture of my long haired black chihuahua. Your loss.

I have Yorkshire terrier with akc registered.?

What i want is to have puppy to raise with male. Pick of litter is all. I will get her fixed cause i want two dogs. He is vet checked and clear of all stuff we live near san antonio tx. Let me know if you want to need stud hes silky coat.
Good to hear that he is cleared of all "stuff"... this forum is not appropriate for this kind of request.
If you have gotten all his health clearances and are still serious about breeding you need to go about it an a responsible and profession manner. This way certainly is not.
You need to be picky as to who you breed him with, not just anyone who has an intact female Yorkie on .
Good breeders spend months to years planning the perfect litter. They do extensive research on each pedigree of the ***** and each breeder breeds with a goal in mind to better the bred and the pedigree.
If you still have your heart set on breeding, please be responsible!! Connect with your local breed club, get a mentor, and go from there.
You say you want two dogs but I'm sure you're aware that Yorkies frequently have litters larger than one. It's important to keep in mind that responsible breeders try their hardest to keep the dogs they produce out of shelters and as a result ethical breeders require that any puppies they've placed be returned to them anytime down the road if things don't work out with the new family.
If all you're really looking for is another Yorkie, please check and other rescue groups. There are already plenty of homeless yorkies that would love to find a permenant home with you.

I have two dogs, the get jelous once in a while... PLEASE HELP?

So i have to dogs, they are brother and sister we treat them equally but somtimes they still get jelous...why and how can we stop that?
My mom has two dogs also, and let me tell you they get so jealous they start biting each other (Not anything rough or like hurting each other, just because of jealousy) You are doing all you can, If you treat them equally there really isn't much you can do. Maybe it helps if you separate them and spend quality time with one and then with the other, you know without getting the other one jealous. But other then that, that is about all you can do.
Of course they do.. You have to treat them both the same.. You have to spend time with each of them separately. Oh yeah and this is what happens when you buy littermates...
Normal enough, just be sure to pay equal attention to both.
Human brothers and sisters get jealous of each other, why would dogs be different - just don't allow them to fight or get nasty about it - you are in charge.
they both havr different personalities and you have to find out why they are jealous of each other and then work on the issues.
Buying litter mates does cause this, ALSO, i have 2 great danes..born on the same day from two different owners in two different cities, but since they were bought around the same time and the same age..they get jealous of one another all the time. They will fight, when one is being pet the other will jump on the other or push on each other to get the attention. I found if we spend time separately with them but also together they do fairly well...but its not gonna stop...ya just gotta deal with it...

I have two dogs, both labs. One black and one yellow.?

What is the fasination wtih digging dirt? I am constantly in their dog run shoveling the dirt back in. Why?
They are either digging to find a cool place to lay, or digging from frustration or boredom.
They could be bored, the fresh turned dirt (from them digging and then you filling the hole back in) can make dogs more interested in digging because of the scents it turns up. They could just like digging.
Put some of their poop in the holes before filling them back in. This will deter them from digging in the same spot. You can also get them some kong toys, or balls that let out kibble when they roll it around to keep them entertained.
I think some dogs just dig by nature. I have a cocker spaniel that digs. He get attention, has tons of space, and has toys. I have tried putting red pepper in the dirt where he digs, putting balloons in the holes to pop when he digs, put rocks in the holes. Nothing has stopped him. Most recently, I put wire in the holes and covered it up. Hopefully, he will run into it when he digs and give up when he realizes he can't get through it. Then again, he might surprise me and find a way to dig right through it!

I have two dogs, both got a terrible allergie two weeks ago, what should I do?

I have a Golden retriever and a schnauzer. Three weeks ago my golden who is a 1 and a half year old dog, got distemper four weeks ago. He was under antibiotics for 7 days, he soon got better and finally recovered. The same week he got sick we changed his food for another, the schnauzer also started on this food the same day. After a few days of this I noticed that they both started scratching really bad and I checked on them and found a terrible rash on both of them, specially on their tummies and chest. I changed the food a week ago, and thought that they were scratching less than before, but today I noticed they had scabs on their elbows (if u can called them that) and knees, and their skin feels really hot because of how much they scratch. I don't know what to do because I'm not sure if it might have been the food, or if it's a fungus from outside, cause they stay outside all morning till I can home from work.I put a plastic ring sort of bucket round the neck to stop
Yes it could be mange, but there are three types of mange, demodectic, Cheyletiella, and Sarcoptic mange. Only sarcoptic is transferable to humans, thats the scabies. That is pretty rare. When dogs immune systems are down they are more suseptable to mange. You can find out more about these on the web. Another possibility it could be is fleas. Many dogs have flea allergies, if one flea bites the dog or cat every seven days it can cause any pet with allergies to develope rashes and itchy skin all the time. Mange is very serious, but its not going to kill your dog fast. Your dogs can wait until afternoon. I have seen horriable cases of mange when its let go for months and in that case you are looking at spending about a year treating it and well over $1000. There are alot of things that could cause this but if it is mange the sooner you treat it the cheaper it will be for you, and the quicker your pet will heal.
Since you can't be sure it is a food allergy, and since mange is very serious and spreads quickly and can eventually, left untreated, lead to the death of your dogs, it would be best for a Vet to examine them.
It could be food related, could be fungal, could be a reaction to fleas, but since this is something with a sudden onset and that drastic that quickly, a Vet really needs to SEE the dogs. Hope they will be okay.
Mange can be spread to humans (it's scabies).
Change their food back, or try something else. Always use a good quality food, the generic stuff may seem cheaper but they have to eat so much more to get what they need, which also causes more waste. You're obviously willing to vet your pets, ask them what they think, and have their thyroid checked. This is one of the main causes for hot spots, and another is a flea allergy. Some dogs are merely annoyed by fleas, others are terrorized by them. Since they are both being affected at the same time I'd think the food or fleas first. But while your trying to figure it out, give the poor things some benedryl and put some cream on their boo-boos. Most put store sell a pet
itch relief product, but you can also try a benedryl type cream.
Jo who died and made you expert?
Don't listen to her.
You need to take your dogs to the vet. It is pretty shameful to begin with that you didn't vaccinate your dogs against distemper, and then to let them suffer for two weeks with the present condition makes me disgusted. You have a legal responsibility to provide adequate medical care for your animals, and if I lived near you I would certainly call animal control.
Perhaps you could surrender your dogs to rescue where they would be better cared for.

I have two dogs and want more is this normal?

