Friday, May 21, 2010

I just got a female yorkie she is 6 months old and she pees on my carpet,she also knows its bad because she?

lays down and hides her face, i don't want to spank her so any help would help---also i would like to breed her one day ---how old do they have to be
Either she was never fully housebroken in which case you can do that with wee wee pads. Put in in the spot where she normally goes and every day move it closer to the door till you put it outside and she gets the hint. Also I think breeding her is not a good idea. There are too many homeless animals out there already to be bringing more into the world and also she is now at the age where she can be spayed and that is actually healthier for her as it will prevent some cancers. Yorkies are also small dogs and sometimes pregnancy can be difficult and birth can be very stressful on such a little dog
please DON'T hit her... put some news paper by the back door.. and if she goes to wee on the carpet put her on the paper... then take her outside.. gradually take the paper away... she will then go to the door and let you know she needs a wee,... they are very intelligent dogs... also if possible have a dog flap.. good luck.
Well before you breed, have her OFA/PennHIP cleared. This will include hip x-rays at a vet that does OFA x-rays, and they will need to be sent for a reading.
You cannot do the hips before 24 months of age.
Also, have her eyes checked and get a CERF score.
Do you plan to Ch. her in the US, Can, or..?? Is she AKC, UKC, or CKC?
She might finish her Ch. by age 2. Depends on how soon you plan to get her into the ring.
Be sure you find a Ch. stud, too. He needs OFA/PennHIP and CERF certifications, too. You wouldn't want to sell a puppy with hip dysplasia and them be responsible for thousands in vet bills, right? Gotta have those hips x-rayed and read by the OFA.
As far as the housetraining, don't "spank" her, scold her, none of that. It doesn't work. What you need to do is, when you see her going, run outside with her. Praise her when she goes outside.
We got our dog when he was 6 months old. I kept a very close eye on him and whenever I saw him sniffing around out he'd go. Sometimes he'd pee, sometimes not, but I took no chances. Before too long, maybe a week to 10 days, he caught on and ever since goes to the door and we've never had an accident since.
I work from home so I was fortunate that this was something I could do consistently and things have worked out just fine.
Can't help you on the breeding issue as my dog is male.
Best of luck.
has she been taken to the vet for urinary tract infection check??
you shouldnt breed a dog with a bad bladder - this can be a genetic weakness...
plus before you breed you should take her to dog shows to prove she is a top example of the breed - quality worthy of passing on her genetics and take her to a vet to check for breeding soundness...
is she a pet or a money making machine?? is it worth the stress on her simply so you can have pups to sell??plus spayed dogs live longer (no risk of some cancers once they are spayed)
She doesn't know it's bad. Her reaction is based on your mood/ reaction to the pee on the carpet, except dogs can't associate your anger/ annoyance with past bad behaviour. In order to correct your dog, you need to catch her in the act. Anything later than 3 seconds after the unwanted behaviour is too late to correct.
She is hiding her face because she doesn't understand what's going on. Invest in a bottle of Nature's Miracle (or another quality odour remover) to eliminate odours, show her where you DO want her to go, and she'll stop going on the carpet.
You shouldn't breed your dog if you don't know these basics. No offence meant, but leave breeding to the professionals.
She's obviously not fully housebroken. Puppies have very small bladders, thus have to go to the bathroom more frequently then adults. Take her out many times throughout the day, and make sure you praise her if she goes. She'll catch on eventually. Don't punish her for accidents.
Kim at:
If you are reacting strongly to her peeing in the house, she may just think that you don't want her to pee AT ALL, she obviously doesn't know that you only want her do to this outdoors. Stop reacting to the peeing in the house, and start giving over the top attention/affection when she does go outside. If you catch her in the act, say no and take her out right away.
Clean up all the pee spots with an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate all odors, go back to crate training if you are no longer using it, and start from scratch with housetraining. It's not uncommon for a 6-month old dog to regress on housetraining, especially if she is in a new home.
If you are VERY consistent with training, and don't give her the run of the house when you are not able to monitor her, you should have her housetrained before the month is out.

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