Friday, July 31, 2009

I have done everything I know to do to housebreak my new puppy and nothing is working,what can I do?

cosmo is a couple of month's old,I take him out and he does his buisness and then within a couple of minutes he pee's on the floor.I am at my witts end.
This is not an overnight process. You're expecting too much out of him. At 8 weeks old they are expected to make mistakes. Their bladders and bowel systems are not fully developed and it will be several more months before he is fully housebroken - longer if it's a toy breed.
He just hasn't gotten it yet.
Make sure you are taking him for long walks. Nothing can come out if the bladder is empty.
Have patience.
Make sure he stays outside for at least ten minutes after he pees. Then tell me what happens.
He is marking his territory. When he does this you must tell him NO in a harsh voice and take him back outside. Once you have him fixed it will probably go away. Make sure you praise him, when he does his business outside and give him a treat as a reward.
do you have a crate? if not go get one. get him on a feeding, playing and potty schedule. that way you are more likely to know when he needs to go. you may be letting him in too soon also. give him 20 mins to do all of his business and if when you return inside he start to go again, make sure you are watching him and actually catch him in the act, or it will do no good. tell him no in a firm voice then lead him right back outside and wait for him to go again. it may take up to 30 mins. and once he does go praise him like no other dog has ever figured out how to potty outside before. do not play or praise him until he has completed going potty or he may get distracted and finish elsewhere, such as inside. when you cannot observe him directly, are asleep or gone place him in his crate. make sure it's not for too long periods though, he cannot hold his urine that long at his age. and as soon as you are ready for him and he's calm in the crate, do not let him out if he's whining or throwing a fit. let him out of the crate and go straight outside. and wait for him to do his business. it take a lot of patientce, love and consistancy on your part, but if you do this he will go outside and cleaning up inside will be a thing of the past and you can enjoy other training exercises with him! good luck.
Always praise him when he does his business outside.
Take him to the same spot to do it so he can smell the area and gets the idea of why he is there.
Try crating him because it can be very effective ... although do this sparingly. Dogs (even older pups) will not go to the bathroom in their own space. You may want to crate him at night and let him out first thing in the morning. But don't keep him in there more than 8 hours at night because forcing him to hold his bladder longer than that is very cruel.
Good luck! :-)
when u take him out u need to stay out with him to make sure that he goes and u need to take him out for at leas 15 minutes just to make sure that he goes and he is completely done. it took one of my dogs a little more that 7 months to grasp the concept. while it took my other dog a little more than 3 days. different dogs learn at different paces. the key is just to be consistent
He is only a few months old then it is going to take alot more time to him to understand. Some dogs, especially small breeds, can take up to a year and a half to completely and fully potty trained. Be paitent and consistant! Make sure you have him a schedule. When you catch him trying to pee in the house, tell him NO and take him immediately outside. When he does go for you outside make a HUGE deal out of it, giving him lots of praise and a treat immediately after he goes! He will eventually start to understand what his is suppose to do.
You can also have your vet check for any problems like a UTI (Urinary tract infection). Which can also cause them to have accidents in the house.
But I think with time and consistancy he will be just fine.
I ran into this same problem with my puppy and discovered it was my mistake and not my dogs. My male puppy would go outside very happily when I took him. He was very good at first and would go potty and I would treat him and take him back in the house. Within a week, I would take him outside and he would not go. I would wait and wait and nothing. So, I would bring him back in and he would pee on the floor. I was so frustrated. I would take him out and he would wander the yard, but never pee until I brought him back in the house. I discussed it with my dog trainer and discovered that I was making a terrible mistake. My puppy loved going outside. He was always happy out there, once he peed, I immediately treated him and then picked him up and in the house we would go. He viewed this as punishment for peeing. So.he would hold it. He wanted to be outside with me and he wouldn't go, so he wouldn't have to go in the house. I immediately changed the routine. We would go outside and when he peed, I would treat him and then let him stay out and play. That way, he did not associate the going inside with the act of going pee. The problem resoved itself immediately. He loved going outside, I didn't rush him back in and all was fixed. My guess is your puppy also loves going outside. He views the peeing as a signal that he will have to go inside and he is holding out on you.
Give it a try. It was a miracle for us. My dog is now three and has NEVER had another accident.
put him outside imo

I have depression and my adviser told me i should get a dog. i breed should i get?

i need a dog that is smart, good-tempered, loyal, easy-train and protective. what breed should i get?
Get a shelter dog. They always seem extremely grateful to their adoptive parents.
And you two can heal each other.
check out your local shelter. there a so many dogs that need good homes. just realize that dogs are a big responsibility, and exercise is very important for them.
My cousin has a westie and i heard it was very smart! Though they do tend to bark somtimes cause it is their instinc.(terrier instincs). they are also protective in an alerting way, like they bark... But i think they are great dogs. If i get a dog, i plan to get a westie too =D Hope this helps!
I say a golden retriever or Siberian husky both are smart, good-tempered, loyal, easy-train and protective.
Labs are an excellent choice as long as you have a place for them to go outside (fence yard).
german/collie mix
they r smart.
good temper.
easy to train.
very loving.
may be hard to find but its worth it to look.
If you want all those qualities in a dog I would go with a black lab or golden retriever...both types are smart, loyal and protective...I think the golden retriever is easier to train though
black labs are amazing companions, the only down part, is when it is a puppy, it will chew everything! they are one of the smartest dogs, EXTREMELY protective, ( mine is ) and very loyal. golden retrievers are also good companions. pets will absolutely 100% help your depression, but if you go into it a negative way, it will almost make it worse.
I'm not sure you should get a dog if you truly have depression. That's a pretty serious condition to be in and taking care of yourself may be all you can do. However, if you are just depressed, then a dog can help. They aren't trendy, but a poodle is a very smart, easy-to-train dog. If you like big dogs, labs are pretty easy to train, though they don't like leash-walking too much. Your best bet is to go to the pound and get a dog that's already broken in.
id suggest a border collie
there really smart loyal eaislily trained and really well behaved
Have you ever had a dog before? Or had an interest in getting a dog before this?
Dogs are a lot of work, so make sure you really want to get one. Don't just one because your adviser thinks it's a good idea.
If you still want to get one it would help to get some more information. What size dog do you want, do you have a yard, how often/hard could you exercise?
oh wow. it's going to be a great experience. i had so much fun just looking for my dog, and an even better time now that I have my dog. my dog has helped me so much with my depression; i owe my life to her. i love her so much!
well anyways... i think a lot of dogs sort of fit that bill, but what size are you interested in? what kind of lifestyle do you lead? the best dog is the one that fits your lifestyle (active, apt., home, country, lazy, grooming, etc.)
umm some of my favorite breeds of dogs are newfoundlands, papillons, and queenslands...
also you should go check out the local shelter, and if you choose an adult dog, you'll be able to tell his personality a lot better. (plus it gives you a feel good boost that you saved a dog!)
you sound like regardless of breed you need a lapdog - a smaller dog you can pick up (word of caution if a pup has big feet it will be a big dog)
There are so many. First we need to know what accomodations do you have for your new dog. I have had many different breeds and loved them all. I currently own several breeds. For Large breeds a Doberman is a great protector, very intelligent and easy to train and is very very loyal. Medium size there are too many to list. But one that is easy to care for, unbelievably loyal, funny, busy body and requires a lot of attention is the "Australian Blue Heeler" .
Get a chihuahua. They are smart, loving, loyal, very protective. They will sit on your lap for hours. They will make you laugh with your antics. They give so much love, it is almost impossible to stay sad when they are around. I have chihuahuas and I have always had to fight depression and nothing helps to keep it at bay as well as living with my chihuahuas and the love and laughter they bring into my life every day.
labrador. very loyal and loving
Go to your local shelter and choose a friendly lap dog with very soft fur.
u should get a maltipoo . it stays small cute very protective . i know it cause i have one . someone comes in bark bark bark . just in case u dont have an alarm . ps: his name is pumkin to see him call me 713- 992- 8668 cell
I like my little bichon frise. He was a rescue and about the sweetest dog ever. They don't shed and don't have a doogie smell so they are great indoor pets. They only need normal groomings every so many weeks. Or just keep him shaved down so he doesn't mats. They are very good-tempered and can really keep you laughing.
'Chihuahua Momma' couldn't have said it better. My three Chi's got me through some of the toughest times in my life. They required nothing more from me than the best vet care, good food and exercise and most of all, all they really wanted and needed is MY love.
They will nuzzle up against you, sensing when you are feeling blue. So true of the breed. The great thing was their ability for me to take my mind off my own troubles and devote love and attention to them.
I've never heard of a Chi owner only having one. It seems they do better in pairs or more. They are so little and compact, they fit well on the couch huddled up with you while you watch tv. Really great and loyal companions...
Chihuahua Momma, we must share stories about our babies.
A few of the smartest breeds are Labrador retrievers, border collies, Australian shepherd, queensland heeler, and the German Shepherd Dog. The only thing about the Aussie Shep and Border Collie is they are mainly used for herding, so might try to herd animals if you have any. Any dog you get will be loyal with the right up-bringing. Good luck.
Go to your local shelter and adopt a dog that is a little older. They will already be trained and be happy to have a home. Shelter dogs and mixed breeds are the best I've ever had.
I have depression too %26 I got a golden retriever puppy a few months ago. He's very smart, making him really easy to train. He's loyal, friendly towards everyone %26 anyone, but not a good guard dog. Golden Retrievers are a really good breed, especially AFTER the puppy stage. He helps a lot by keeping me busy %26 cheers me up. He can be a little tiring sometimes though because he has so much energy and wants to play all the time. I suggest you go with a shelter dog, rescuing is so rewarding, which I also did with a pomeranian more recently. Good Luck!
First of all do you want a dog? just because someone has told you , does not mean you have to run out and get one!
There is a lot of responsibility to owning a dog or any animal, Feeding, walking,Health care, ( and can cost a lot of money)registration,Microchip,l... collars,bedding,to add to the list. You have to want to commit to this animal for the next 12-15 years if it is a pup.I am not trying to put you off getting a dog, but please think about it before you go off and take the first dog that catches your eye and heart But.if you do decide to get one, try the shelters first or any rescue centre( for a particular breed)But the smartest little dogs and the most loyal and the best company, and easy to train would be a Jack Russell Terrier.or indeed any terrier.. They are small enough for the car and the house and great with kids.Good luck to you.. get well soon..
I have seen a few people suggest huskies/border collies etc, those in my opinion would not be the best breeds, they are extremely high energy for the most part, and as a beginner owner you would probably benefit from an animal that is not so demanding-dont get me wrong I love both breeds.
Going to the shelter is a great idea, you can find a great "mutt" there get one thats over 2 years old-and they are so greatfull you can see it in their eyes, my dogs are the sunshine in my world - always happy always there for me no matter what, just prepare yourself for a lifelong commitment to this animal, he/she will become a huge part of your life
border collies are very loyal and smart.
My personal choice would be something like an ACD.
The are active high energy dogs, they are clowns, and they are faithful. This type of dog would pull you out of a slump, literally let you cry on his/her shoulder if you need to, and would protect you with their own life.
Not an easy dog, but certainly one that will lift your spirits
Shelter dog- something energetic and happy- I'd recommend a beagle mix or just a cute happy medium mutt.
I adopted a rescued dog that I found though The process of looking was a lot of fun and now I have a wonderful companion.
As for the breed, I got a Jack Russell Terrier. She's a sweetie and loves to cuddle on my lap, but also loves to go for walks and loves to chase a ball and bring it back. She very quickly learned where not to go in the house and doesn't chew up anything but her toys.
golden retriever, shih tzu, boxer, poodle, yorkie