If you have the money, love, and time for them, then sure why not?
sure it is.
Two is company, three is a pack
Dogs are like potato chips -- you can't have just one : )
of course! i want to rescue every dog i see that needs rescuing, but i know i can't. as long as you can provide the proper care for your dogs and love them like they should be, it's alright to have more.
Yup.. The thing is probably, you love your two dogs so much, you want more..
dogs can be addictive...
if you can afford to up keep them, food, vet bills, %26 have the space for them then why not ..just check to see if there is a by-law on how many pets your household is allowed
Yes it is normal but do not get anymore that you can comfortable handle. IE VET bills and food.
Well, how many more dogs do you want? If you want 1 or 2 more, why not?!? I love dogs and would have more if my condo allowed it. I have a friend who has 6 dogs, but she also has outside runs for them. If you start getting into double digits and you aren't running a rescue, then it could be considered hoarding.
Where I live, some of the counties actually have a limit on how many dogs you can have, so you might want to check on that.
There is a law limit on how many dogs you own, calling a SPCA they can tell you more on the issue.
Best of Luck...
usually it isn't but some people have like 6 dogs or something like that so sure.
Of course it is. Go to your nearest animal shelter and go save a life! It's worth it.
If you can handle it personally and financially they I don't see why not .
It is perfectly normal but make sure that you can handle more dogs before you get them.
I have all the dogs I can properly care for. When I had more, I had to hire help to keep them all bathed, groomed and exercised. I currently have 5, and one youngster doesn't get enough quality 'training' time. ( huge, long-haired dogs)
Yes that is very normal!! I just got my second dog a few months ago and I want another, but I live in an apartment and I know that if I get another one my house will be uncomfortable and I want to be able to control my pets, not have them controlling me! So, once I get my own house I think I will get another dog. So my advice to you is, if you have the room and the money and the love for another dog then go right ahead and get one, but if there is any possibility that you are unsure then I think you should wait til you are ready! Hope this helps! :)
of course! At one time I had as many as 6 dogs! Now I have 3. There are many doggies out there that need a good, loving home.
of course it's normal!! I feel the same way... unfortunately i can only have 1. =o/
ofcarse its normal i personally think everyone should have more than one dogs they're such beautigul creatures and when your not there to keep your dogs company they can keep each other company
Yes, it's perfectly fine if you have the time and $$$ to care for it properly. If you do, go ahead!

I have two dogs and they don't get along...?

Ok, there are two dogs at my house, ones med. sized, the other small sized, and whenever we feed them, the small one starts trying to fight the ohter one, when we tell them to stop, the small one doesn't, but the medium one does, and this gives the small dog more "confidence" and keeps doing it, what can we do? They are also jealous of each other, because when we pet one the other one tries to get in the middle adn they push each other out of the way.(we've had the medium dog for a lot longer, we just got the small one)
Feed them separately, the small one first since it is the alpha. Get them altered. Treat the alpha like the alpha, and they should be able to work it out.
Or give away the alpha, if you just don't want to deal with it.
Feed the dogs in seperate rooms, neither one in the same room as you and make sure someone elese is petting the other dog every time you do.If you do see one heading twoards the other during eating time, pick them up and try to get them to do something else,play with a squeaky,ect. These are REALLY simple ways to stop fights.
They are fighting over dominance, food, attention, etc. They are not jealous of each other, the problem is that they don't know who the leader is and this is causing them to fight for the role.
The best thing you can do is brush up on how to maintain your position as pack leader. Nothing in life is free is a great system to help you do that.
Try feeding them in seperate rooms and always feed the dominant dog (which to me sounds like the smaller one, but I'm not positive on that) first. They see each other as one of them is the alpha, the big dog on top. So they are probably showing dominance over each other to see who is boss.
Best of luck, and make sure you discipline them correctly, that can make the difference too!
I have the same problem except we have had the small dog for 9 years and the medium one for 8 months. I guess just try to put the small dog in time-out (bathroom) and make your medium dog the dominant over the other dog (not over you, you are the alpha of the pack) because your house was the medium dogs territory first! It works for me!
Okay first try feeding the dogs in separte rooms. When they get jealous of each other . And start to push each other and fight. Don't pick either one up or pet either one. your just telling them it's okay to act that way. Show who's boss make them stop fighting. Don't tell them good dog if they stop.
just separate them, that will make lonely...then they should get along, that's what i do
I've had 4 dogs at one time. Talk about jealousy!! First of all, separate them in different rooms when eating. Wait untill both are finished untill letting them out. That is the easiest way to solve it, believe me!! With jealousy, you have to be patient with both. I have managed to pet 4 at one time. Not an easy task. It ends up being play time as I get down on their level. But, every pet deserves alone time with mommy. So, separating them when you do it has been my answer forever. Make sure the other is occupied with a bone or another family member, etc. Don't let one dog know what the other is doing. It works just fine. But, don't push one away to pet the other. They don't understand, and it will just make them aggressive toward the other.
Where did the smaller dog come from. Was he/she the leader of the pack or the more predominate one? Sometimes smaller dogs always have larger attitudes. I had a Pomeranian and a golden retriever but the golden knew what my pom said went even though hes smaller. But the biggest factor you must consider is the smaller dogs previous home.
depends if they are two males.
males fight for domoncey.
Bright idea.
try sepreating their food bowls
that could help also.

I have two aggressive chewers that destroy all toys, but have no interest in the Kong toys...any suggestsions?

I've tried filling the kong toys with treats, peanut butter, etc. they still have no interest. They love rope toys and nyla bones, but those usually only last a few days. I'm afraid to try those bone, hoof, or rawhide toys as I'm sure they will break off pieces and eat them. Any soft (stuffed animal type) toys are out of the question...those only make it about 5 minutes before I have to clean up the stuffing all over the house.
Are there any other toys that are durable that the dogs will like? Or should I just keep replacing their favorite toys?
Hi I have the same problem here with my golden's.
I found this place and I have been very happy with their line of dog toy's. They rate them on a chew-o-meter. 1 to 5. 5 for the most agressive chewer.
My toy here have yet to be destroyed.
Take a look see what your think.
you can buy a special spray that tastes disgusting and you can spray it on the things that she chews but it doesn't stain or leave marks or make things sticky. It's just like when you want to stop biting your nails you can buy nail varnish that tastes horrible, it does just the same thing as that.
If you catch them chewing in a firm voice say no and take them out of the room by the collar and hold them until they have calmed down and then let them go, and if they do it again do the same thing and keep repeating this and they should catch on eventually.
when they chew, put up one finger,say NO, take the item and place a hard bone from the pet store in their mouth.
I have found that Racket Balls are great! I have had Rottweiler's that could not chew them up!
I saw a dog toy that was made from fire hose material -- that seemed pretty durable. It's hard to say if your dogs will like it, though; dogs (mine included) can be kinda finicky about their toys.
I have two pit bulls...and the same problem. The kong toys do not appeal to them at all (they actually prefer squeekies). I asked a similar question and one of the answers referred me to this website
These toys are guarenteed indestructable ( although I'm sure my babies will tear them apart sooner or later) and the squeekies are really well insulated so they don't squeek too loud. They are holding up very well..I haven't come home to a floor covered in fluff for since I tried them (about 3 weeks now) I'd give it a shot.the dogs LOVE them
i have the same problem with my 4 years old pitbull..she'll destroy a stuffed animal toy within 10 minutes, she hated those kong toys too. One day I went to the petstore and asked one of the employees and he showed me to those rawhide strips/bones and I bought a bag..brought it home and my dog was in love with it. Dogs can eat rawhide and its good for their teeth, I even asked my vet. I hoped this helped. Good luck=]
I got a very thick rope, like an inch in diameter, cut off a foot or two, and tied knots in the ends. My aggressive chewer loves it and it withstands his gnawing. Those long hollow bones with filling in them at pet stores are okay. They will lick out the filling and then chew on them, and they really last. They are so hard that any pieces that break off are okay for them to swallow (dogs are built to swallow small bits of bone, just nothing that could stick in their throat). My dog has 2 that have lasted over a year. And you can refill them with peanut butter for a special treat. Just to give you an idea of my dog's chewing abilities, he sat down and ate a foot long rawhide "retriever roll" in a couple of hours last night.
Well I had the same problem with my Dobermans. The LOVE those rope toys but my male can untie them in 2 seconds flat. BUT I just bought a 20$ one at pet smart and it is guaranteed not to fall apart regardless of what your dog does to it and it has lasted about 1 month which is a VERY long time for us. I also get my dobes really big bones about once a week or so they will sit and chew on those for a LONG time. They are good for their teeth to. Some dogs are just chewers mine are to!
I hope I helped.
I have a pitbull and I had the same exact problem. I would suggest the Nylabone Galileo Bone. It is the only thing that's will last. Even fire hose toys are no match for my one year pit, he goes through everything but this bone here.
Galileo, the world's strongest dog bone, is made of super-tough virgin nylon and lasts far longer than other chew products. It is so strong that you don't have to throw it away when the knuckles are chewed down. Discard it only when it is small enough for your dog to swallow whole. Galileo is safe to chew. The thin shavings that are raked off during chewing and swallowed pass through harmlessly. Galileo saves teeth by effective cleaning and vigorous gum massage and since Galileo is non-abrasive, there is no tooth wear.
Good Luck
By the way, raw hide is NOT good for dogs!
try the large bone, and when I say large I mean large, my aunt had a rott and he could chew through any thing, but the mega bone, and it kept him busy. Or try storing a kong or two in their food bag like with the food. Dogs don't like strong smells and rubber is pretty strong. Have your vet recommend a good strong toy for you, and ask about the rawhide and bone toys with your vet.
I don`t know what breed of dogs you have , but we`ve owned Bull Terriers for years , and have yet to find an "indestructible" toy that`ll last more than 5 minutes !
A Bull Terrier can rip a large Kong to shreds in 15 minutes or less . I know , because I`ve watched them do it !
Rather than be concerned so much about "indestructible" , I`d just find toys that are likely to last for a few days . Some will and some won`t .
With some dogs though , you have to watch that they don`t eat the bits and pieces as they tear the toy apart .
I wish I did! I have Great Pyr's that as pups are detructo dogs! My old Pyr loves her squishy rubber squeak toys and doesn't chew them up buy my 13 month old Pyr will rip all toys to shreds! They don't like Kong either unless I stuff it peanut butter! Good luck!
I have the same problem with my doberman/pitbull female dog. She has had about every toy there is even Kongs and she destroys them in minutes. I have tried tennis balls, she pops them, bones that suppose to be hours of chewing fun, gone in about 10 minutes. I read all the replys here and I got some good info. The ropes some were talking about, doesnt last an hour with her, but my Boxer, he can chew all day on toys and will not tear them up.Maybe it is just the breed of dog, But they both LOVE pigs ears. Just to hear those to words sends my boxer in frenzy. He knows exactly what I am talking about and where they are for all the toy advice.
ZOGOFLEX makes some toys called Hurley and Huck. I bought the Huck for my dog he is a very aggressive chewer and it has lasted. Plus they guarantee their toys to last so if your dog destroys it they will either replace it or refund your money.

