I have a yorkie who will not lisen. She hates dogs and will not bite them but growl and snarl, she pulls on the leash and is a pain I love her so much tho. I'm 13 and my mom will not pay for the training, she said save your money but she has all my money. RAWR! Also she is 4yos and pees in the house! Any tips
Walk your pup close to you. When she sees another dog ,make her focus on you and distract her attention from the dog. Make her sit until she is calm. You may ask a friend w/ a dog help you practice this. Do not get excited or try to sooth her as both these actions will encourage her. As for the peeing she may have to go out more often or she may have a health issue. Make sure she is on a regular routine of feeding, and potty breaks.
you are screwed. it's hard to try and teach an older dog to change. If you have a cage for your dog, you can put her in there when you are not in the house. Usually dogs won't go potty where they have to sleep all day. When you get home take her outside. Everytime you feed her, wait about 10 minutes and then take her outside until she goes potty. Now about her barking at other dogs, that it just natural. Some dogs are just more agressive then others. You might just have to live with the growling. Sorry
well look i have a dog to and he pees everywhere what u should do is when ur dog pees make it smell it and smack it on the nose thats what i did and now my dog pees outside and im 15 yrs old i get u!!
first you need to show her that you the boss to do this stand over her like put her between your legs that show her that you the one in charge not her. do this to when she around other dogs. she will learn.
my grandmas dog was like that because he was bullied by other dogs before my grandma took him in. introduce her to other dogs, slowly and on a leash. once she realizes the other dog is nice she will be fine. also try picking her up around other dogs and avoiding heavily crowded dog places
You are not being consistant with her, and of cause how can you expect a yorkie to attack a bigger dog (crazyness). They normally growl and snarl, but dont ever expect her to win a fight against a bigger dog.
You need to spend more time with your yorkie, it sounds like shes not getting the attention and training required. If your yorkie is 4yrs old, she should be used to not peeing in the house and know where to go. You have allowed her thus far to do what she wants and get away with it. Yorkies are attention seekers and normally do nasty things to get our attention. You should take her for more walks, but I know most yorkies pull on the leash, they just get so excited and want to run as fast as their little legs can pull them. Just keep the leash tight by your side and speak to her when walking, but you have to do this often for her to learn not to tug on the leash. She also has not been socialized with other dogs for her to hate other dogs.
Save up some money and take her to training classes, but in the meanwhile teach her to walk right and stop peeing in the home.
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