I have breed my Rottweiler and she is due in about 1 1/2 weeks, how soon before delivery will her milk come in

I don't mean to sound stupid but this is my first time breeding her, and I am not quite sure what to look for.
You should have researched before you breed her. Here are some websites that should help now and when the pups are born!
at this point, your dog should already be producing milk.. closer to the time of delivery, you should see milk come out of her nipples at the slightest touch.
during the first stage of pregnancy, she produces a colostrum which is a little more nutrient filled than regular milk. so if you do squeeze a little, you should be able to see some milk]
hope this helps!

I have bought a staffy pup 7 wks old but when i put him in the garden his back legs seem to give way alot.?

then he just falls over.I no hes only young but the other pups in the litter seemed to be stronger on there legs, is there something up with him. any advice would be grateful, thankyou
I don't think you need to worry just yet, give him a bit more time to get steady on his feet, some puppy's need longer to get used to walking. However if he doesn't seem any better in a couple of weeks you should probably seek advice from a vet. Staffs are renowned for having weaker back legs, but this shouldn't apply to a staff this young.
Oh, its fine! My grandfather's dog Buddy did the same thing. He's now 10 weeks and stronger then ever. So just wait awhile before you worry. Monitor his growth and strength of his legs.
Good luck!
If you bought him at a pet store thers your answer, all dogs that are at pet stores come from puppy mills. Puppy mills are horrible!! go to ""
Take it to the vet.
If you bought your pup from a responsible breeder, give them a ring. If not take him to the vet for a checkup
Hopefully it's him just being immature and still getting used to walking and such. Was he the runt of the litter? That may explain why he is not as strong as his siblings. You could ask your vet when you take him in for his check-up/shots. They can monitor him and see if he gets any better as he gets older.

I have been turned away for my ***** dog to be spayed,because she came on heat the day?

she suppose to have the operation,is that right?
You can't spay a dog in heat. It's not safe and all the hormones need to leave her body so if you do that while she's in heat you'll not be doing her a favour.
Wait until she's out of heat, then get her spayed.
Spaying is so important and I'm glad that you are being a responsible pet owner!
yes, you can get some tablets to give her while shes on heat, to mask the smell and not make her attractive to males
Your dog will have to wait a few months after her season has finished as well, it happened to my sisters dog and she had to wait a couple of months before the vet would spay her, your vet will tell you how long you will have to wait.
you must wait now till she is out of heat,,, keep her away from ALL dogs,,,, it is much riskier to spay her when she is in heat,,
A vet refused to spay your dog because she was in heat? Find another vet! Any vet with experience can do a spay while a dog is in heat. It's just more detailed (lots of swelling, more blood) and may cost you a bit more.
Ok people! I didn't say it wasn't dangerous!
It's dangerous to spay a dog while they are in heat cos all the blood vessels around the stomach become dilated and the dog could lose a lot of blood during surgery. Have to wait two weeks after the end of the heat.
Yes, you will have to wait 3 months after her season.
It is dangerous to spay a dog on heat. Very difficult operation and i understand that most vets will be reluctant to do this. You will have to wait. Ask your vet how long. It's great that you are planning to neuter though! Just a little longer to wait and look after your b while she is in heat. On the lead and in your sight at all times.
you can spay a dog in heat it is more expensive and riskier but it can be done. if you have to wait it is not all bad heats last less than a month so you can reset the appointment , keep her inside unless walking her and just be careful to keep her close to home male dogs can get aggressive around females in heat
Spaying during heat is much riskier than when she isn't in heat. Your vet may not be covered (insurance wise) to do that risky of a surgery. Right now, you will just have to wait about 3 weeks and then reschedule. In the mean time, keep her away from any unaltered males. And, if you are concerned about the mess she will make, you can get her some "prissy pants" to hold you over for the next few weeks. Prissy pants are basically like doggie diapers. You have to take them off for her to go potty, but they will stop her from dripping blood everywhere. Good luck.
Most vets will spay a dog in heat, although it's more dangerous for the dog, and almost always cost more than if you wait until they're not in heat. For the sake of your dog, and your wallet, let me suggest waiting for a few weeks! While I'm sure it's frustrating, be glad you didn't get into a situation like a friend of mine. They told her the dog WASN'T in heat, but then started the operation and called her AFTER they started to tell her it was going to cost her about another $100 because the dog WAS in heat!
Just wait until she is done. Keep her in her cage or put up so she does not get pregnant. If she breeds the vet will still spay her but will charge slightly more, unless you do it right away. It seems cruel I know. I don't know if I could do it, but unwanted puppies suffer so much, here in my town people bring home puppies and then they throw them out for doing what puppies just do naturally. They end up run over, or dying of starvation. People here shoot dogs. I take the ones I can catch to a no kill shelter. I know I am getting off subject a little here, but from experience I don't want people going off on me because I mentioned that the vet will spay pregnant dogs. I love animals more than most people, I have seven dogs, but only actually bought two, the rest are stray dogs I fell in love with. Good Luck,
When a dog is in heat, the blood flow to the uterus is VERY increased. The uterus is more likely to tear and cause complications.This makes the operation much more risky for the dog.Some Vets charge extra and others don't want to risk a hemorrhage and will delay the surgery until she is finished (about 3 weeks). Your Veterinarian is only looking out for your dogs best interest. Keep her confined indoors unless you are with her ( the urge to breed is extremely strong, fences won't stop some dogs!)and re-schedule for next month.
Yes, of course it's right. It is far more dangerous for your b1tch as she could haemorrhage. If she normally comes into season every 6 months, book her in for 12 weeks from now. It won't do her any harm to have a season, she will have more chance to mature both physically %26 mentally and less chance of becoming incontinent as a result of early spaying.
A dog can be spayed when she is in heat. Its just more dangerous, and also more expensive. Wait until her heat cycle is over and then have her spayed.
It is harder and more dangerous to spay a ***** or queen when they are in heat. There is a much higher chance of complications that could lead to death.
I know it's annoying and a pain to wait, but be glad that your vet wouldn't spay while in heat. The health of your dog is the most important thing. Your vet is ethical and doesn't want to chance added complications of spaying an animal in heat. that could be fatal to your beloved pet.
One of my cats came into heat just before the spay and I had to wait. Boy was it annoying to deal with a heat, but I understood my vet had the animals best interest in mind.
The Cat Lady
Your dog will be in heat only once , sometime twice a year for a week only. roughly in July and sometime in January, You do not have to get her spayed but you will have to keep her lock up for one week to 10 days.
Your dog will be receptive , meaning , can get pregnant for 3 to 4 days only , and that 3 days after she stop loosing blood.
If you lock her up at her period for about 10 days, you'll never be Grand Father O/K ? It is not a very big inconvenient, but up to you....
Yup.. It's harder surgery and it's more risky.. Most vets won't spay a female in heat.
It is right that they turned you away when a ***** is in season there are a lot more hormones in her body and her womb is enlarged which means the blood vessels are a lot bigger if they did try and spay her it is a great risk to the ***** as everything is enlarged therefor a usual straightforward operation could turn out to be really complicated and so much risky ie you could loose her You have to wait at last 3 months befor you can get her spayed or at least this is what most vets would recommend.
Yup, very will need to reschedule for her at least 30 days after her heat ends. During a heat cycle the reproductive organs are engorged with blood and it makes spay surgery a lot more risky to your dog this is why most vets will not spay during a heat cycle unless it is an emergency.
Most vet prefer not to spay a dog in season, the risk of bleeding and surgical complications is far higher,, and also it does make the procedure longer and more expensive for the owner.. So best recommendation is wait..
It is a bit of a pain for you,, Keep he under strict observation for the next 4 WEEKS.. even if you think she is out of heat... this means no outside time without observation.. and also good idea if you want to take her for a walk.. put her in the car drive somewhere and go,,, Vs walking from your house and back.. or you WILL have wondering boys visiting because they will follow her sent trail to your home..
There are tablets, that can help.. But they really only help a little and honestly not worth the bother or expense.. the big key is where she walks, urinates, and such will leave a sent marker.. so try to avoid spreading it around.. it is kind of a false hood that dogs "air" sent females,, for miles,, they often find your girl either wandering into the area,, or follow where she has been walked.. so unless you have strays or walk her everwhere to and from your house you can keep virture safe for the month and not be bothered too much.. if a dog happens to be on your property,, either call the owner ASAP and rewquest they restrain their dog,, or call the local animal control to take the dog away..if a accidental breeding takes place on your poperty... get the owner of that male to pay the additional expense to get her spayed ASAP.
Good luck your vet had your dogs best intrest in mind,, if you honesly do not think you can prevent her from getting bred,, then yes have her spayed now,, but overall it is VERY simple to avoid it with a few changes in routien..
Yes, the Vet could do the operation but it would be far more dangerous and complicated for him and your pet. As the procedure would take longer, the animal would need to be under anaesthesia longer, and he'd need extra assistance during the op! He's actually saving you money and lowering the risk to her, so take his advice and keep her confined or supervised for the length of her heat + a week. She may try to escape so make sure your garden is secure and that you stay with her then. If you can take her somewhere where she won't meet other dogs do so but try not to walk her from the house as this will lead any neighbouring males to your door! The Vet will tell you how long you need to wait before the spay can be done!
Good luck and it's great that you are being responsible and having her spayed. As a 'rescuer' I wish more people would do it!
I didn't know that, but well done you for doing the right thing.
You'll just have to be careful with her for a while. Although it is possible to spay a pregnant female dog it isn't a very nice idea.
Yes, your vet is CORRECT. Your dog cannot be spayed until at least 8 weeks after her season has finished. I wouldn't tolerate a vet who would perform this surgery whilst my dog was in season.