I have two 8 week old shih tzus and one has developed cherry eye.?

They play and get rough together sometimes. Will this do harm? The vet will repair it when he is 6 months old and I don't want him to have to wear one of those collars that looks like a lamp shade for four months.
It's unfortunate that the dog has developed it so young. If you just got the dogs from a breeder I would suggest (I know you wont want to, I wouldn't either) taking the dog back or (what I would do) ask the breeder to pay for the surgery. It's not something that just one day pops up, if the breeder says they didn't know you can get your vet to write up something along the lines that it's not a sudden condition and she sold the dog knowing it had the problem. I have an English bulldog that has a cherry eye (been operated on twice now with no luck, going to a specialist soon to try again...) and he seems to do fine even rough-housing with my other dog, it just looks horrible. Your dog WILL have to wear an E-collar but it won't be for 4 months. If you don't leave it on the whole time the stitches are in the cherry eye will reoccur and you will have to have surgery all over again.(not what happened in my dog's 2 cases but have seen it before)
Good Luck!
First of all, you will love your shih tzus! Mine is the best dog ever. He had a hard time potty training, but other than that, he's the best ever.
Second, as long as your vet has checked it out and said to wait, it will be just fine. You should be thankful that it is a simple fix - even if he has to wear a cone for a few weeks.
if they play and bite around the face, it will have to wear a collar...the dog won't mind nearly as much as you will...
I also have shih tzu! the vet recomended to clean his eye with warm water twice a day!
As horrible as it sounds, and as much as you probably don't want to hear this; If you bought it from a breeder or a pet shop, I suggest taking it back. Cherry eye is very very expensive to treat. You're looking at 500 dollars and up. And since the dog is so young, I assume you just got it. Really, consider taking it back.
Cherry eye just doesn't pop up over night, the breeder/pet shop probably knew the dog had it, and sold you it anyways. Also, I find it very strange that such a young small dog has cherry eye to begin with, it tends to be a large dog problem.

I have treated my yard, house and the mother dog and still the 1 wk old puppies have fleas what am i to do?

we have sprayed the yard, i have treated the mother dog before, durring, and after pregnancy i change and treat the bedding the puppies are in and i have also been treating my other dogs i have treated my house and these puppies have still some how got fleas i'm at a loss i dont know what to do! ppl have told me to wash them with dish soap, spray a wash rag with flea and tick spray and dab the puppies but i am scarred to do all that i dont want to harm them! i sit with them and if i see a flea i pick it off and kill it PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Get some Frontline from the vet. They will help you find a product that will not hurt anyone.
I had the same problem, and I called the vet and he suggested front line, believe me it really works. you only use it every 60 days, and no more fleas. But be sure and consult your vet seeing how they are young puppies involved.
Go to your local feed store that sells sulfur ,lime garden supplies they have this hi-yield garden,pet%26 livestocl dust its in a yellow bag with black writing on it .I'm in louisiana so it may varies.
Go buy a box of 20 mule team borax laundry soap %26 salt the welping box, carpets, %26 bedding in your house. It is non toxic cost a woppin $3 and will kill alll fleas in a matter of hours.

I have to go to school and my mom and dad are at work the whole day so my dog will be alone and bored!?

Get an apropriate sized kong toy and fill it with penut butter and kibble the night before. Pop it into the freezer overnight.
Getting the goodies out will help keep your dog busy.
Make sure you leave out plenty of toys so your dog does not get bored and destructive. He will be fine. I like to leave the TV just so my pup has something to listen too but, i don't really know id that helps.
leave ur dog some chew/toys! and plenty of food and water
get him a toy or maybe another dog!!!
give her a morning walk before you go to school
leave her a toy to play with (such as a kong that will keep her busy)
leave her fresh food and plenty of water
if you have a fenced in backyard you could get a doggy door so she doesnt have to hold her bladder
your dog will most likely just sleep when you are gone so leave her a comfy cool place/ dog bed to relax on .
Dogs tend to sleep the majority of the day so I don't think they're as bored as we might like to believe. Leave toys for him/her to play with. I also leave my radio on so the house isn't totally quiet. I read that if a potential burglar hears noise like a radio or tv playing they aren't as apt to break in. It's also not a bad idea to have another pet in the house for comapny like another dog or a cat. Good luck.
I hope this isn't a puppy that still needs to go out often during the day.
an adult will be fine - sounds as tho its a new dog tho - what do you do when you all go away for several hours?
All of the answers on here so far are good ideas. But you might want to leave something with your scent on it for the dog...i.e. an old t-shirt..socks etc.but then beware...because he/she will become accustomed to those things as being "his/her" playthings..which means don't leave your good clothes laying around for the pup to play/chomp on..Good Luck
Well you can leave a tv or radio on for them. Also leave something that smells like you in their bed for comfort. Treats and toy may also help.

