Friday, May 21, 2010

I Kicked My Dog Accidently!?

I accidently kicked my little Chiuahua today, when he walked in front of me, right in the stomach! He didn't cry, so is he okay? Thanks
yeah he is trust me i should know i have a black chihuahua. hes black and tiny so i cant see him at night. hes always walking in front of me at night and im always accidenlty kicking or stepping on him hes cries to warn me but he ends up scaring me instead but hes always alright
He might be okay.. But you really should be more careful.. Shuffle your feet when you walk around your dog.. He's not a football you know..
as long as he isn't yipping, hiding, avoiding you or won't let you touch him he should be fine. Just give him a few treats and extra cuddle time to help with the guilt of accidently kicking the poor thing. I do the same thing with my cat, course he's always underfoot anyways so it's mostly his fault but I still feel guilty.
That's why I don't like tiny dogs...
.%26%26 UMMM NEXT TiME ->WATCH OUT%26lt;-
I hope you hugged and apologized to the pup.
He'll be fine. Just love him up and watch out for the little guy. I always move really slow around the house cause there are two dogs and four cats always under my feet or behind me!
i have a little chihuahua too, and if he didn't cry or anything than he's okay. Sometime when i'm not careful I shuffle her but not a hard kick, ouchies. He's probally fine, don't sweat it.
i did that to my dog before and it sucked cause it died two days after that and the vet. said it took too much pain in its stomach soo idk
he is okay as long as he didnt yelp or cry or something when you kicked him. you should be more careful around your dog next time since he IS chihuahua, and they have delicate bone structures. if he doesnt walk funny or limp or the like, he'll be fine.
if you are doubtful and REALLY concerned, ask your friendly vet.
probably he's ok but to be sure. give him a good check over the next few days if he gets upset when you touch his tummy there might be something wrong. just give him lots of kisses and tell him your sorry he will forgive you and he's more than likely just fine.
should be fine. be sure to check its stools for blood for the next day or two though
HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTLY KICK YOUR DOG? I am not buying this, you kicked him and now you feel bad, you should look at your size and he is just a tiny little baby. You should have explained this one it would have been amusing to listen to you squirm out of kicking a little dog,
I never heard of anyone doing anything hurtful on accident.
sure, he's one of God's creations. you could compensate with some t l c and quality time of some kind. after all, even with all your flaws, he loves you no matter what.
as long as his eyes didnt pop out then yes, try a little bell on him so you know where he is 鈽?
I do not think it is something serious. But you should check him if there is any bruise on his stomach. Because the stomach region is consisted of soft tissue. If there is, any ointment you use for bruises for yourself works. But you should guarantee that he will not lick the ointment.
Be careful next time.
aw my family used to step on my dogs toes too when i just got her, she learned not to walk in front of my feet and got alittle bigger
don worry hes fine, my chihuahua always gets in the way and gets stepped on, and kicked and stuff. (by accident)
there just small and you cant really see em so yea dont worry.
Im sure he will be fine. Unless you punted him for a field goal. Although chihuahua's are small trust me they are tougher than you think. My mastiff plays with this little chihuahua all the time and she does quite a number to that little thing and man is he tough. You should be more careful though but we all know how chihuahuas tend to always be right where you are trying to walk.If the dog was really hurt he would let you know. dogs naturally beat on each other a bit to show who is in charge so a little kick wouldnt be anything more than a playful paw slap from a large breed. I know it sounds harsh and i am sure lots of people will vote against me but i am telling you from personal expierence and i am in veterinary school, dogs have a much higher threshhold for pain than humans. He will be fine. As long as he isnt whimpering and moving any different than normal he already forgot about it.
Wow, I can't believe all the nasty answers here. Things happen people. Don't feel bad, they are a very small breed that are known to be around the feet/ankles. Just keep an eye on if he is eating or acting strange. Chiuahua's are very strong breeds, hell I'm more scared of them than rotties lol...
Give him lots of luv, he's probably more confused as to what he did to earn that than anything else. Any sign, besides perhaps not around you feet anymore, like a swollen tummy, not eating after a couple of days, then yes, take him in to the vet, just for your piece of mind.
just watch over him for the next few days for any abnormal behavior!! Other than that don't stress too much, I trip over my puppy all the time she's constantly at my feet
I hope he's ok -- small dogs such as the breed you own have VERY delicate bones %26 body - you MUST be more careful ifyou want to keep your petsafe - I''d feel %26 press around on his body %26 legs for the next few days continue checking him out i he yelps or does anything wierd walks funny etc anyjthing take him to the vet
Don't stress too much, they are a little dog and get in around your feet so it's hard to avoid giving them a knock every now and then. Just keep and eye on him and get him to the vet if he starts to look out of sorts.
i have one to but i think hes ok just be morecareful u mite hurt him neaxt time
i would just try rubbing the spot a litle if he whimpers and whines he is sore. If not i'm sure hes okay :)
He should be ok, just keep an eye on him for any unusual signs. It was an accident and I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt him. Just be a little more careful. What might help, is to attach a little bell to his collar, they sell them in pet stores, and that way you can keep better track of where he is. Give him lots of love, attention and cuddles!
He should be okay, just think before you do something and watch out for him!
he should be fine
just watch him for the next couple of days..if hes acting normal and doesnt run away when u come near him he should be fine.
good luck with ur puppy!!
If he isn't walking around with his back all humped up and whimpering, he's probably ok. It was an accident, don't be hard on yourself...shuffling your feet like one of the other posters suggested is a good idea.
My uncle stepped on his cat and it broke his pelvis...poor little guy never did walk right again after that...

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