I have been told that large dogs have to wear muzzels when in public, in Almeria, Spain is this correct?

I have three large dogs that I have brought to live with our family in the province of Almeria Spain. A German Shepherd at 110 kilos, and two labradors at 26 kilos each. I have been told this law only affects large dogs. However I have seen Spanish dogs of their size running the streets on their own with no muzzels.
I hope so - it should be the law everywhere to protect the public and especially children.
A German Shepard at 110 kg, is that not heavy as most German Shepard's weight around the 40 to 46 kg range.!
But to answer your question yes they do.!
i honestly have no idea. your best bet is to contact your local animal control or ask an area vet. they should know the laws. personally i would find it better to muzzle small dogs. they tend to nip and bite more often.
Ok if your going into spain then you dont just need to consider the muzzeling aspect of things but alot of other things too so check out this link. Its always best to check incase there is something you have forgotten.
In some countries you need to get the dogs health checked etc.
With regards to dangerous dogs, its best to read the following information I found when I was digging about.
I will copy and paste below:
Wednesday June 27 2007
New Dog Laws
Spain has now announced new laws No 50/99 which could affect you. A list of dogs considered dangerous has been drawn up as follows:-
Pit Bull and all Bull breeds
All Mastiffs
Canary Island Prey Dog
Caucasian Shepherd
Brazilian Fila
Corsican Can
German Shepherds.
All dogs over 25 Kilos in weight.
All dogs that have any record of human or dog aggression or any dog that shows aggressive behaviour or any dog considered by the authorities to be dangerous, must now be registered and in possession of a special Licencia Municipal.
I strongly recommend that you seek further information from your local authority and seek further information from your vet who should be aware of the legal requirements.
Spain is a Federal country and has 17 different “Comunidades” or Federal states with their own parliament, government and also laws. A law in one “Comunidad” could be different from a similar law in another “Comunidad”.There are still a few Municipals area.s, which have not yet put this into effect therefore I strongly urge you to check with your local Municipality.
In Valencia, Madrid, Barcelon and other large cities a list has been made of “Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos”, dogs who could potentially be dangerous, and of course the Rottie, Dobermann, Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Dogo de Burdeos, Staffordshire, Presa Canaria, Fila Brasilero, etc are on the list, and also their crossbreeds. This means any dog crossed with any of the breeds on the list. You can only walk these dogs on a short lead of 1 metre and they always have to wear a muzzle once they are outside the home or in the car. Even if your dog is not one of those listed breeds, but has bitten a person or child in the past, it will be classified as if it was on the list of the dangerous dogs.
If you want to own a dog which is on the Dangerous list, you have to go and see a psychologist and do a test( of course in Spanish), just the same kind of test people have to pass if they want to buy a gun.(10.000 to 12.000pesetas or 60 to 72 euro)
If you are a resident in Spain you will have to apply for a document from the Ministry for the Interior, confirming that you do not have a criminal record. If you are nor a resident in Spain, you have to apply for such a document in your country of origin and have it translated in Spanish. Take the originals with you to the Town Hall (Ayuntamiento).
If you want to walk your potentially dangerous dog without a muzzle, you and your dog will have to pass a test with a vet. The vet will ask you a lot of questions and handle the dog himself because he has to confirm that you will have your dog under control in whatever circumstances and also that your dog will not react in an aggressive way if he is approached by a stranger. This test is only valid for 1 year and costs about 8.000 pesetas (48 euro). This certification that you can control your dog must be taken to the town hall when you register.
Pet owners are required by law to obtain a special insurance for their dogs with a liability of at least 20.000.000 pesetas (which is 120.000 euros). You will be required to take a copy of your Insurance Policy with you to the town hall.
You will also need to present 2 pictures per dog when you go to the town hall.
Your dog must have a chip for personal identification underneath his skin. You will also be requires to take the form confirming that the dog has a chip with you to the Town Hall, together with the booklet which has been given to you by your vet confirming that your vaccinations areup to date and registered.
If you have all these documents(and pictures) you will have to go to the Town Hall, show your passport or resident’s permit and fill out 2 Spanish forms. The first one is an application form confirming that you want to have a permit for your potentially dangerous dog; the second one is a form confirming that you want to register your dog in the municipal register. On this second form you will have to state that you have a guard dog, a dog for personal defense, a dog for personal protection or for other reasons and also if the dog has been trained, where it has been trained and by whom.
The application for a potentially dangerous dog is valid for only 3 years.
Finally I would comment.
Each are has its own forms used by the various municipalities and these might be different, but they all want as much information about you and your dog as possible.
Not every vet is qualified to subject you and your dog to the test of non aggression. Only the vets which have taken the course about non aggression with their “Colegio” or professional body.
Some psychologists are using the same tests as the ones they use for people wanting to buy a gun. Others have changed the contents a little bit. Some have made translations of the test forms, but please be cautious because I have seen translations where huge chunks of text has disappeared and others where the meaning of the Spanish question was totally altered in the Dutch, French, German or English translation.
This is not an easy application and unless you are able to speak and read Spanish fluently I would strongly recommend that you first discuss this with your vet and seek his assistance on each stage. You should also be prepared to pay for this service.
I would like to thank Bruno de los perros of Javea, Alicante, Spain T+F 00 34 96 646 24 35 -
Mobile phone 00 34 627 71 42 44 , E-mail: who will be pleased to assist and guide anyone with problems. He also will charge a fee.

I have been having my male Yorkie for 2 days now without a name!?

He has a very outgoing personality and just loves anyone who comes near him...but I don't have a name for my new baby! I Like designer names for dogs...I think they are so tell me wich ones you like best. Your opinions mean alot!
I shortened all of the names!
Mani (Armani)
Fitch (Abercrombie %26 fitch)
Dolce (Dolce %26 gabanna)
Burke (Dooney %26 Burke)
Calvin (Calvin Klein)
Klein (Calvin Klein)
Ralph or Ralphy (Ralph Lauren)
Cole (Kenneth Cole)
I like the more unique names like the ones at the top of the list.
But if you have an other name suggestions please tell me! Not gucci thought because my maltese is named Gucci =]
Opinions and suggestion please!
Calvin %26 Mani are cute!
Good Luck with ur baby!
Mani would be best because i like to call dogs names with -y at the end
I like Fitch but geez, do you really want to be shallow and name your dog after a designer? Come on. Isnt America shopaholic enough without people naming their dogs after clothes designers. Ugh!
How about P-Ditty?
If he's as friendly as you say.. I like Ralphy
Oscar for Oscar De La Renta? or Sace ( pronounced sahtchi)
for Versace? Or Louis for Louis Vuitton. Coach?
Harry (for Harry Potter)
Mani, but just think like if you want a really individual name go to a site like there are really good ones in there. I just don't like the idea of a dog named after a designer... if that makes any sense!
how about Scottie, Frank, Bud, Moe, Buddy, Vino, Moon, Lucky, Billy, Charlie, Puddles, Pinky, or Cowboy, Blue, Jasper, Tornado, NoNo.
whatever you decide, he will learn. Teach him. Good luck!
Try Terry.
rudolf. ali, akbar,husane, mojo, bear bear, chelsea, kosooo,
noodle, popo, ub lub, cup cake, wee wee,
Fitch would be very unique and fitting for his personality
Try checking out this link for some names.
New Yorkie.
I like Mani or Fitch,but give the name Tiny a chance!
Taylor, A male dog? UUMMM! I'd use Fitch or you can name him after my dog, Pocho. Jimmy.