I have to get a pet sitter for my dog for five nights. Will he miss me alot?

He is only 9 months old and he is always with us, but we have to go away for five days. Can someone provide some advice on how to make the days go by for him. I want to get the best sitter possible. But will he long for us?
Your pup will miss you. I went on a 2 week vacation and left my dog with my sister. I made it a point to leave an old worn t-shirt of mine, so that my doggy could smell my scent. When I got back I was told she used it as her bed.
You will be lucky after 5 days away if he remembers you especially if where he is gives a lot of treats.
He will miss you. I watched my parents' dog for a week...and he got so depressed! He wouldn't eat or drink. He just laid down and moped all day. It was sad. Nothing I did made him happy. As soon as they got back though...he was like a different dog.
He'll probably miss you, but it is a good thing he's going to stay in his own home, where he's comfortable. You could ask the sitter to call you and let you say hello to the dog so he hears your voice. That might make him feel better if he starts getting upset that you're gone.
hes still a puppy, as long as whoever it is loves on him and gives him treats, he will be perfectly happy.
i dont know. why dont you ask him.

hows anyone going to truely know if your dog is going to miss you?
He will be fine, just get someone you trust and go enjoy yourself. He is not going to forget you, pups that I raise remember me years later, even if I don't see them between visits. I occasionally take in "troubled" dogs and they never forget me, which is good.
yes he will miss you the first time i had to leave my dog i was worried so i washed all her toys and then carried them around under my shirt it makes the toys have your scent and they love it! i also left some messages on my answering machine talking to her and my sitter played them for her every day it really helps!!
It is good that he will be in his own home and if the sitter is loving and kind, he will be fine. They say dogs have no perception of time, if that is true at least he won`t be counting the days till u get back. Seriously, if the sitter keeps him occupied and spends time with ur dog, nothing bad is going to happen while ur gone. He will miss u, but he`ll have a joyful Reunion when u get back home. Enjoy urself on ur trip.
well, depending on how you work out the sitting he can have a very good time. If someone is staying at your house with him, or if he is staying with someone else that'd be great. If he's staying at home alone and someone is stopping in to take care of him that isn't so good. Boarding is even good.
Puppies are pretty flexible, so he probably won't pout or really long for you. Of course he'll miss you, but dogs really can't tell time. It makes no difference to them if you go to the store or go on all seems about the same.
as long as he has someone to play with him occasionally and he gets to do normal puppy stuff he'll be fine.

I have to bury our dog, what is the best way to rap him up and in what?

how deep should his hole be for his grave? Thank you.
i'm very sorry for your loss. and this is going to possibly sound rude or inconsiderate considering it's your pet and i apologize, but it's all things you need to take into consideration. you should wrap your dog in it's favorite blanket or whatever will make you feel better that the dog is wrapped in. then you should double bag the dog in thick leaf and yard trash bags. make sure the bags are sealed as tights as you can get them. the hole should be long enough for the dog to fit and depending on the size of the dog about 3-4 ft deep. this is because a body will tend to bloat after it dies and if the ground becomes soft with rain, or just with the disturbed ground it honestly can come back up partially. make sure the ground is packed tight on top of the hold. you don't want something digging up your pet. then if you like you can place a plant or tree or bush nearby to mark the spot for yourself. again i'm very sorry for your loss. it's awful to loose our pets. and i don't mean to sound heartless with my description, but it's going to be the best way to bury your pet.
First off, I am sorry for your loss. How big is the dog, and how much are you willing to spend on the wrapping?
go to a vet and ask for a bag, tie it up then tape it bury it deep cause other animals will dig him up good luck and im sorry for your lose
When our dog died(boston terrier) we wrapped him in his favortie blankee and put him in a box. I would say the hole we dug was maybe 3-4 feet deep and then we put some rocks on top of it to keep the other dog from digging. Im sorry about your loss. I know how hard it is.
Dig the hole as deep as you can before you hit something like tree roots or rock that makes it impossible. You wouldn't want a wild animal or another dog digging him up. Wrap him in some plastic sheeting to reduce the smell, so nothing finds him.
You can also have your dog cremated. It's not terribly expensive, and you have the security of knowing his remains can't be disturbed.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
first wrap him in a cotton sheet
and then wrap him in plastic that you can buy (like at home depot)
bury him a minimum og 36 inches (or 3 feet)...i would do more.
sorry for your are in my prayers.
good luck 鈾?
I am so sorry for your loss. I wrapped mine in a sheet so that everything would decompose. She is buried about 4 ft down. And I ordered a pet head stone from Harriet Carter website that has her name, year of birth and year of death on it.
So that other animals can't smell it, 4-6 feet is best. News paper, clothing or a old coat is fine to wrap it in. You really just don't want another animal to dig it up. So sorry about your loss.
do u have a dog cemetery

I have three week puppie, but it seem that it eye are not opening, how long should a puppy is able to see.?

Max was born three weeks ago and it eyes are partial open, I can tell if he is blind or stuff in its eyes.
Your pup should opened his eyes by the time it was 14 days old. Something is wrong and you need to take the little gut to the vet. As a rule they open their eyed between 7 to 10 days...I have had pups that took as long as 14 but no longer. He needs to be looked at Hun!
who let you take a puppy that early??
do you have the entire litter?
Puppies are supposed to stay with the mother until at least 8 weeks of age.
If you are seriously concerned, you should take the puppy to the vet. they have better answers than anyone on here.
Why do you have a 3 week old pup in the first place. You cant tell anything until they are much older. If you think the pup has an infection than get it to a vet.
I hope this pup is still with it's mom because it should be until it's 8 weeks old!
who let you take a puppy that early??
do you have the entire litter?
Puppies are supposed to stay with the mother until at least 8 weeks of age.
If you are seriously concerned, you should take the puppy to the vet. they have better answers than anyone on here.

I have thread looking string in my dogs fur, approx 1cm lengths, hes had 3-4 of them now, any ideas please?

