Friday, May 21, 2010

I just gave my dog a dip, how long do i have to wait to bathe her?

I just gave my dog a lime sulfur dip, for some dermatological (sp?) reasons. The bottle said DO NOT RINSE. So she isn't smelling that great right now, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this before, and how long do I have to wait to give her a bath, 24 hrs.?
The dip needs to stay on. Do not rinse it off.
As a Pet Groomer I have dealt with different skin conditions %26 this one needs to stay on. Your Vet. probably ordered a dip every week or two for a couple months to clear up the condition. Right?
If you rinse it off it will stop it's healing process.
I know the odor is very unpleasant but you will have to put up with it as long as your dog needs this treatment.
You might ask your Vet. if there is another treatment that you could do %26 explain why %26 see what he/she says. Ther are other products on the market to take care of it.
In the old days they would smear becon grease all over the dog %26 let it go.
I could accept the smell faster than I could getting becon grease all over everything.
You are going after a tiny tiny tiny creature that lives under the skin, either a Deodex or a Sarcoptic mite.
All dogs have these mites but only the dogs with a low immune system are affected by it. Sometimes it takes quite a while before you can get a handle on it. It is not contagious, so worries there. Feed a healthy diet %26 follow the instructions from your Vet.
Since it is for a medical condition, I'd check with the vet for advice. You don't want it to stop working too soon, even if it does stink.
If the bottle gave no directions than I'd say 24 hours. That's enough time to kill all the little beasties.
After that use something like Frontline to keep the fleas and ticks under control.

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