I have been a breeder for many yrs i have a litter of pups that have nt really grown from 4 weeks on?

they have been wormed reg they are eating and drinking normal they have had runny and bloody stool for 4 weeks and we have tried everything they have been to vets been blood tested nothing showed up we have lost 2 of them they have had antibiotics still no improvemnt the 3 i have left are quite active obviously get tired quickly due to they have no body and weight to them we have seen 3 vets and they are all baffled anyone that has any suggestions on how i can stop the runny stools id be grateful for any advice i get now. we have tried prokolin that has nt worked ither . this is so sad to watch as they seem to be fiesty at times then real tired as they dont have much energy i have nt seen anything like this in my 20 yrs of breeding
What antibiotics did you use? I would assume you need a different one. It sounds like scours.
Also, try putting them on a different mom or handfeeding. If your Mom has sepsis from retained uterine tissue of some sort, it keeps spreading to the puppies and is not controllable.
You have had them tested a few times for Giardia and Coccidia?? Not so easy to see in just one sample.
Well I have a few questions for you. Are they still nursing? Has mom been checked for anything relating to this? What are you feeding mom? If the pups are on mush what is it?
Oh yes have they been checked for the things DP asked too??
Sounds like coccidiosis or giardia to me. Maybe they all have some kind of internal defect. Hard to believe the vets can not figure this out.
I think a food change is in order and keeping them away from the mothers milk incase that is the cause. Maybe she has mastitis or infection causing the pups to be ill. Find a new vet. It's ridiculous they can't figure it out. I am not even sure I believe this.
Should you be breeding pups, when the RSPCA slaughters 100's of dogs a month and your dogs may be the next ones
This definately sounds like giardia, coccidia or both. Treat the pups for both with Albon and Flagyl. I would also put the pups on some Accidophylus as well. Get the normal bacteria back in their system.
If the pups are still nursing, this ***** needs to be checked out as well. She could have a wacko infection, contact a repro vet for treatment for her antibiotics wise. If you lose another puppy, get that pup a complete necropsy right away! Purdue will do complete ones for $50. It is well worth it to have it done. I have driven things up there as well as overnighted things to them.
I have no idea what it might be, but if 3 vets were baffled, I'd start looking for a veterinary teaching clinic at a university. They know all the newest stuff, and have all the latest equipment. With a much larger budget than most practicing vets, they have everything to perform every test imaginable!
My daughter-in-law's dog had a rare skin condition that no vet could diagnose until she took him to Perdue. The university solved the mystery, and the dog is as good as new, although the medicine was very expensive!
Could it possibly be an allergy to their food? Maybe switching to a different food would help, at this point I don't see what harm it could do. You need to get some fiber or some sort of binding agent in them to help with the diarrhea. Your vet could probably recommend something to help with that.
I would not recommend any further breeding until you get this solved. It could be contagious to other pups or something. My personal opinion is to not breed this mother dog again, could be something genetic. Just get her fixed, and that might prevent any future episodes like this. Good luck!
IMHO Goldengirl is on the right track. If they are still nursing it is quite likely that their mother has developed a uterine infection.
Toni F, should you be giving your opinion when it's obviously not wanted?
I am getting sick and tired of these spay/neuter police and the elitist breeders on this site. It's their way or no way! It's really sickening to read.
There are other ways to prove out a dog other than showing people. There are many, many bloodlines that have never been shown, but are just as valuable as your beauty pageant dogs. These dogs have proven themselves time and time again to do what they were bred for, be it pulling, herding guarding, search and rescue and whatever else these dogs are bred for.
Show dogs are not the end all be all of the breeding world, no matter what you may think.
To the question asker... have you checked for coccidia or giardia? I do agree that maybe it's time to get them away from mom.
You could try witholding the food you are giving them at the moment and feed them probiotic yoghurt for a day. This might help to settle the gut. With an older dog I would say starve it for 24 hours but this is not recommended for puppies. I am sure you know about making sure you get plenty of water into them and not to let them get dehydrated. I have used a syringe to feed water to puppies in the past.
If they are still taking milk from the Dam she may well be passing on any infection she may have herself. It might be wise to have her checked by the Vet if you haven't already done so.
I do hope they all recover quickly. I can imagine how distressing this is for you. Good luck.
i live in uk please email me i am going thought the same thing and i can talk to you x when you read this let me know your going to contacted me (i will know it no1 messing around I HAVNT GOT IT YET AS SOON AS I GET IT I WILL BE INTOUCH WITH YOU THANKYOU JUST MAKING SURE YOU GOT RIGHT EMAIL IT JL NOT J1 BUT ITS NOT WROTE IN CAPITAL hope to here from you soon
This may sound daft but when any of my lot ( pups too ) got the runs I gave them a tablespoon of Tesco's natural yogurt. It always worked for me.
How sad for you to have to watch these tiny souls suffer like that. You are obviously a good breeder but sometimes, things happen and we cant always solve them. My yorkie had a condition very similar to yours and it was found that he had a virus that mimicked Parvo Virus ( a killer in dogs! ) He was bombarded with antibiotics, some so strong they could have killed him on their own! Eventually his body absorbed the anti's and he got well but it was touch and go for a long while. To stop their runs, boil up some hard boiled eggs, the harder the better, and feed them little bits throughout the day. Hard boiled eggs bind dogs up and stop the runs. Make up some cornflour as you would custard but use semi-skimmed milk. Have you heard of Build-Up? Its a drink made for humans that are not eating well and are under the weather, its packed full of protein and vitamins. Get the vanilla flavour and make it up into pints with semi-skimmed milk. Do not give them chicken and rice, they are way too young! The Build-Up and eggs will help them greatly, i give it to my dogs when they're under the weather. Good luck and i hope your little ones make it.

I have another question... Anyone know the answer?

Someone told my mom that you could feed dogs animal crackers as a treat. Is that true? She wants to know if it is ok before she gives it to them. Thank you so much!
They aren't necessarily harmful, but not all that healthy either.
I try to go with more natural treats (and treats made for specifically for dogs) . Here's a few to try:
- EVO biscuits:
(These are GREAT GREAT GREAT! Grain-free, healthy, no added "junk". I highly recommend these!)
- Buddy Biscuits:
(These are actually vegetarian dog treats, so there is no meat, but they are all-natural. Note: I do NOT advocate feeding a dog a vegetarian diet, but since these are just treats, I deem it 'ok' to give them because of their all-natural and simple ingredient list.)
- Bil-Jac:
(Decent treats, better than a lot of treats on the market. I typically prefer to use more natural treats, but I use these for training because they are soft %26 smelly, which dogs love. There are a few ingredients in the treats I deem "iffy", like byproducts, but they do take the time to specify that the only by-products used are organs, which eases my mind. Organs are good for dogs, most of the other stuff that "by-products" entails is just nasty, so I'm glad they use only organs.)
Of corse it is ok, i give my dog animal crakers all the time and they like them alot
yes but not a steady diet. occasional snack
Its just crackers! Just don't feed them too much.
a few once in a while won't hurt.
sure you can just stay away from things like chocolate...If your mom wants to be creative there are all kinds of treat recipes out on the net she can even bake her dog flavored cookie treats and make her own biscuts etc.
Feed him some and see if he dies. That'll give you your answer.
There are better snack choices.. like those purina multi-colored bone-shaped dog buscuits. I usually break them in half or thirds and give those.
You really don't wanna give dogs any treats with sugar in them (like animal crackers) because it is bad for their teeth. Unless you get one of those dog tooth brushing kits and brush his teeth at least once a day.
Yes it is ok to feed your dog animal crackers as a treat. Every once in a while it is always good to give them something differerent thaqn their regular food. My dog is so finicky I tried giving him french fries, and he would'nt take them until I put ketchup on them. LOL.
The sugars in the animal crackers are not healthy for dogs, it is fattening and the fatty matter builds up around the vital organs which could cause organ failure. also never give spagetti cauce as the seasonings can be deadly to dogs, cats and birds, it also bad to give chocolate and coffee.
Chocolate has a toxin that could cause death in animals coffee can cause heart failure by causing the heart to speed up and fail if it can not recuperate from the caffine affect.
noooooo!!!! u can not feed ur dog animal crackers wut made that person think of that
It won't hurt them, but crackers aren't a nutritionally balanced food. The dog won't die from it though.
Yea it should be fine as long as it's not the dog's main diet. ^_^ The Schwann company with the big freezer trucks has something like those ice cream dixie cups but it's dog treats called Dog-zerts or something like that. They have them in beef flavor. I tried one once and it tasted just like vanilla ice cream.
as a treat, yes
no u shoudnt wat do u want to do kill the poor thing?!

I have an Italian Greyhound(16wks). What would be the best dog food to feed her?