he has had them on his face, neck and back, you notice a small bit in fur and start pulling it and it keeps going, its very scary actually,
WORMS! And a very very bad infestation if he's got them on his face! Get him some strong worming tablets NOW. Why are you still reading this? SHOPS -NOW. A serious infestation such as this can KILL your dog! Hurry up and get those tablets!
I'm not 100% sure though, search on a google pet health site
Good Luck!
If you can, maybe you can put a pic on here and we can see what it look like?
If it's scary, take him to the vet!
Wonder if using the word 'thread' has put us all in mind of worms...and not sure if get them on face, thought they were just in the poop.
Are they pieces of twiddled fur or a foreign body coming out of the skin?
Yep, a picture would be good. (Don't forget to regularly worm every 3 months :+)
how sad,,, when was the last time dog was at vets? GO TODAY,,, i assume your dog needs shots and worming and you need a refresher course.. bathing/grooming etc.
Sounds like a SEVERE case of worms, get to the vet PRONTO!! do not buy over the counter wormers cos they are crap, ineffective and are more likely to make you dog sick.
If your in the UK get drontal (from the vet)
Do not just leave this as it could end up killing your dog.
Also get to your doctors cos if your dogs got em that bad and you been pulling at em you could easily have em too, he will prescribe something (it tastes absolutely vile) that will kill them or you can ask at your local chemist if they have an over counter worm medicine (this is for you NOT the dog), if you have kids and family and other animals you are all going to need doing at the same time to prevent re-infestation.
Make sure all your dogs feaces are cleared up immediately and disinfect the garden / yard.
Also make sure you de-flea regularly as fleas=worms
Good Luck!
Worms theyre called
Theres some spray for that at pet shops and vets
I know its very scary but once the dog has been treated it would be okay
Make it quick though or it would go inside the body and affect your dog
Get that poor dog to a vet! Do not try to worm him with OTC wormers, they are not effective and are in fact dangerous to pets. Take a fresh stool sample and your poor dog to a vet...
Your dog must be in a very sorry state if this is what's happened. Get him to the vet straight away for some medication. Don't leave him to suffer another minute. Be a responsible dog owner.
Does the thread come out easily when you pull it, or does it break the skin? If it comes out easily (without causing your dog any pain or tearing of the skin) just keep pulling it until it all comes out. It's hard to tell what your little friend has gotten into. I don't think that it will cause any great health issues. The worst that could happen is that the body will try to expel the foreign object, eventually causing a minor skin infection--until the thread is completely expelled.
I'd take him to the vet, it's probably worms. Don't worry though, no matter how well kept the dog is, it can happen to any of them, and it isn't in any way your fault or anybody elses. Don't listen to the people who are rude, ignore them, but I'd take him to the vet to be on the safe side. Good Luck :)
Is it a stuffed animal?
I wouldn't think worms would be on his face, is this thread like stuff actually coming from inside the body and out through the skin, or is it just on the fur. I would definitely see the vet to clear up what this is.
i would also like to say i agree with Bexa, ignore the rude people, most people genuinely try to help, but there are a lot of school children on at the moment because of school holidays.
go to the V E T

I have this girl who is very special to me?

to me I want to get her a dog girls what kind of dogs do you like because I'm thinking about getting her a chuwowa in a pink sweater (if I spelt the type of dog right)
Well chiuauas are great dogs. But you need a dog that would be loyal and true to her. Like a dog that would always be there for you when you need them. Here are three of my personal favorites that she might like.
Pekapoos- Great loyal dogs, very fun, and playful.
Duchsenes-Lovable, playful, trustworthy,
Beagles- Grow very attachted, fun, cute, smart
Make sure she can take care of it though... Pets come with lots of responsibilities, she might not be able to take care of it so make sure it's okay with her parents if you want it to be a suprise.
Do not get her a dog. If you want you should take her with you and pick one out. People should always get to pick out their own dog.
she may like that...or a pug, or puggle, or shitzu, or a sheltie
lol chuwowa, how bout doh-berman.
I say go with an English bull dog. They aren't very big at all, and they are very sweet.
I think you need to make sure she wants one. She should be able to tell you what kind of dog to get her. I love dogs, but if someone gave me a "chuwowa" I would not be happy.
i would get her something small. a cute fluffy dog with a lot of fur would be cute!!
CHIHUAHUA! and she needs to pick a dog herself, and how do you know she is ready for this responsibility?
Do you even know if she likes dogs? Do you know if she actually wants one? They are such a big responsibility and they cost lots of money for their, toys, vet bills etc.
I'd choose something different.
Get her a little pug! No way can a girl not love those little things! LoL Good Luck!
A chihuahua in a pink sweater sounds grotesque. Dogs should never be fashion accessories for people. Better not get her a dog. Better get her a pink sweater of her very own.
chavlier king charles spaniel are real cute plus this breed of this dog means it has a real soft temperment .. good luck in finding the right pet.. remember a pet is for life.!! hope ur relationship last that long. if not she will allways remember u.. awww how sweet. x
Take her to the shelter and let her pick out her own dog.By picking out her own dog,she will have a more special bond with it.Plus she would be saving a life.
Please do not get her a dog unless you and her have had a conversation about this and she understands the full commitment of having a dog. Yes, they are adorable but they also are a lot of work, need a lot of attention %26 love, and they can be a large financial responsibility (vet bills, food, etc.).
Ask her her preference.
First off a pet is not a good gift unless you are married to that person and know they want one.a dog should fit their lifestyle and how much time is she willing to spend grooming the dog.and does she have the patience enough to potty train it?does she live in a small place or big place not everyone likes the same type of dogs.get her something else flowers candy.look like someone said a dog is something that person should pick.also can she afford to have a they allow dogs in her apt or house.thats also a reason of why dogs end up in shelters people get them because they are cute and do not realize all this.
Giving somone a dog as a gift (especially when it's a surprise) is a terrible idea. Make sure she's willing and able to take care of it (and of course, make sure she wants a dog). Giving an animal as a gift is one of the main reasons rescues, pounds, and shelters are overflowing with unwanted animals. Please rethink this gift. If you want to show her you love her, jewelry, flowers, or a stuffed animal in a pink sweater would be much better than a living thing.
Go to
Look at pic 3 with Paris Hilton with 4 dogs get her one like those
Well after you learn how to spell it maybe a Chihuahua would be nice...but you need to find out if she wants a dog and is ready for the responsibility of raising a puppy..shelter dogs are just as good even better because they might have traits of two or more dogs on there...take her with you if you do decide on it..tell her she means a lot to you and you wanted to get her something special and you were thinking of a does she feel about it...if she is OK with it get all the stuff she needs then get her the puppy or dog...
BTW..most girls like dogs you can dress up and act like it is a baby doll from when she was something small..Good Luck!
Why do you want to share her with another love? She will be having to walk it... you wont be able to go away for the weekend. vet bills will get her extra money. She will hurrry home from work or school and have to spend time with it... and clean up after it... and repair stuff it chewed up.
(Do not share her right now, enjoy this time with her and get her the dog for your 5 yr anniversery)
Does this girl have a family that will accept this pet? Does she live in an apartment that allows pets? PLEASE do not make a rash purchase
Why not take her on a short well planned trip? Does she like animals? Why not purchase tickets for you and her to have an afterhours/feeding time access to the Zoo. Most zoos have this for a price but it is wonderful and educational. Then the Zoo will be "your place" (Romantic for a animal lover)
We live near a Aquarium and it has a wonderful back stage tour that allows you to see all that goes on behind the scenes and feed the different fish and animals.
Bottom line... a pet is a LIFE TIME commitment. When you choose a gift like that for another person maybe they would assume you intend to be around to help take care of the pet. Both of you need to accept and be ready for a life time commitment. Pets are like children... not like toys...
Shelter dogs are great IF you know it's background. Sometimes they have been abused or neglected and have problems with house breaking and many other issues... PLEASE be careful when choosing a shelter animal. IT IS THERE FOR A REASON. My daughter rescued a dog from a woman who got it at a shelter then could not handle it's many problems. My daughter was able to rehabilitate the poor thing but it took total devotion for months before it could be left alone or allowed to walk through the house. You really need to know what you are doing BEFORE you get a dog!
the spelling is chihuahua. They are mostly a 1 person dog.
I would definately suggest no matter what dog you might get at teh shelter you find out exactly why the dog is there. I know of several that were adopted and ended up they hated a specific sex and I know one that nearly killed a child that was given as a gift.
I strongly suggest letting her know you wnat to get her one but let her pick the dog or pup out, see how it gets along with her. Also are you sure she realy wants the responsiblilty of a dog and does she have the time for one.
Chihuahuas are great little dogs but teh need to be socialized with people and other animals this is a must.
Just because they are small don't give into them they are a little dog but they can get to acting like a big dog.
It is great that you are looking at shelters, kudos! Your intentions are sweet and I鈥檓 sure that she will appreciate your thoughtfulness no matter what but, it is not wise to get a pet for anyone. I would suggest you take her for a surprise outing to the shelter and let her pick for herself, or get a gift certificate or prepaid receipt. After all a pet is a living thing and requires preparation. Also even within a given breed they have different personalities and it is important that pet and owner click. Personally, even as a young girl, I have always liked the larger dogs, I have a Lab Dane cross now. It is really an individual thing.
NO. Do NOT get her a living being as a present. That is a very poor choice.
How old is she? Is she a minor living in her parents' home? If so, you would have to have their permission first. But even if she is of age and has her own apartment, are there any roommates? Could any of them be allergic? Is she allergic?
Is she ready for this "present" and by that I mean can she AFFORD a dog right now? You may take care of the initial cost in purchasing the dog, but she is the one who will be saddled with vet bills and food costs and cleanup.
You obviously haven't given this much thought. Don't destroy some dog's life. Does your girlfriend work all day? What if the dog gets bored or scared and starts yapping all day? Then she could be evicted and/or have to dump the dog at a pound. What sort of gift would a load of problems be for you to give her?!
If she wanted a pet, she would have one already. If you want to give her something 'cute,' give her a stuffed animal toy.

