Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I have a friend who has a bull dog. He says you are not supposed to bathe it. is that true?

The dog is about 6 years old and has never had a bath.
Of course Bulldogs need to be bathed! I think your friend is a little misinformed - if he doesn't believe you at least tell him that his poor dirty old bulldog needs to have the folds on his face cleaned 3-4 times per week. If he isn't cleaning them, the skin can get very irritated and even infected with bacteria or mold.
some dogs have sensitive skin and shouldnt be bathed. once in a blue moon wouldnt hurt but you wouldnt wanna give him a bath every weekend.
Uhh, no. Boy I bet that dog stinks. Where did he hear that? Even dogs with sensitive skin and allergies and all that can be bathed, actually bathing them with a medicated or gentle dog shampoo can HELP because it gets allergens and contaminants off their fur. Unless his vet told him he can't bathe the dog and has a really good reason, I think I'd try to change his mind! The poor dog!
Maybe he was told this when the dog was a tiny puppy? Some people say you aren't supposed to bathe a puppy until they're several months old, but shooie, that doesn't go for the whole life of the dog! They need to have a bath any time they get stinky, dirty, or overly "greasy" to help maintain healthy skin and coat!

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