The breeder told us to use Diamond dog food? She was eating it before but now we force her to eat the food, putting it on the floor or giving it to her like a treat.
Our pets need quality pet food. Read the ingredients list and learn what the stuff on there is and what it does (or does not do) to/for our pets. A quick pet food 101. If the pet food contains corn/corn products or by products it is a poor quality food. Corn is a filler that can trigger skin problems. (allergies, skin problems, itching and excessive shedding) By products is anything from an animal not fit for human consumption, including cancerous tissue. Do not pay attention to advertising, they all say there food is great. "Vet approved" means they have a vet on staff to approve their product. In other words, someone paid to approve it. Same with foods most vets recommend. Salesmen "gift" vets then the vet recommends the food. Most vets are not nutritionists! Quality foods have meat as the first ingredient. California Natural, Solid Gold, Innova and Merrick are a few of the best brands available. If you want to learn more check out: more=1
Smart dog, diamond dog food has killed several dogs!
The Diamond Dog Food Recall and Its Impact on Pet Health and Nutrition
This A+ FRR Pet Nutrition FAQ discusses the 2006 recall of Diamond pet foods for dogs and cats due to the potentially deadly toxin aflatoxin and the 2007 recall due to melamine contamination. The article also discusses several items to consider from a pet health and nutrition standpoint.
May 22, 2007 Update: Diamond Pet Foods has expanded its recall to include Nutra Nuggets Lamb Meal and Rice Dry Formula for Dogs with "Best Buy" dates of October 9-10, 2008, due to melamine cross-contamination resulting from the food being produced with other pet foods made for Natural Balance. The Nutra Nuggets dry dog food is manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods and has tested positive for melamine and caused kidney problems in at least four dogs in California.
I would say Pedigree Puppy. My 11 week old Border Collie Mix (With Blue Heeler) LOVES this puppy food. It's small, easy to chew, it's heathly, and obvisously tastey to her.
Good Luck with the pup!
purina puppy chow! thats what my italian greyhound eats! it works good! the vet suggested it!
puppy food till she is one year old, i stay away from store brands and my vet told me to stay away from purina one as it has caused kidney problems in some dogs the regular purina puppy chow is fine iams or science diet puppy food is fine, but be careful changing foods , sometimes you may have to do a mix of 3/4 of the old food to 1/4 of the new food and gradually change the amount of new the new food. if she is being picky sometimes you can add some chicken broth to the food for more flavor
Flint River Ranch dog food or Innova
Pedigree, purina, iams, science diet all garbage. THey are full of fillers and by-products.
Please go to this link. It will help you make a decision on what type of food to fee your puppy. The ratings are 1 to 6. Six being the best.
Chicken soup for the puppy lovers soul is a good affordable food.
use Euknanuba is great for our dogs, We also use Iams and Canidaie is great for puppys although its expensive!
Wellness Puppy Food (Pink bag) is a good choice. It is made with all natural ingredients that are great for your dog. Wellness does not contain any rendered animal fats, meat by-products, wheat, corn or white rice and also does not contain any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives of any kind.
Wellness Puppy Food does cost around $12.00 but it is worth it to keep your pet healthy!

Ingredients:鈥?br>Deboned Chicken, Chicken Meal, Oatmeal, Ground Barley, Salmon Meal (natural source of DHA), Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols, a natural source of vitamin E), Ground Brown Rice, Rice Bran (from brown rice), Tomatoes (natural source of lycopene), Natural Chicken Flavor, Rye Flour, Ground Millet, Flaxseed, Carrots, Apples, Spinach, Blueberries, Sweet Potatoes, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Zinc Sulfate, Zinc Proteinate (a chelated source of zinc), Iron Proteinate (a chelated source of iron), Ferrous Sulfate, Copper Proteinate (a chelated source of copper), Copper Sulfate, Manganese Proteinate (a chelated source of manganese), Manganese Sulfate, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite, Choline Chloride, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin E Supplement, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin A Supplement, Niacin, Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin, Vitamin D-3 Supplement, Pyrodoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Mononitrate, Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin K Supplement, Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Chicory Root Extract, Garlic, Taurine, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Green Tea Extract, Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Hope this helps.
I personnally use Solid Gold. I wouldn't use any type of food you can buy in the grocery store. The foods are full of fillers which destroy their hair and dry out the skin. The fillers can also cause all types of cancer and premature death. IG's need small breed type foods for breeds with lots of energy. I feed Solid Gold or Canidae, both are found at specialty stores. You can also supplement with raw occasionally to allow them to get the enzymes that they don't get in cooked food. It helps keep the intestinal tract healthy. Mine get raw chicken necks and chicken wings. I freeze them and then give them as treats. I wouldn't recommend this until your baby is a bit older though. You definitely need to ensure that she is on a HIGH quality puppy food and consider supplementing with fish oils. Hope this helps.
I agree with the answer above. Big Corps all get there same food from the same place. The number one cancer cause in dogs is feeding them anything that has sunflower oil, wheat, corn and soy. What im currently feeding my italian Greyhound is a brand called Merrick. its not made with ANy of the above ingredients.
You seem to be getting good answers...stay away from anything you can get at the grocery store or major pet food chains. A local dog food store in your area should have a good selection of top foods.
I would avoid diamond too...I think Canidae, Evo, Chicken Soup, Flint River, Merrick, Nature's variety, or premium edge should suit you well.

I have an aggressive 14 week old Shih Tzu! What should I do?

I have an aggressive 14 week old Shih Tzu! What should I do?
I bought this puppy for my 3 year old son so he could have a pet, but this thing is mean! Every time I leave them alone, the puppy ends up biting my son!
I don't know what is wrong! I have taught my son to be respectful of animals, so I know it isn't his fault! Just the other day, the puppy jumped up and bit his shoulder and ripped his shirt!
What can I do with this puppy? Should I have him put down because he is too aggressive?
Wow.. When a Shih Tzu acts like this at a mere 14 weeks of age.. It's a huge sign that he is going to be an aggressive out of control dog.. I have to say.. much like was suggested for the 14 week old Doberman.. This Shih Tzu should be put down.. Once Shih Tzu's taste blood, they tend to go on murderous killing sprees. Basically what happens is the Shih Tzu's brain grows too big for it's head and well the rest is history.. Sorry.. You should have done your research better...
Take the puppy to some puppy classes to learn some manors. It doesn't sound like the puppy is aggressive but rather trying to play with your son. When dogs are young like your pup they play all of the time and that includes play biting. Some puppy classes will help you and your dog understand how to live with eachother peacefully. You'll also learn how to correct certain behaviours before they become a larger problem. Good luck
NO WAY!! dont kill him just because of that!! ummm..well have u tryed just telling him no when she does something bad..then put him outside just for like 10-15 minetes and then bring him back in then if that does'nt help...try squirting him with a spray bottle but just mist not like a strait shot..thats all i've got but just remember to never abuse animals!! :D and if you dont have dog toys like chew toys i'd suggest you get some..hes a puppy hes teathing and maybe he just wants to chew?!?
I agree.. it doesnt sound like aggression.. it sounds like he's playing too roughly.
NEVER leave a young child and a dog unsupervised! Both are still young and both still need to be taught how to interract with each other appropriatly.
Puppies will playbite and play roughly if given the chance.. ALL puppies will do it!
I think training classes are a good idea.
He's 3 MONTHS old! He's a baby! Do you expect your son to behave and always know exactly what to do and follow every rule, everytime? NO! It's the same for puppies.
He doesn't know any better. Puppies are like babies, you need to teach them how to behave.
He's not being mean, he thinks your 3 year old is another puppy. Puppies bite each other when they play.
I suggest you either take a puppy class, or give the puppy away. They are A LOT of work for the ENTIRE FIRST YEAR!
The fact you also have a 3 year old means you have a lot of work a head of you.
I suggest an adult dog would be better for your family.
3 year olds don't need pets, they can't handle the responsibility. YOU need to make the commitment to the animal, or you need to get him a new home.
Altho they may look the same, there is a big difference between rough play and aggression. Let me give the pup the benefit of the doubt, and suggest teaching him that people are very sensitive, so the pup needs to learn bite inhibition:
Bite Inhibition
Puppies are very energetic and playful. You want to teach them to be obedient as young as possible. In this case, teach him bite inhibition:
1. When he nips you, then yelp ! This will startle him and he will back off. Pet him for stopping.
2. If he nips you a second time, then yelp again, and pet him if he backs off.
3. If he bites you a third time, then yelp, and turn your back for 15 seconds. Then turn and pet him. If he comes around before you turn and he licks you or barks, then he is apologizing. Accept this and pet him.
4. If he nips a fourth time (they can be hard headed), then yelp, and turn around for 2 minutes. Again accept the apology, if offered. If not, then turn around and pet him.
5. Finally, after the fifth nip, yelp, then get up and leave him alone. Don't move him or put him in the crate. Instead, you move to somewhere that he can't follow. After 5 - 10 minutes, you can return to him, or just leave him alone.
6. The next time you pet him, repeat the sequence, he should respond a little faster, and learn not to nip you after a week.
7. You can fine tune the process so that he mouths you or only touches you with his lips. I taught my dog to mouth me... I didn't have the patience to go further.
The reason for doing this is to train the puppy how fragile human skin is. When puppies are in the litter, they bite each other to play. If one puppy bites too hard the sibling will yelp. If the biter doesn't back off, then the injured puppy will not play, and all the puppies will treat hard biting in this way.
Most puppies want attention and will learn anything so that they don't lose your attention. If you learn this method, you will have a powerful training tool.
You will have to do this first, then try to teach your son. Don't shriek at the pup, just try to reproduce the sound that he makes if you step on his paw. Just saying "Yipe !" may be enuff.
On the other hand, if the puppy barks, growls, snarls, then attacks and bites, with the *intent* to injure and draw blood ... then I suggest that you take him to the vet and have him put down, because he is brain damaged. And I have only seen a few pups (Out of thousands !) like these, but they are dangerous.
If you yipe! and the dog startles, it is probably just rough play. If you yipe and he grows more vicious, you have a big problem. But,I suspect he is just playful and rough. I hope so.
There's nothing really wrong with your dog, as Shih Tzu's can be very aggressive and aren't the best choices to have around kids. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean his behaviour can't be modified to be a better pet. I would contact a local trainer (ask at your vet for the name of a good one) and start working with him right away. The trainer will be able to watch how you and your dog interact, help nail down the issues to be worked on and give you a precise gameplan for overcoming those issues.
The trainer will probably also tell you to make sure you are socializing the dog well, so that he's less fearful. (Fearful dogs are nippy dogs!) This would include spending a lot of time meeting other dogs as well as children in proper settings. Pet stores which allow you to bring your dog in are a great place to socialize, as are obedience lessons and dog parks. To get a dog more comfortable with children, some experts suggest frequently walking them near playgrounds where they can become accustomed to the sounds and movements of children without being too close to them.
Good luck, and remember not to bring your pup in close contact with other dogs or their poops until the vet tells you he has enough shots.
Well you have to determine why the dog is biting. Is it really aggression, or is the dog simply playing too rough? One common mistake with puppies is to play tug of war or roughhouse a little too much, hence encouraging biting behavior. At this point I don't think it's a good idea to leave puppy and son alone unsupervised as when your back is turned, you can't really say what's going on. Also I would strongly suggest obedience classes and socializing the puppy now. But to be honest, there are some dogs that don't get along well with children, just like sometimes they cannot get along with other dogs or cats. If the dog isn't aggressive towards everyone and everything, I don't think the dog should be put down. But if the puppy truely doesn't have the temperment for small children I'd look for another home and stress the point it's not an appropriate companion for little ones. It's hard to determine that though without a consult with a dog trainer or behaviorist. You could also try contacting the breeder for help finding another home. GL
Maybe you should call Casar Milian or maybe use a pinch collar to teach it how not to bite. I bet your son poked it in the eye or something?
Don't blame the breed blame the deed!!
Would this be the same dog that has fleas and you shaved off all of it's fur? Sorry, but I can't take your question seriously. No reasonable parent would think that a 3 year old will be "respectful of animals" when unsupervised. Even older children do foolish things to dogs without realising the consequences.
Of course you need to put him down! You have to worry about your son! One a dog bites, it will always bite!
I am sure that your son would have never done anything to hurt the puppy. Some puppies are just born mean! Your biggest worry is that once that puppy becomes a dog, it could really do some harm. I mean full grown that dog will be up to 16 lbs. I mean it has the potential of jumping up and doing some major damage to a kneecap or something! You can never be too careful!
I heard about a similar situation with a dobie pup. Can't trust dogs at all!
DP, I can't believe what you just wrote here. You should have done your research. For one thing Shih Tzu is not a good dog for kids at that age. She should have gotten one that was more suited for little kids. Shih Tzu are very loving dogs and what you said here is so untrue. I would hate for anyone to read this and think what you said is true.
Like I said they are not for three year old kids..Why she went that route I don't know, but for you to say what you said here was not right. I have study this breed, raised this breed, and had this breed for many years and you are wrong in what you said.
Give the dog away to someone who is going to love it before you ruin this puppy. You do not buy a Shih Tzu for a 3 year old kid. They are bred to sit on a lap and be pamper. That is in their gen.
could it be that DP was being sarcastic? Have you considered that possibility?
I think the problem is that the dog was bought "FOR a 3 year old". Dogs are NOT toys to be bought for children. Dogs need to be bought FOR the adults in the house, as the dogs will consider the kids "siblings" in the same pack. Kids are not recognised by dogs as higher ranking animals till the kids are about 12 years old. Till then, YOU are the top dog and you have two puppies now. One of the canine variety and one of the human variety.
Every dog needs to be taken to dog school (as every child needs to go to school) and learn how to fit into the world of humans.
At 14 weeks he is hardly "aggressive". He is playing rough, as puppies at that age tend to do. He is mouthing. Having said that, of course that needs to be stopped, but YOU are the one who has to stop it.
When he play bites YOU, yelp loud like a puppy would, say "Leave it" in a stern voice and walk away. The pup will soon learn that all his fun ends when he bites too hard. That's how puppies learn, from their litter mates. That is one of the reasons why it is important that the pup is never seperated from his mum and litter mates before he is at least 8 - 10 weeks old.
I do not think you should put it down, I think you should sell it to a security company, a dog that aggressive will make an excellent guard dog. You could maybe even sell it to someone who does Schutzhund because it might be small in size but it sounds like it is big in attitude. The dog needs to reach his full potential as a sport or guard dog, maybe you could have him trained as a personal protection dog.
I heard those people on that TV show, Little people Big world were looking for a guard dog.