I have this girl who is very special to me?

to me I want to get her a dog girls what kind of dogs do you like because I'm thinking about getting her a chuwowa in a pink sweater (if I spelt the type of dog right)
Don't get her a dog PLEASE! We do not need any more dogs in shelters. Plus... no offense... if you can't spell the dog 'chihuahua' then you haven't done your research and should not buy it for yourself, never the less someone else!
you cant get someone a dog when they dont really want one thats how dogs end up in rescue centers and even put down
please say if she wants a dog or not as far as you know
It is really cute that you want to get her a dog, but she should really be involved in picking out the dog. You could surprise her with the sweater for the dog and then take her to a local shelter or pet shop to find the dog to go with the sweater.
i think you should get her a teacup poodle! i would LOVE to have one! and its very sweet that u want to get her a dog, but u should make sure that she wants one, and that she likes the one ur gonna get for her!
any type of small cute dog would be good. id perfer a teacup maltese. they have circular heads and are tiny. they can fit into a small bag easily. just dont let it get lost under the couch.

I have these flea bites or rashes or something on my skin!!?

I have these things on my body (on my chest and now appearing on my tummy). It gets worse when I itch (obviously), it actually kind of looks like popped blood vessels. (like how a hiccy would look) But they itch like crazy, mainly on my chest. I do have 2 dogs and I read a few things so I assumed they might be fleas. I am going to bathe body of my dogs tomorrow and give them the flea and tick collar, along with a liquid for them. I am washing my clothes in case there is anything in there.
If it is flea bites, how to I get rid of it?
If it is a rash, how do I stop it from itching and getting rid of it?
If you think it is something else, how do I get rid of it.. thanks
Unless you can see an abvious flea infestation on your dogs I doubt you have fleas. Generally fleas prefers to stay on animals, what with the fur and more coverage and warmth and all that, and humans being all bald and cold except for a few places aren't really ideal for fleas.
I'd say it's probably a rash. Have your dogs been outside lately and rolled in anything? If they have thick coats they could easily have gotten something on their coats and not have a reaction 'cause it didn't penetrate.
Try taking some benedryl. If that doesn't work I'd say to ask your doctor. But the flea and tick preventative won't hurt so feel free to try those too.
lol im stupid! Maybe your allergic to dogs?? rofl im pretty sure the itching will go away or you can put some cream on it.
uhmmm, have you ever had chicken pox? they begin on your upper body (chest) and progressively spread down towards your feet and you will itch like a mad woman in poison ivy...
the dr. can give you an antiviral for it, whereas years ago, we just had to suffer...
fleas generally start biting the lower legs.first.
you know what? hives sometimes look like popped blood vessels, and they itch like mad, too, and they can be from just about anything, something you ate, touched, washed your clothes in, etc. TRY taking a benedryl (antihistimine) and see if that helps clear it up... the worst thing it will do is make you a little sleepy, otherwise you might get some relief.
If it is spreading and looks as you depict it to, then it is most likely not flea bites, however still do what you were going to do. Try any anti-ich cream from a drugstore which might also help you. If it spreads through or gettins any worse you should go see a Dr. it could be some type of rash which needs medical cream.
I don't know...I just want to say do NOT put a flea/tick collar on your dogs. They can be poisonous to dogs and cause lots of problems. Frontline or Advantage, along with treating their environment(house, yard, bedding, etc) should do just fine if there are fleas.
it is most likely flea bites (I had them all over my legs once). You have to bleach all of your bedding once a week to keep the fleas off of you at night and get Frontline for your dogs. The flea bites will take a while to heal up but they will go away completely don't worry.
i think what u have is called single. its a germ that dameges ur nerves. to get rid of it, the best ways wold be to see a docter, OR take ACUPUNCTURE. but thats only a MAYBE. u might not have single, and only have a rash, but i mostly think it is single
It sounds more like you are allergic to something.. Soap from the laundry, etc.. Usually when fleas attack, they go for your ankles..
It might be Mange. Sarcoptic is transferable to humans but treatable. Go see your Vet.
I really dont think it is flea bites, because i use to get flea bites all the time and its almost like a insect bite but they do not spread, it sounds like a rash to me... maybe you are allergic to your dogs hair, or maybe it has absolutely nothing to do with your dogs at all, maybe it is the washing powder you use or the grass you have in your yard... if it gets worse go to the doctor and get prescription cream.. really stops the itching... or get in a bath with carb soda or calamine lotion.
First check your dogs for fleas or flea dirt(poop). It's little black pieces of dirt looking stuff, put some on a piece of white paper or a white tissue. Put a drop of water on it, if it turns red, then it's flea dirt and they probably have fleas. Like mentioned, fleas generally start out on the legs and feet.
Otherwise, like mentioned above, I'd call a dr. you're probably having a reaction to something, or like someone said possibly the chicken pox. Benadryl works good, and calamine lotion or some kind of anti itch cream until you can get a hold of the dr. If you don't have any anti itch lotion, try taking a bath with some baking soda in the water. If you have any wheezing or trouble breathing, call 911-that's nothing to mess around with.
Also, stay away from the flea collars for the animals. They don't work, and some will actually burn the dogs neck and make the fur fall out. Happened to one of my mom's dogs. If you do have a flea problem, best thing to use is either Advantage or Frontline. Vets sell them(expensive), or you can buy it online at drs. foster and smith-they're the cheapest I've found.
An old fashioned recipe for bug bites:
Make a paste of cornstarch and lemon juice, and apply to the itchy area.
Three parts cornstarch to 1 part of lemon juice. You can use more or less juice if you need to. Wash the area and then apply the paste. This should help relieve the itch and heal the bites.
If this doesn't help then you may want to try some Benadryl over the counter allergy medicine and see if that helps or you can buy some Gold Bond Powder or cream or aloe vera lotion or gel. Some aloe vera gels have lidacane in them. Especially if you buy them from Walgreen Drug Store.

I have the option of adopting a Pug or a basset Hound? Which is the better all around dog?

Anyone know distinctions between the breeds? I live in a small apartment. I like to train dogs, i like to go to the dog park. I like a loveable but not too needy dog. Thanks in advance
Well, Basset Hounds are sweet, gentle, devoted, peaceful and naturally well-behaved. They fit into family life well. Their temperaments are friendly with never an indication of sharpness or viciousness. They are mild but not timid; very affectionate with its master and friendly with children. It is incapable of biting, but it may be a bit stubborn.
A Pug is "a lot of dog in a small space." They are perky, rambunctious and loyal, affectionate and loving, with a happy disposition. They are playful and charming. Clever and mischievous - with a heart-winning personality. They can be a bit willful. Highly intelligent, it bores easily with repetitive training practices. Pugs are sensitive to the tone of your voice, so harsh punishment is unnecessary. The dog is neither excitable nor dull. They are good watchdogs, very devoted and are not yappers. Pugs get along well with other dogs and pets, and they behave impeccably with both children and visitors. Do not forget though, that they require lots of attention and become jealous if their owner ignores them.
basset hound. pugs get very sick and are hard to maintain.
Basset Hounds are loud as hell and bad if you have neighbors who live close. Pug would be a much better choice for a small apartment
i have a basset hound and they
are cute but their ears STINK.
you have to clean them almost
Basset Hound. Pugs are barkers, and very stubborn.
I like both dogs, but basset hounds get much bigger than pugs! For an apartment, I say pug.
My boyfriend has a pug. He is very energetic and loves food. You have to watch how much he eats, and make sure that there's nothing laying around that he will decide to eat like paper, plastic, etc. He is taken out on a walk 3-5 times a day. Because he sheds, the parents keep him in the kitchen most of the time, which is actually a pretty small space and not enough for the pug. Every now and then when he looks bored, he is taken to a doggy day camp.
But really, he is very endearing and loves to play all the time!
Both breeds need exercise to keep from getting overweight. Both can be love-able and are both good companion dogs. If going to the dog park, you might have more fun with the basset hound.
Pugs are more stubborn than the hounds. Hounds will make more noise.
Personally, I would choos the basset hound.
Before you adopt either you need to do your research. You are the only one who knows exactly what you want in a dog. You need to look into breed temperament, energy levels, and medical issues that each breed is subject to. You can find it all on-line. You just need to be sure that before you get the dog you know what you are getting into. We have too many homeless dogs because people get them on a whim without doing the proper research to make sure they are getting a good fit.
go figure - basset hounds
I like to go to dog parks too.
I have seen a number of basset hounds at dog parks. All of them sniffed the mulch and fencing rather than playing with the other dogs. One dog came up to one of them and he gave out a loud howel. So, if you would like a dog that will play with other dogs... basset may not be the way to go.
I hope you have a great time with your new friend. :)
1) how much room do you have?
2) how much time do you have to spend with the dog?
3) what do you want to get out of this dog
1) small apartment- Pug...Large farm- Bassett hound
2) little time- pug...a lot of spare time- bassett hound
3) a walking dog- basset hound...Chilling dog- pug
for a small apartment I would vote on getting a pug since hounds want exercise alot more, unless you will go to the park daily.
I agree with Bunny.
I had a basset hound and she had to be the greatest dog. I have to disagree with everyone saying they get loud because she didn't. I think they may be thinking of a "Hound" dog which is a larger version. Out of either dog a basset is definitely less energetic than a pug. Their ears do tend to get infected easily so to prevent that and make it less likely to have them start smelling you will need to check their ears and if dirty clean you can also just tie their ears up for a while each day I know that it will look silly but the reason they start smelling is because they do not get enough air to the ears to dry them out some. Um other health problems would be hip problem so to keep this from occurring do not allow a basset to jump over things/ off of them. Pugs on the other hand tend to have breathing problems.
So before you choose a dog research them and then choose.
BASSET HOUND! we adopted a basset hound from the pound in march and we love him they are such great dogs! get a basset hound you wont go rong with one. pug are cute and sweet but are neighbor has one and all it dose is bark and bark and bark.

I have the most loving, loyal, and docile, 5 year old neutered male Golden Retriever.?

However, his quality of life is being diminished because he is extremely agressive with strange dogs. He was fine at the dog park until he was about two. At that point, when the other males kept trying to mount him, he got aggressive and started to pin them on their backs, growl scarily, and pretend to bite their neck. He never has bitten and I think he is just exerting his alpha role. However, tonight he got out and did this to a strange dog being walked. Of course, it scared that owner and she was very mad and said he needed to be locked up. I don't know how to handle this, because in all other sense there has never been any, even small, signs of agression. He's just a big lovable Golden except... Also, I can't figure out how to deal with it because he seldom has the opportunity to exhibit this behavior. He loves all kids and people and most female dogs. We can no longer take him to the dog park, or for that matter, trust him around other dogs. Help.
I have a Golden Retriever and she doesn't like other dogs either. Of course, this has happened as she's gotten older so I just contributed it to age.
However, this is probably just your dog being cocky. His dominance was questioned at the park that day when the other dog tried to mount it.
All you need to do is discipline him properly and let him know that his aggressive behavior isn't acceptable.
That's what I did with mine. Now, she still doesn't especially like any dogs except the ones my relatives own, but she refrains at least from showing physical aggression, because she knows I'll scold her.
Why do people with aggressive dogs always first say their dog is the sweetest bestest dog ever? It's a dog. It's aggressive. That doesn't mean that it isn't nice sometimes. And your dog being aggressie doesn't mean you can't love your dog.
:Hopping off soapbox:
Here's a DVD to FIX IT for good!
Be careful. Big lovable Goldens have attacked other because of dog v dog aggression. There was a really bad attack last month in Minnesota. A man was trying to protect his dogs from the eighbor's sweet lovable Golden who was attacking his dogs. It was REALLY bad.
You will never be able to trust your dog around other dogs. (And that is OK.)
Dog Parks are where inexperienced and ignorant people take their dogs not to mention a paradise for Parvo...

I have the cutest dog ever dont u agree(pics)??

he is now 3.2 pounds he is a teacup poodle!!
Yes, he is really cute--what is his name? You are going to come up against some resistance from other dog owners as all of us think "our dog is the cutest"!
omg that is really cute
yes sure a cutie
cute, but i dont think i could say it is the cutest dog ever...
no, that's the dorkiest looking dog ever!!
He's absolutely adorable and he's sitting in MY recliner. I have the same chair. Does that make him even cuter? Probably not, just proves I don't miss much. Hahahaha!
Yes he is cute.
Did you just get him, your excited?!??
Im getting a new puppy next month!!
And im really excited, lol :))

I have some questions about puppy vaccinations...?