I have an adorable shitzu puppy...3 months old but she always wants to bite.?

Ive tried to give her tiys to play with and she will play with them for a second and then go back to biting this a phase? and what can I do to stop this?
she might be teething, but she might also just like to chew. figure out which one it is, provide lots of chew toys and if she's teething, some frozen puppy teether rings might help her. make sure you praise her verbally for chewing on appropriate toys. my puppy used to chew like that! we said 'no' in a firm voice and then ignored her for 30 secs. just turned away and not looked at her, she did not like that! then i would redirect the chewing to an appropriate toy and praised her for it. hope this helps. good luck!
she's teething smartypants.
Yes puppies tend to do this. It is best to stop it now before it turns into aggression. When she bites you tell her no in a calm yet stern voice.
Also, take her on daily walks to give her a good amount of exercise. This way she won't have to vent her frustration by nipping you or other negative behaviors.
My little dog liked to "chew" on people too. We told her repeatedly that "no, people are not chewy and delicious" after my 10 year old stepson said that once! She eventually grew out of the chewing phase although she will eat my flip flops if I leave them out and leave her alone long enough!
Also, your puppy will start losing her baby teeth. I didn't know dogs did this until we started finding teeth on the carpet!
Yes this is a phase. Puppies like to bite/chew on everything. To stop this say "no" in a firm and low voice when she tries to bite you. Don't worry, your puppy will grow out of this.

I have an 8 pound silky terrier who will be 2 in October. Every time somebody leaves the house he goes crazy.

He barks and runs in circles! It does not matter that other people are still in the house. It is like he doesn't want anyone to leave. If we do leave him alone, he will do #1 and #2 on the floor after he goes crazy. What can I do so that he won't go crazy every time someone leaves the house?
What to do is go out the house for a minute and come back in again.But ignore the dog don't do anything don't talk to him or stroke him only do these things when he's calmed down.If he starts running in circles just go up to him hold his collar and go and sit on a chair and hold onto him until he clams down and keep repeating this.
He's probably doing this because he looks at you as the owner to him you are like his baby and you just walked out the house and he gets really worried about you but you can't allow im to think that because it just make him anxious.I know you will probably find this hard but i know it works, you just need to persist.
I'd call a professional trainer - this could be a form of separation anxiety that can be hard to deal with on your own.
wish I could help you but I am in the same boat 5 pund pomeranian that does the eact same thing
seperation anxiety. maybe something happened when you were out once

I have an 8 month saint bernard and was wondering at what age to they quit growing?

saints tend to finish growing around 2-3yrs as they are a giant breed.The head will indefinate get large or "break" as they say,at 2.5yr.As for height a tip that was given to me to tell if my saint was still getting any taller was to look at his front legs and if you can clearly see his knees then he will grow taller.Hope this helps,and enjoy your lovely saint!
Their heads actually never stop growing, that's why a long time ago, when barrels of whisky were tied around their necks, the strap would always be adjustable.
Usually by the time they are a year old they reach the size sometimes before. Look at the paws in relation to the body and you'll probably be able to tell.
Fully grown" is a completely misunderstood term. To me it is at that point when the dog has stopped growing. Getting fatter is not growing. Many people confuse "fat" with "large". Usually a Saint Bernard ***** will be fully grown between 2.5 to 3 years old. (Full height by 15 months) A male will only be fully grown between 3 and 4 years old. (Full height by 18 to 20 months.) The larger the dog the longer it takes to complete the growth cycle. The last part to finish is the head. Many people tell me their Saint Bernard is fully grown at 12 to 18 months, only to find that at 3 years old it is much larger than in the photos taken at 18 months.
all dogs usually stop growing at 1 year old so ull hav to wait 4 more months
they stop growing any where from 7-12 months. my freind has a lab and we would go over to their house every week. it grew fast. every week it was a lot bigger than the laast week. he stoped growing at about 8 months but since st.barnards are a bit larger he may take longer. it takes 1 1/2 - 3 years for puppies to fully mature though. hope this helps!
He'll probably reach his full height by around a year of age, but he'll keep filling out until he's around 5 or so.
Once the dog reaches somewhere be tween 18 months and 2 years, it will have grown as much as the will. They may still fill out more and put on a bit more weight, but they won't get much larger!
Large breeds like that typically don't reach their full adult height until after they're 2 years old or more. Their bodies will often continue to fill out for another couple years after that.
I have a giant schnauzer, which don't get quite as big as St. bernards, but he's almost 2 and nowhere near full grown yet.
Most dogs continue to "grow" until they are two years old. From that point on, they fill out so they look like they are still "growing"
I raised them for a while and they usually grow for about a year. The last couple of month's growth is usually just filling out. A female should grow to 25-26 inches at the shoulders and a male 27 to 28 inches. Never use a measuring TAPE to measure. You get 2 to 4 extra inches wheyou bend it over to the middle between the shoulder blades.
around 18 mo. of fast growth, continues to go slowly for about another 1yr or 2. We own a old english mastiff

I have an 8 month old puppy who bites constantly, how can I get her to stop?

Her teeth are sharp, and it hurts. Is she just teething or what?
My puppy was like that. I would take his snout and hold it shut and say no no. Use a low voice...stearn but not yelling. Don't use a lot of words. Just say STOP. Look disappointed in him.
Then give him one of his toys to chew on and give him praise.
Obviously the squirtring the water isn't working. Try until you find something that works.
For instance my puppy was quicker than me. He would run out the door and run to the dirty dumpster and eat discusting things.I tried all kinds of things. Finally I realized he hated sudden loud noises. So, The doors to the dumpster are metal. I gave the door a quick hard kick and my dog will never even walk that way. It worked the first time.
Try frying pan tops or something that makes a loud noise. you and others in the family need to carry whatever you are using in order to be consistant.
Sometimes it just takes time and patience.
I also, if my puppy nibbled on my toes and it hurt alitltle I would pretend to cry and said owie. The dog is smart enough to not want to do that again. I do have times when he and I play rough and he knows when I raise my hand and say no. And turn my face away, He knows it is time to stop wild play.
shes a puppy she needs to chew to make her teeth strong. get her a chew toy to play with or maybe even a old clean sock.
She's teething. You can get her some chew toys and teach her to use them and not you. When she's biting you, pull her cheeks down over her teeth. She'll feel that it hurts and she'll soften up and eventually quit. If you do that every time she tries to bite you, and refer her to a toy she'll get the idea.
Our dog Used to bite like that also and wasn't aloud to have bones cause by health problems(stamach)
So the vet told up to put or thumb under her tounge and press ur fingernail NOT REALLY HARD against her mouth and say fermly NO BITE!
Humans grab with hands . dogs grab with their mouth.
It is a natural tendancy for them to put their teeth around something, but to be people friendly, he will need to be trained out of that before someone gets hurt.
Don't encourage biting your fingers or destroying clothes or furniture.
Look for dog training near you . take this pup to professionals and you can train any future dogs yourself.
it's a bit hard to stop that right now because the dog is probably going through it's teething. ask a dog trainer they may help too
well shes a puppy and most puppys like to chew on stuff there is really nothing to do to make her stop you should just give her a sock if she likes to chew on them once she gets older she should stop
She should not be biting you and yes, she'll be chewing for a while. This is a very smart breed and looks like she is the boss right now and you need to turn this around. When she bites you pick her up and give her a chew toy when you put her back down. Turn a negative into a positive. Then just walk away from her. If she does try to bite you again give her a time out if she's crate trained put in there for a few minutes. Or you can get a water spray bottle and spray her when she does it. When she does bite you again don't say NO say LEAVE IT. She will learn those words quickly and you can later use it for anything you don't want her to touch. You may want to take her to an obedience class or agility. She really needs to respect you! Just remember a puppy is work but the end results are all worth it! All the best;^)
She's a puppy. Thats how they roll. It will stop soon enough, just give it time. Booya!
get a chew toy for her and whenever she tries to bit you slap her nose and say NO firmly. she is teething so u will hav to teach her not to bite otherwise she will learn that its ok to bite and maybe bit some of your friends and become dangerous.
I had the same problem with one of my dog puppies not so long ago. and the only way I could stop him from biting my arms and hands was to get a Coke can and fill it with stones, cover the can with masking tape, and shake it every time he leapt up to bite me.. It was the last resort. I had tried squirting him with a Spray water bottle,telling him No in a firm voice, offering him bones instead., but nothing worked. I was black and blue from the bruising he caused. I had this tip from a Dog Trainer years ago and it really works. The can does the reprimanding so you are still 'the best' as far as your dog is concerned. Once they stop the biting you can make them sit and give them lots of praise.
This also works if you have a dog which is constantly barking for no reason. Just shake the can and say "Quiet" at the same time. They soon get the message.
Only ever use the can for unacceptable behaviour. You don't want to turn your dog into a nervous wreck by shaking it at him all the time.

I have an 8 month old female shihtzu. She wieghs barely 6 pounds. Is this too thin?

What can I give her to gain weight. I already mix wet and dry food and she is on holistic food only. She is a picky eater and doesnt eat a lot. Please help.
as long as she's eating as much as she wants, she's a good weight. I don't know anything about shihtzus, but in general they'll eat as much as they want and not be too thin.

I have adopted another dog to keep my dog company. What behavior can expect?

I have adopted a 3 month old female cattle dog to keep my 18 month old male kelpie X company. Everything is going really well and the play all the time. However there have been times when there have been issues, usually around feeding time. The older one often does not allow the younger one near the food bowls. I have not intervened because I understand that they have to work it out for themselves but I am wondering under what circumstances do I step in. What behaviour is considered normal?
i had a similar situation the difference being that the second dog was brought in as a rescue.the rescue had food issues only because she was half starved and wasn't sure if each meal was her last,literally.
things have since calmed down,but i still stay in the room while they eat and if one finishes before the other and the one who did not finish walks away i pick the dish up.
i never let them eat out of one anothers dish.
as far as interfering,there will be a time of adjustment while dominance is established,but you should not let it escalate into out and out fighting.
if both your canine babies have been"fixed" it will make things go alot better as males seem to always want to dominate the females.
they both need to understand that you are the "pack leader" and that you will set boundaries for them both.
hope this helps you.
it will take some work to establish boundaries and ground rules but since you cared enough to ask the question i'm sure you are up to it.
good luck
Disagreements at diner time are normal. The older dog will try to deprive the younger dog of food. It's just a survival thing of the pack. As they get older they will accept each other. You will have your fights but when they both mature they will get along better.
See, I own pit bulls and this scenario just isn't permissible. What I've learned is that YOU have to step in and be the leader for your group. Don't let them have to make decisions about how to handle a situation. That's your responsibility.
How close are you feeding the two of them? If it's side by side, I would definitely separate them a little bit. When the older one starts getting snarky, step in with an authoritative "Nah!" If he starts to get snarky again, repeat the word, then remove him and his food from the situation. Another simpler solution, feed them in their crates.
The biggest thing we need to realize is that our dogs would much prefer that WE handle situations where decisions have to be made.They look to us for that. The more you show your dog that you can be a leader, the more they will respect you.
If either of my dogs starts getting an attitude over a toy, they lose it. Since they don't want to lose that toy, they learn to play nicely :)

I have adopted 11 m/old husky/malamute?

and it has taken 2 months for her to get used to me and obey my commands. Now she is very happy dog and we get along great but whenever her previous owners show up she pees all over the house, all over them and becomes all weird - she's like scared but very happy to see them (I know it sounds weird). When is it going to stop?? How much time has to pass for her to forget them, at least to stop peeing ... And another thing, she is not well socialized, we got golden retreiver (2 m/old) and she doesn't like her. I'm scared to put them together. How do I introduce them safely. I have never had a dog before them and I'm totally inexperienced. Please help. Btw there isn't and dog training school or anything like that near me so don't propose to take her there. Thank you
Hi there.
It sounds like your Husky mix is submissive peeing. Pretty normal, even in healthy young dogs. Although you don't say the circumstances in which you got her (how/why are her old owners coming over? that will only confuse her) I suggest that you tell her previous owners to IGNORE her as they walk in the door. Yep, ignore. If they acknowledge the dog with affection when she is in the frantic, excitable state of mind, that will trigger the uncontrollable peeing. They should only pay attention to the dog when she is calm. I almost guarantee that this will stop the submissive peeing.
Are you sure that she "doesn't like" your Golden? she may not be particularly tolerant of her but that does not mean to say that she doesn't like her. Allow them to interact on neutral ground (out in the yard is ideal, rather then in the confines of the house) and supervise at all times.
I would also exercise, exercise and exercise some more with your Husky. They are bred to RUN for several hours a day. A dog like a Husky needs regular opportunities to run and/or pull. They make great jogging companions, scooter pullers, bike riding companions, etc.
Good luck!
As wonderful as the peeing sounds, she is not going to stop that untill she does not see them as pack leaders. Usually, peeing is a sign if submission between dogs, and I don't know if they abused her or not, but it sounds like she needs to be kept away from her previous owner if, at all, just to save your carpet. I suppose that every dog is different on how much time it will take for her to not see them as pack leaders.
As for introducing the Golden, slow is best. Through closed doors, let them sniff at each other, and you will probably see more peeing, this time from the puppy. If the husky is mean to the puppy...I would just dicipline her for it. Slap your hands, yell, something to let her know you definatley don't approve. However, pack dynamics dictate that they will have to figure out pecking order before is just normal doggy behavior. Good luck.
Ok well to introduce them what you do is put them both on a lead and slowly bring them together(best to have 2 people doing this yes thye will bark for ages but they soon get used to it..
Try and tell the old owners that the new dog is not reacting well to seing them and you appoligise but you want them to come back when she is like2 years old./
keep previous owners away... or if you know they are coming, then get the dog out for a run, just stay gone longer... if they have attitude, just say you are having bonding time with the dog, and working on training,,, for new pup. you will need to practice social bonding... you , wife, two dogs, lots of sit with older dog give treats... wife has pup, and give treats, sit on floor next to eachother,,, you want the dogs to pay attention to the humans not the other dog. when you notice they are ignoring eachother then you still sit with older dog, but start to give treats to the pup.. and vice versa. they will see that they do not have to compete for affection or love,,, they will be loved equally... do several sit/ treat sessions for a while.then start to include young pup on walking sessions... you may not get very far, start with going short distances... then longer and longer.. both breeds will looove running together once they get going.

I Have a young puppy Chihuahua and I would like to enter him in a dog show.?

I Have a young puppy chihuahuha and I would like to enter him in a dog show. Does it matter if his parents are not champs? Will they deduct points if no one in his family is a show dog? Thanks 4 your help!
Does he/she have full registration or limited? Did his breeder say he was show quality? Titles on a pedigree does not matter as far as your ability to enter him but he must have full registration and not limited.
A great place to begin in your adventure is a local training club. Many offer classes taught by people who are currently titling their dogs in obedience and/or confomation, are AKC judges, and many also offer comformation classes as well.
These classes are offered to teach the handler what they need to know to go into the conformation ring. They learn how to train and handle their dogs and what to do themselves.
Don't know where you are located but I will attach a link to such a club so you'll know what to expect.
You can also hire a private conformation trainer or a professional handler.
he does have to be AKC registered
You can try but do you know if he's show quality
Doesn't matter that his parents aren't champions.. The judge isn't going to see his pedigree or know much about the dog.. He is there to judge the dog, not his background.
First, is he AKC, UKC,or CKC( Canadian Kennel Club not Continental kennel club).
Parents not being champs won't count against you. However, you need to learn and know the breed standards and make sure he meets those standards. If you got him from a repretable breeder they would have told you he is show quality and assist you in learning how to show. I advise you go to and view the breed standards. If he does not meet conformation standards you can always show in obedience, agility, or rally.
Good luck
It dosen't matter if his parents weren't champs but it good to train it alot
You can go to for the standard of a Chihuahua and other information on showing. It doesn't matter if his parents aren't champions but it would be an asset...or if he has close champion dogs in his pedigree..this means that his pedigree/ancestors are meeting the standard set by AKC for his breed. A judge does not "see" anything about your dogs lineage ...they have entry numbers. They do not "deduct" points for sire and dam not being shown. He does have to be AKC registered to show and earn points. He can start showing in "pointed" shows when he is 6 mos old. You can go to "match" shows when he is younger to get him (and you) use to showing, what both of you need to do in the ring. You should go to handling classes to learn how to show correctly..its not as easy as it don't just put you dog on a leash and walk him around.