My puppy has recieved his first vaccination(the 4 in 1, and Coronavirus. How long are you supposed to wait in between shots? And, how many sets should be given? Will 3 suffice, or is it better to be extra cautious and give them 4?
I almost completely agree with Dane Lover. Her advice to follow Dr. Dodds protocol is great. However if you ever attend a seminar from Dr. Dodds, you will interpret the protocol different.
The Rabies vaxx is given at 4 months of age because of legal issues only and not for the better health of your dog! In most large and giant breed dogs, the Rabies Vaccination should not be given at 4 months of age. I would not vex a Great Dane until 1 year minimum unless forced to do so by the authorities, if ever. If there is one animal law that needs to be revisited, it is rabies vaccination on such young puppies..but it is the law of the you have to decide what you will do.
You can start the protocol of puppy shots as outlined by Dr. Dodds. You can also have a blood titer done to find out if the immune system has developed immunity to Parvo, Distemper etc..if your puppy has immunity to these diseases, there is no reason at all to subject your puppy to more vaccinations.
Instead of automatically vexing every year, titer instead. If immunity ever falters, then re-vaxx.
Being cautious is to not over vaccinate, that has the opposite affect that you are hoping for. Over vaccinating is thought to be the smoking gun behind thyroid disease and a host of other medical problems.
Here is a study from UC Davis regarding HOD, A severe disease of bone growth that effects Great Danes and many other large to giant breed dogs. In Weimeraners, HOD is correlated to Rabies vaccination at a young age. While this study is for a specific breed type, it should not be over looked for other breeds that also suffer from HOD.
No one shold be vaccinating every year anymore. Those days are long over. Any vet or person still offering yearly vaccinations for the health of our pets should really go back to school or retire.
Also, Bordettella (kennel cough) is the most worthless vaccination ever developed that is still given, and even insisted on by boarding kennels.
My dog gets her shots once a year and I make sure that the vet gives her all the shots . Why risk something if you can prevent it in the first place right .
AVMA does not recc. the regular vaccination of a pup for Corona. I would drop that one altoghther.
Depending on the age which your puppy was first vaccinated, three is usually the norm. Four is probably unnecessary. If the pup is started later, usually after 14 weeks, two does it.
Over vaccination is not good at all.
Check with your vet for the proper vaccine protocol for your area.
You wait approx. a month between vaccines.
Depends on how old the pup is?
At 6wks they get a series of 3 shots (the distemper parvos, some people refer to it as a 7 in 1)
Wait three weeks until the second shot and another 3 wks for the the 3rd
And also w/ the 3rd shot they are old enough for a rabies shot. At this time both the 7 in 1 and Rabies are good for 1 year.
IF! they are older than 6 wks... we only give them a series of two shots.
1st- 7 in 1 and
Then three weeks later a 2nd- 7in 1 and thier rabies. Both good for 1 yr.
This is how we do it in our clinic.
I've never heard of anyone giving a series of 4 shots.
Vaccines are given at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks. If the pup is taken from mama before 8 weeks, he should get one then.
The only reason they get more than one vaccine is that a puppy's immune system "kicks in" between the ages of 8 weeks and 4 months. Before that, the vaccine doesn't do anything. Every puppy is different, and it's impossible to tell when the vaccines have "taken" in the puppy's system.
By 4 months old, the immune system is up and running. You give the last set just to be sure they got enough vaccine.
At 4 months, they also get a rabies shot. Start heartworm and flea prevention now too. The vet will give you Advantage and Heartguard, or you can get something like Revolution that does it all.
Give another 4-in-1 and a rabies shot 1 year later, then they are set for 3-5 years. (the vet will tell you which one they use, and when the next vaccines are due)
Yearly vaccinations are unnecessary and can cause health problems.
It depends on how big your dog is depending on how much you should give them. ask your vet. you only have to give them their shots every once a month until their a year old them you give it to them every once a year. Good Luck
The vaccination protocol is 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks for distemper/parvo/canine hepatitis/adenovirus-2
and 20 weeks or older for rabies.
In other words you wait 4 weeks between vaccinations..Do NOT give them any closer together!
It is also recommended that only puppies/dogs at high risk of exposure get lepto, lymes, parainfluenza and bordatella(kennel cough)
Do NOT give a series of 4 and do NOT give coronavirus, giardia or adenovirus-1 these vaccines are NOT recommended for ANY dog/puppy.
The above is the recommended protocol by the AAHA/AVMA and all 27 vet is the one ALL vets in the US are suppose to be following, unfortunately there are still those that are overvacinating and giving un-necassary vaccintions.
For more info go to Dr. Jean Doods or Dr. Ron Schultz sites and also get a copy of the November 2006 Whole Dog Journal. it has an excelalnt article on vaccinating.

I have searched every where on the internet for a female beagle about a few weeks old for sale my criteria is?

Female Beagle, has to be a puppy, from or around Connecticut. Also can not be from a "Puppy Mill."
No person would or should be selling a puppy a few weeks old. It's just way too young to be taken away from it's mother. Puppies should be 8 weeks MINIMUM before it leaves it's mom and littermates.
Go to AKC and look for breeders in your area.
Your best bet would be to go to and search for beagle breeders in your area. There may not be a pup available right now, but you should be able to find a quality breeder.
I often browse
although some people are going to beseech you to adopt, ultimately it's up to you.
Good for you - no puppy mills is right.
Now take the responsible view one step further and do a search for beagle rescues in your area - you might find the perfect pet for you and you will give a homeless dog a forever home.
Good luck! Hope you find your ideal beagle companion.
Search certified breeders in Connecticut. Get in contact with them and when they have puppies you can buy one. Make sure the breeder has a good rep.
6,362 Beagles and Beagle mixes available for adoption through Petfinder:
Please rescue a dog and save a life! Thank you!
Only puppymillers sell pups over the internet. Beagle puppies should be about 10-12 weeks old before they are taken from their mamadog.
For a referal to a responsible breeder, contact the National Beagle Club:
Please remember that AKC registration ALONE is not a guarantee of quality.
Here are some suggested questions one can use to determine if a breeder is truly responsible:
1. Is she an AKC registered breeder of good standing and an active member of her breed Parent Club?
2. Are there AKC Champions listed on the pedigree, showing that the breeder spends her time %26 money to prove the quality of her breeding stock through competition?
3. Are all the animals kept in clean, comfortable, healthy, loving circumstances?
4. Did the breeder conduct extensive interviews with you and every member of your family?
5. Have the sire %26 dam received all available health clearances, (eg. OFA Hip %26 Eye, Thyroid testing, THESE VARY FOR EACH BREED)
6. Is she willing to honestly discuss any possible genetic defects that may exist in her line?
7. Does she have a Sales Contract?
8. Does the contract contain a clause stipulating that you spay or neuter the puppy before it reaches a certain
9. Does the contract contain a clause stating that if at any time in the puppy's life, you can no longer care for it, it must be returned to the breeder? (This ensures that no animal bred by this breeder will ever end up in a shelter).
10. Will the breeder maintain contact with you for the life of the puppy to answer questions and help in general?
here's molly she is from
I hate to say it if you buy froma backyard breeder it's just as bad as buying from a puppy mill.
Go to petfinder and search local shelters and beagle rescues, you will be suprised what you will find.
(dont buy while shelter dogs die)
Use add in Connecticut paper for beagle, female, few weeks old ,wanted with papers.
The link below is the best place to start. It is the parent club website. The website has invaluable info, and a breeder list. Wishing you the best in finding the best dog for you:)
RESCUE A PUPPY! GO TO WWW.PETFINDER.COM! NOW! trust me. you will find your best friend. I adopted a border collie mix that i found on and she is sweet, smart, and i am currently showing her in obedience and show classes. ADOPT A PUPPY. SAVE A LIFE. By going to, you can find a beagle puppy anywhere. THERE'S ALWAYS A PUPPY THAT NEEDS YOUR HELP!