I have a yorkshier terrier which is 2 years old and i am planning to buy another puppy.?

i would like my puppy to be small even when they have already grown to their max. like my yorkshier terrier and i would like my puppy to have less fur and most importantly, it must be small. So is there any breed which could suit my requirements?
A Norwich Terrier. They are really small and kinda look like yorkies at first.
Well, obviously, every puppy is going to grow.
Look at Toy Fox Terriers, Parson Russel Terriers, Dachshunds, Beagles, Pugs, ETC. All of those breeds at least come in short-haired varieties, if not are altogether a short-haired breed.
why not another yorkie? or a chihuahua cross? ummmm...there is so many breeds its endless really, tibetan spaniels are little and cute
Poodles are nice and they have short hair.
There are lots of chihuahuas in rescue. They are short-haired and require little grooming.
The Chinese Crested is a small hairless breed but they can be hard to find (especially from a good, responsible breeder) and therefore expensive.

I have a yellow lab whom is 10 months old,does that mean he is about 6 yrs old in human years?

Actually the dog is closer to 12 to 14 years old, in human years.
It was commonly believed that the dog ages 7 years for every 1 human year but that has been updated to reflect the dog's developmental stages.
I think it goes for every human year its seven for a dog
Well, the ratio is supposedly 7 dog years for every 1 human year. So, yes that would make him about 6 years old in human years.
But it doesn't work exactly like that. Its only an estimate.
That one year in human years = 7 years in dog years doesn't actually pan out. A 10 month old lab is a teenager. Unfortunately, a lab is going to stay a teenager for at least another year (at least his brain will!). The bigger the dog, the faster they generally age. That's why an Irish Wolfhound could die of old age related stuff when he's only about 8 while a Maltese might live to be 18 or 19. But all dogs go through that teen phase - some for 6 months and some for 2 years - before becoming adults. During that age they forget the rules, test the rules, get goofy for no reason, get really hyper, be more influenced by their dog friends than their human parents and in general act just like a human teen. Good luck. Have patience. Be consistent and you'll end up with a great dog.
yes hes like 6
I don't think so!I heard that 1 year of dogs is 7 years of human.not i mounth or some thing else.

I have a yellow lab that has had the black come off her nose and it is now pink. Does anyone know why?

Stop feeding it in plastic bowls. Also sunburn can cause this.
Sun burn maybe??
you might want to call a vet and ask was she in the sun might be a sunburn. i know my sheltie nose peals sometimes and he is never outside for very long and he eats the best food. I would call a vet and ask. Hope your lab lives a long and happy life with you spoil her rotten lol .. get lots of photos of you and her playing cus long after she is gone you will be glad you did
is she maybe bleeding?to many bugs on her nose can cause this to happen to
this happens from using plastic bowls !! it happened to my dog as well !! try using stainless steel bowls.
um...i have this problem with my girl (white japanese spitz), her nose was very black and over time, it turned pink too. Could be the sun or juz genetics make up. I never use plastic bowl on cant be her bowl...
my yellow lab gets the same thing. i have never fed her from a plastic bowl so i dont know where the other advice has come from. my vet told me that its from fungus in the dust and dirt but that it is seasonal and isnt anything to worry about as long as diet is good and water changed daily. it will go away.
it may be a sunburn, or it could depend on how old it is, when they are puppies, there nose color can change as they get older, but try going to the vets!
do not feed from plastic dog bowls,, also,, where did you get your dog? if from a reputable breeder ,, with show lines.. nose should still be black.. loss of pigment is an undesirable trait . call your breeder for a chat... he/she will be glad to discuss this with you
in meantime,, feed HIGH quality dry kibble from a stainless steel or ceramic bowl... and you can also supplement with kelp formulated for dogs...
My yellow lab has the same problem and hers is as simple as, she scrapes her nose while she is playing.
This happens as labs get older. Their pigment changes and a nose that started off black can suddenly become pink. It happens to Goldens too.
Sometimes a dog's nose will turn pink in the winter but will return to black in the summer. This is called "Winter nose".
You could try adding seaweed powder to her food. This helps to retain the black pigment.

I have a year old Golden Retrever, she has begun chewing on things at night, is there anyway to change this?

She has just begun doing this, is there anyway to deter this behavior other than putting her in the Crate? It is hard to catch her because we are sleeping
you can buy a special spray that tastes disgusting and you can spray it on the things that she chews but it doesn't stain or leave marks or make things sticky. It's just like when you want to stop biting your nails you can buy nail varnish that tastes horrible, it does just the same thing as that.
i would just put her in the crate. that way you can sleep in peace, you know nothing's getting torn up and you don't have worry she might chew on something that can harm her. another option is make sure you exercise her right before bed with a long walk. if she's sleeping because she's tired she won't be chewing on things.
You answered your own question. You should crate her because you can't her while you are sleeping.
Crate her with one of her toys. This is going to be much safer your dog than roaming the house chewing on random things.
she is doing this for a couple of reasons,she is bored,give her some toys to play with,she is loseing her baby teeth and they hurt,much like a child,dogs break the gum line when they cut new teeth,give her something hard to chew and pick up all other things that she can reach,if you look at what she is chewing up,you can tell what is going on with her,do you let her sleep in the same room as you?try this if she is not chewing on hard stuff,as breaking it ,the only way you can is to catch her in tthe act.good luck
Jabinerro extract. (sp??) Spray some on the areas she is frequenting. It wont cause damage but she will NOT want to do it again. And get her a KONG, fill it with peanut butter and put it in the freezer and then give it to her. It sounds messy but it's not. If she doesnt like peanut butter then use spray cheese :)
I have a website all about Standard Poodles and there is a page all about Destructive Chewing. Check it out, it might help.

I have a year and a half old min. pin. he pees on everything. if i get him nuetered will he stop?

Probably not, although it could help slightly. As a fellow parent of a min pin very close to the same age (but mine's a female), I'm guessing that you may not have sufficiently convinced him that you're in charge.
As I'm sure you've noticed, they're quick little boogers and will try anything at least once to see if they can get away with it. The more they win, the more they get to thinking they can do whatever they want to. I'd start back at square one ASAP with house-training, putting him in a crate when you can't be watching him like a hawk, etc. And, yes, they can pee very fast when you're not watching, don't they? :)
I've sort of had a few rounds with my little girl every now and then over remembering that she's still supposed to use her litterbox in the bathroom if she wakes up and needs to pee in the middle of the night (quite a nice idea, actually). . . usually spending a few nights in her crate (where she's usually at least okay about holding it) to break her of the habit and cleaning up the spots really well will set her straight again.
It's possible, but the chances would've been higher, if you neutered him a year ago. Now, he's learn the behavior, and may still continue to do the peeing even after he's neutered.
Plain and simple: No.
Neutering your dog will not housebreak him. Only training your dog properly will do that.
Neuter by all means, if you have no intention of breeding him. But don't expect that to solve this issue. Only time, patience, and a LOT of attention will take care of it.
You need to either get rid of the dog or buy a book on dogs so you know what the hell you are doing! At this point you have your head up your butt!
Probably not since he's an older dog. But get him altered any ways. Its so much more healthy for the dog.
Now as for the peeing problem, you're probably going to have to consult a trainer on that one.
sorry, but nuetering your dog wont help. only a strong mind and patience with housetraining will help.
Hi you should neuter him anyway I;d suggest, because in male dogs not neutered testicular tumors are common, that's what my dog developed and by then he was too old for the operation. I think neutering will at the least make him healthier and calmer, my dog peed on everything that was 1 inch off the ground:)
Yes thats what I heard
It helps with some breeds and will take longer with others. Having him fixed could help but if there are areas in your home where he has peed, you will need to get rid of the scent so he wont continue to remark his territory.
The only thing that's going to get him to stop is proper training. Potty training is something he needs to learn.chopping off the goodies wont stop it.sorry.
This is a training issue. I do recommend having the dog neutered but, training is whats needed most.
if he is only marking then from what i have heard, yes nuetering will stop this. but if he is actually unloading then no. ask your vet!
small dogs are dogs that do that anyways they get trained will stay trained for a little bit and then wont care, I have a mini dauch and he went thru training class for everything possible and they he started being a nasty dog in the house peeing and crapping on everything mind you I spend tons of attention on him because I am almost always home and bring him outside with the horses and he never goes outside he just holds it and the minute hes thru that door he pees on the floor. I have left him outside before in the pens we have outside for 24hrs and he held everything and the minute he was out of my hands in the house eveywhere he went. I have tons of dog books and know how to train but hes stuborn and wont just listen. so you may be stuck with a dog like that for life..
no that wont stop nothing think he only urin when he drinks so put him on a schedule dont just leave the water lying around because hes gonna and then piss just like humans